
PS4's 'GPU Is A Beast'

Nowgamer: "Warframe creative director Steve Sinclair has confirmed that the free to play multiplayer title will allow cross-platform play between PS4 and PC players."

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pedrof934005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )

I believe so.

I this game similar to the multiplayer of Mass Effect 3 ?

TimmyShire4005d ago

Ha, that made me laugh more than it should!

Autodidactdystopia4005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )

Its a certain kind of beast.

like a cheeta or tiger.

there are other beasts bound to be mentioned in the comments that are more like rhinos brute force sleek but not as "optimized" :D

I like the ps4 its got such a damn sleek design.

insert shameless plug here of A visualizer im making that was inspired directly by the ps4s multifaceted shape and the ps line of bios's and visualizers included in their previous line

mewhy324005d ago

No doubt that we are about to see amazing things on the PS4. The system itself is a beastly piece of machinery. A computing powerhouse.

Saigon4005d ago

This is good information to hear, yesterday we heard the CPU was amazing and now the GPU...

Walkingliving4005d ago

People may have missed the joke :S

Hydrolex4005d ago Show
kraideral4005d ago

Major Neslon, WTF are you doing on a PS4 conversation? :P

tokugawa4005d ago

i dont doubt that the ps4 is going to be a great console.. mine is already on pre-order.

but dont you lot see the hypocrisy? a ps4 exclusive dev says something good, and you lot have collective orgasms. yet any dev saying anything about the xbo.. an exclusive dev and the response is "well what else are they going to say"

or a thid party and its "they were paid to say it"

disagree all you want.. it dont change the facts

blackbeld4005d ago

(Sinclair was also keen to stress that the PS4 version will be no means be an inferior version of its PC counterpart. "The GPU is a beast," said Sinclair, "and the game looks stellar running on the PS4!"

"The unified memory is part of what makes this console so great to develop on," Sinclair continues. "You can use threads to generate textures and graphics assets. You can use the GPU to process Physics and effects data.")

Yep PS4 is really powerful.


+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4005d ago
Lior4005d ago ShowReplies(21)
meetajhu4005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )

It's a beast compared to Xbox 360 and ps3. But not even close compared to Laptop that was released 1 year ago.

Kennytaur4005d ago

I bought a laptop last year for over $1000, and guess what, it doesn't come close to the PS4. And the ones for PS4 money only come with intel graphics.

twdll4005d ago

Yea but what was the price of the laptop, compared to the new next gen condoles?

NeoTribe4005d ago Show
sourav934005d ago

I'm assuming you mean gaming laptops, or else you're just being stupid. Plus gaming laptops from a year ago had a 7970m or a 680m. Some really high end ones had sli or crossfire x. The ps4 is a more powerful system that the ones with the single 7970m or the 680m. Yes, the 7970m has higher TFLOPs than the PS4 gpu, but the ps4 gpu is part of an APU, so a higher performance output can be achieved.

Death4005d ago

You guys are putting way too much hype into the GPU. The GPU is half of the CPU/GPU combo chip. The CPU in the XboxOne and PS4 are budget processors designed for tablets/mobile devices. A gaming laptop from last year not only has a high end GPU, but a quad or six core i7 CPU that is much, much more powerful. Bad comparison if you want the console to "win". Yes, you pay more for the laptop, but it can do much more than play games.

Kurylo3d4005d ago Show
starchild4005d ago

I'm tired of this whole "can you buy a PC for $400 that beats the PS4?"

Who cares? If price were all that mattered we would all be buying the Wii U and gaming on that.

It's a stupid argument. You generally pay more to get more. A good gaming PC will cost you more up front, but it gives you WAY more, both in terms of the quality of graphics and performance in games as well as the myriad non-gaming capabilities a PC offers.

Then you also have to consider that games are cheaper on PC and you don't have to pay to play online.

Metfanant4005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )

where did you get that laptop with an 8-core jaguar CPU, a custom AMD GPU and 8gb of unified GDDR5??....id like to get one...



you're missing the point in the "price" argument...the reason price is brought up is because any time there is an article about the power of the PS4 (or Xbone for that matter)...PC nuts come running into the comments section with their hair on fire talking about how some GPU from last you lays absolute waste to the PS4 but costs $600 all on its own while the PS4 is a complete system that will sell for $400...

you CANNOT at this time build a complete box that matches the specs of the PS4 for $400...you simply cannot...

im not saying that is a BAD thing...im not saying that as a slight against the PC gaming crowd...its just true...

however for a few hundred more you will probably be able to easily beat the PS4...and with $1000 you would be able to build a PC that is certainly MUCH more powerful than a PS4...

