
Zatanna Strongly Hinted as Next Injustice DLC Character

Ed Boon tweeted out that the next Injustice DLC character would be announced tomorrow. Following that, he tweeted a clue about the character that strongly pointed to Zatanna. Just now, though, he tweeted another clue.

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pr0t0typeknuckles4064d ago

if you do research based off of his last hint you really can see zatanna being the next dlc character.

4063d ago
CustardTrout4064d ago

I felt so smart when I worked it out; curses!
It would be great it it was GI Joe.
If he didn't do clue 6 I'd think it was Abra Kadabra

GusHasGas4064d ago

Even though its obviously Zatanna, I'd still rather it be either Starfire, Dr. Fate, Red Tornado, Beast Boy, or Captain Atom.

Dno4063d ago

I am with you with Captian atom starfire and Dr. Fate but Zatanna is awesome also I hope they all all 4

No_Limit4063d ago (Edited 4063d ago )

I think there should be 2 more DLCs left after this one judging from the players selection screen. If Zatanna is indeed the next character, I expect them to relocate Scorpion over to the Villain side to balance out the roster. The last two characters remaining should be a hero and a villain. I want Starfire and Plastic man.

nick3094063d ago

They just confirmed with gameplay, i wonder whats next .

pr0t0typeknuckles4063d ago

just saw the new trailer,yep its zatanna

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NetherRealm's Ed Boon teases "years" of MK1 DLC, so no sequel just yet

Ed Boon recently discussed the future of Mortal Kombat 1 at San Diego Comic Con, hinting at lots of new content, but no plans for a sequel.

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CrimsonWing6952d ago

I guess if you’re charging $60 every DLC release… no real reason to make another? 🤷‍♂️

blackblades52d ago (Edited 52d ago )

I just want another injustice and more creative models and design. I know ed boon dont like how MK went after the WB boss came around


Ed Boon Talks The Future Of Mortal Kombat At SDCC

Mr. Mortal Kombat himself talks about the future of the series at SDCC.

CrimsonWing6953d ago

$60 DLC is pretty off putting, Edward. Not the future I want for the series.

Redgrave53d ago

While steep, he may have his hands tied thanks to his overlords at WB. As we know, they aren't exactly known for their gamer friendly decisions.

Garethvk53d ago

They have not made many consumer friendly decisions of late; that is for sure.

Garethvk53d ago

May as well just get a new game.

PrecursorOrb53d ago

Still wanting a single player adventure game in this universe


Ed Boon responds to the NRS animation discourse online

Within the dynamic realm of interactive gaming, NetherRealm Studios (NRS) stands as a source of both excitement and contention, with discussions spanning visual aesthetics and kinetic animations. Since the debuts of Injustice 2 and Mortal Kombat 11, the studio’s visual evolution has been nothing short of remarkable. An evolution that becomes most apparent in the refined portrayal of character facial models, enhancing both their visual appeal and their ability to authentically render the intricacies of Black skin across various lighting conditions. However, in the midst of this progress, one aspect remains a challenge—the attack animations—an ongoing Achilles’ heel within the domain of NRS games.

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abstractel388d ago (Edited 388d ago )

My personal opinion would be that they focused less on juggles and more on grounded combos so sticking out a poke and it continues to juggle an airborne enemy should go away. It just looks silly. I love MK and Tekken, but this aspect has always been silly to me. It still has some great looking combos, but the air juggles just makes the animations reset, making those specific combos look stiff.

SF has some of these air juggles, but not nearly as much. I'd much prefer their combos combos which are generally more grounded. I don't think the animations are bad in MK in any way, it's the way they are implemented in gameplay in the juggle state.

MK1 is still a day one for me, but fixing this issue would make a lot of people complain less about MK1's animations.