H0RSE4005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )


I think you missed the part when starchild said, "you generally pay more to get more..." Despite the PS4 offering a lot for a little, it still cannot compare with what a PC can offer, and it isn't about what a PC at the same price point can offer - that argument is just console fans trying to move the goal posts.

using cars an an example, the PS4 (or any console) is like a sporty, fuel efficient car, with lots of features, a good top speed, and all for a descent pricetag. A gaming PC is like a Ferrari - Comparing pricetags is pointless. PC's cost more, sometimes a lot more, but you get more, not just in performance, but in features and versatility.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4005d ago
LackTrue4K4005d ago

Notice how there's a lot of pc users in this article....haha


Kurylo3d4005d ago

Of course, people comment when they want to set the record straight. Nothing wrong with wanting a ps4, ill get one myself. But its the way people want to proclaim the ps4 some superior machine to computers is just absurd. Wether you like it or not, your working with old hardware in the ps4. Very old hardware. PC users have had that stuff in their machines already for years. My laptop from6-7 years ago dominated the ps3 at the time playing the original crysis.. only $700 laptop. My desktop of 2 years ago blows away the ps4 lol.. I mean dominates it.

starchild4005d ago

Notice how there are a ton of Playstation fanboys in every XB1 article? Yeah... don't be a hypocrite.

I'm sick of console fanboys talking about PC gamers being elitist when those same console fanboys turn around and act like douche bag elitists themselves.

So let's get this straight, if a PC gamer argues the merits of the PC gaming platform, he is being an elitist.

But if a Playstation fanboy is hyping up the PS4 and talking about how much better it is than everything else and what a piece of crap the Wii U and XB1 are, he isn't an elitist? Uh...wut?

Give me a break. You console fanboys are the biggest hypocrites. You can't see how biased you are and how everything you attack PC fanboys for you are guilty of yourselves.

extermin8or4005d ago

@Kurylo3d No one here but PC fanboys trying to act all superior mentioned PC. No one said the PS4's GPU was better than anything you can get on PC. That didn't and doesn't usually happen it's all in your imagination. Also at Starchild if they were saying that Wii U cannot match it's performance they'd be right it can't. It's running several years old tech that was out of date for a new gaming console probiably by 2010 at least. If they point out that the Xbox one has a slightly less powerful GPU they'd be right-although why they'd bother as it's unlikely to have much/any effect on most games. Also there's a difference between this and say an xbox exec who doesn't actually make games etc he just does sales and PR etc telling people as an example that 3 xbox ones will be available in the cloud and it'll improve graphics etc which is total crap then yeah I can see why people would call them out or when they directly attack another console in the argumnt by mentioning it by name or heavily implying stuff I can't say I blame people for wanting to set that straight.

starchild4005d ago


Seriously? You don't see the hypocrisy and double standard in that?

So Playstation fanboys feel the need to rub specs in the faces of Wii U and XB1 fans and that's not elitist? That's ok in your mind, but it's not ok for gaming PC owners to rub specs in the face of Playstation owners?

You think it is important for Playstation gamers to set the record straight when it comes to the reported power of the cloud afforded to the XB1? (Something most of them don't have the knowledge to do anyway). But it is somehow bad for PC gamers to want to step in and set the record straight when console gamers are saying things about the PC that simply aren't true?

Get real. Can you be any more irrational or hypocritical?

Metfanant4005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )

@ Kurylo3d

Its not about setting the record straight...nobody is claiming that the PS4 is more powerful than gaming rigs...its only PC fanboys that feel the need to come here yapping about hardware...

you also claim that the PS4 is using "old" hardware...which is funny considering that NONE of the hardware on the PS4 is available for purchase on the market...

jaguar cores are new to the scene and you're certainly not going to find an 8core jaguar CPU listed on Newegg right now, the GPU is not an off the shelf model...

its not cutting edge, but its certainly not OLD by any means...and that goes for the Xbone as well...

btw...as for the PS3 vs your laptop...youre lying...everyone knows that both of the current gen consoles were more advanced than almost allPC hardware at the time...especially a $700 laptop in 2006...


the competition between Xbone and PS4 specs makes sense as it is an apples to apples comparison....PC's are a completely different animal

starchild4005d ago


That seems like an arbitrary and artificial limit on the discussion.

The fact is, the PC is a device that can play games and the PS4 is a device that can play games. There is plenty of reason to weigh and consider the advantages and disadvantages of each platform.

Rubbing PS4 specs in the faces of Xbox gamers makes no more sense than PC fans rubbing specs in the face of console fans. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, as they say.

Honestly, your attempt at pushing the PC from the discussion seems like an excuse to pretend it doesn't exist so that you can continue bashing the XB1 without the larger context that these consoles exist in.

glennco4005d ago

don't try to reason with a fanboy

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4005d ago
TwistedMetal4005d ago

its a beast from the east that's why everyone is getting a ps4 and not getting an xbox one. ps4 is way more powerful and cheaper


everybody must mean n4g cause im getting a x1. you people seem to think that n4g= the world when it doesnt.

slimpickens4005d ago

I'm also getting an X1 for myself and one for the kids. Games look great and we're all excited. If I wanted a beast I would just buy a pc gaming rig.

4005d ago Replies(1)
nosferatuzodd4005d ago

Oh my god I hope for this goooood gooood
Shockwave news this is

ATi_Elite4005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )

FINALLY! Good to see a Dev GO BIG and allow cross platform play!

I wonder will Sony allow KB/m support now!

Now I believe the GPU is a HD7850! I got two HD7970's and two 660ti's so the HD7850 is like Mid Range to me but it is a very good GPU. AMD did a GREAT job on the HD7000 series.

BenRage34005d ago

Why do you have four? I imagine you are crossfiring them, but do you have two gaming rigs, or did you upgrade from the 660 to the 7970? You want to sell me one of those 660's?

Tundra4005d ago

Meanwhile at $1500 in costs...

AKS4005d ago

In a vacuum, it's close to a 7850. However, they are not used in a vacuum, they are used in different PC and console environments. A GPU will get considerably stronger hardware utilization in a more specialized architecture in a console. You're not going to see some pretty amazing looking games from what might seem like a modest GPU were it in a PC, such as the latest edition Killzone and inFamous, as a result. Without the burden of Windows and numerous general purpose functionality, there is quite a bit more efficiency regarding what you can do with it.

BTW, I have 2 EVGA GTX 670 4GB cards.

cozomel4005d ago

I wish they would speed up their gpu to 850mhz to though. And also up the cpu to 2ghz, and if the other 2 CU's are physically there but disabled, then I want them enabled. Cuz all that extra power will come in handy in the later years.

cozomel4003d ago

Lol, what somebody doesn't want a better more powerful PS4!?

Bobby Kotex4005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )

People be honest, are you honestly excited for Warframe?

Heartnet4005d ago

isnt this game on steam??

im more excited for planetside 2... ;)

fermcr4005d ago

"PS4's 'GPU Is A Beast'"

Actually no. It's equivalent to a mid range PC GPU.

fsfsxii4005d ago

So any mid-range PC is heavily modified??

AKS4005d ago

Except it's not going into a PC, it's going into a console that is a more closed, restricted environment without Windows bloat and other things that compromise hardware utilization.

fermcr4005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )


You call Windows bloated, a OS that can run on a PC with 512mg of ram.

What do you call the PS4 OS that needs 3,5gb of ram ? ... Super bloated... mega bloated... giga bloated ?

cozomel4005d ago

Fermcr is right, its a mid-range gpu by todays standards, but stop being a dick about it. At the same time AKS is right to, although i do see your point about the Sony (and X1 OS for that matter to being bloated). But 512mb? are you talking about XP? cuz Windows7|8 needs 1 gig

Angeljuice4005d ago

PS4 is more than twice as powerful as a pc with the same specs (several developers including John Carmack have said so).

I suppose thats what you get from playing games on a machine that evolved from a word processor, a compromised experience.

A pc is like a granny racing in a Ferrari, it has a lot of potential that is never going to be reached fully.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4005d ago
+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4003d ago
ThatCanadianGuy5144005d ago

So PC players and PS4 players together then, eh?
So it begins.

GrownUpGamer4005d ago

@ DayZ
"PC players and PS4 players together then" <--- ???

Sorry but DO NOT associate us with mentally ill fanboys(PS Fanboys).

We are Gamers(PC Gamers) they the majority here(PS fanboys) are fanboys.

LordNikon4005d ago

That sounds exactly like something a PC fanboy would say. Lol j/k.

Master-H4005d ago

GROWN UP gamer huh.. the irony lol

mt4005d ago

you are talking about anit-fanboys yet the way you are expressing yourself and "PC gamers" is disgusting, and fanboish.

boing14005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )

Go sign the petition for GTAV on PC. Your vote is needed.

Ezz20134005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )

*look at your name ...then read your comment*
(shake head on the irony)

also how things going with the petition for those two Game of the gen contenders to come to pc ?!

tarbis4005d ago Show
DragonKnight4005d ago

@GrownUpGamer: How is DayZ "associating" PC gamers with PS4 gamers when the article is literally about PC gamers and PS4 gamers being able to play the same game together? Do you even know what cross-play is?

On Topic: What I find interesting is that Warframe is allowing for cross-play but Planetside 2 isn't. The reason behind Planetside 2 is that it's because of the fact that patches require certification from Sony and keeping the PS4 version up with the PC version, patch wise, is impossible because of that.

This is made even more interesting by the fact that Planetside 2 is developed and published BY Sony Online Entertainment, essentially making it first party, and Warframe is developed by Digital Extremes but published by SCE.

So a first party MMOFPS won't be cross-play because of certification problems but a third party, free-to-play, third person co-op shooter IS going to be cross-play? Wtf? How did the Warframe devs get around their own patch issues?

thisismyaccount4005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )

Do you have any connections to certain facilities, i got a great proposition for you :

- T-Shirts with the leitmotiv or "motto" printed on :

-FRONT| I´m a proud P.C! In small letters Member

-BACK| P.C stands for Pedo Club (Member) or Piracte Club (Member), you choose! I bet, that this new t-shirt will be a huge succeess...

AlexanderNevermind4005d ago

Very immature and unnecessary comment GrownUpGamer.

Personally as both a PC and PS player I look forward to the cross platform play coming with Warframe and FFXIV. Hell the more, the merrier. The PC community is small and cross-platforming will keep the servers full. Where's the problem with that.

Nicolee4005d ago

shut up. you make PC gamers sound like a retard .

GraveLord4005d ago

Your name is very ironic.

Hicken4005d ago

When are you ever gonna prove yourself to actually BE grown up?

TrollCraftTales4005d ago

Wow. Butthurt much? You say PS fans are mentally ill, and yet you are on a PS article... Are you lost, or did you just run out of games to play... And you are a fanboy. If you were a gamer you would relize that people will buy what they want and you would go hating on articles you have no buisness being on, and constanly arguing that your pc is better than every console... If you were a gamer you would enjoy playing your games instead of being a douce to console gamers...

I don't want to be associated with a PC gamer anyway. All you care about are slightly clearer graphics and a few extra frames per second... I on the other hand play on every system, PC included... And I do not care how "gritty" or "murky" it may look, I care about the games and gameplay, I hope sometime you grow up and realize that is what really matters...

sonic9894005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )

well i am 100 % sure i am way smarter than you but who cares about that
i grew up on consoles starting with the sega master
and i am successful now XD

Cryptcuzz4005d ago

Get a life man, its only a hobby, a hobby that everyone should enjoy.

I am sure everyone has their preference in what platform they prefer to have their gaming fix on, but to go so far as to bash on the other platforms, just because they prefer to game on a console is just lame.

Justify it all you want, no console gamer is going to all of a sudden think the way you do (thank goodness) and be a PC gamer only.

Console threads. Console discussions.
PC comments. See your way out.

neoMAXMLC4005d ago

I cannot comprehend the irony!!

Joe9134005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )

That is the dumbest comment I ever read.

Angeljuice4005d ago


Grow up, you're as much of a fanboy as anybody.

BOLO4005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )


BOOM! Headshot! (I'm a PC gamer and I ain't gonna lie, I felt that one)

Persistantthug4005d ago


Those petitions are kind of funny.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 4005d ago
Salooh4005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )

Since when cross-platform play is a negative. Why can't we get along ? . Just play the game and have fun with each other instead of fighting -.-

Man , i wish if we get Gunz :D

DJ4005d ago

Yeah for a few years, then the PC players tend to get snobbier each year after.

Kietz4005d ago ShowReplies(3)
madworld4005d ago


Kingthrash3604005d ago

pc/ps4 same game...oh yeah.
I hope the ps4 allows you to mouse and keyboard because pc gamers would have the advantage..especially if they do this with fps....or am I wrong?

Fishy Fingers4005d ago

Wrong. 3rd person shooter, even on PC I preferred to play with a pad.

g-nome4005d ago

We don't need no stinking keyboard and mouse , that is for Word and Windows.

Nicolee4005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )

its co-op helping each other and each of players get theirown loot drop (The exception is credits, whoever picks them up makes no difference, everyone gets them )

Kingthrash3604005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )

ok thanks @ everyone^^^^
co op is cool and I knew its a 3person game but didnt know if it was co op.
the reason I said fps is in hopes of future games doing this pc/ps4 cross platform play. im a pad user myself but I hear a mouse and keyboard are more accurate some how. especially with fps.

nunley334005d ago

its better for some types like RTS games,control pad is better for others.it can be more accurate and enjoyable depending on the genre like point and click games also.

_FantasmA_4005d ago

Not everyone on PC is an elite gamer. Noobs play on PC also. Just because someone is using mouse and keyboard doesn't mean a damn thing, because skills and quick reactions and good aiming are still needed. You make it seem like just having a mouse and keyboard are all thats needed to be good. Why not let people play how they want? DualShock 3 also works on PC people.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4005d ago
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