
5 Most Annoying Xbox & Xbox 360 Characters

XBF once again worked with it's own community and the community of GameFaqs to compile a list of the top 5 most annoying characters to grace the Xbox and Xbox 360. While it's got to be hard to limit it to just 5, their list seems pretty spot on.

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Max Power5952d ago

you know that character with all the crazy crap tattooed on his arms, whats his face....Peter Moore! annoying as all hell, its a shame xbox couldn't secure that character anymore, goin' multi.

Yi-Long5952d ago

...You'd think the guard from Fable would be on such a list. I just wanted to punch and kick children till they bled, but everytime after 1 punch some guard comes in and stops and lectures me, without me being able to stab him to death... :(

Also, the goody-goody guy from Star Wars, KOTOR... who was always distrusting, and there was always something on his mind but he didnt feel like talking, blahblah. Just for that guy, I wanted to switch to the Dark Side, and lob his head off...

GRRiMREEAPeR5952d ago

Carth from KOTOR was horrible!!! i hated him!!!!!!!

Fade_Walker5952d ago

Lol great minds think alike, when I saw this first thing though my mind was Carth.

And that guy from Enchanted Arms.

Bathyj5952d ago

1. POG
2. Mart
3. Inyourmom
4. Turdstationpee
5. or any jerk with a generic hateful username like that.

vgn245952d ago

Funniest thing I've read today. Bubbles for you

RAM MAGNUMS5952d ago

Major Mike & Trixie! Get off the screen & stay out of Live attention Hoars!

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Capcom announces next event to showcase Dead Rising and Resident Evil

Capcom has just announced its own event where it will showcase some of the upcoming titles it is working on.

Fishy Fingers29d ago

"RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard for iPhone/iPad/Mac."

Feels like a deliberate omission from the title.

Babadook728d ago

How wish it was...

"RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard for iPhone/iPad/Mac/PSVR2."

Sonic188129d ago

"Note: this event will not include news or updates for other titles."

Armyofdarkness29d ago

Code Veronica! Or 9. Wish they did 1 again first tho

-Foxtrot29d ago

No games being announced unfortunately

Friendlygamer29d ago

I'm hoping they bring the classic versions of 2 and 3 to console

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I Used To Hate This Xbox 360 Exclusive JRPG, But Boy Was I Wrong

I had it all wrong...Blue Dragon is awesome!

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M0chit0324d ago

One of the best of that era. Great game, great adventure!

Kurisu324d ago

I bought this game a couple of days ago, along with Lost Odyssey, while they're on sale in the Xbox Store. I never had a 360 back in the day so I missed out on these games, so I'm glad that I'll finally be able to try them out soon on my Series S.

raWfodog324d ago

Yep, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, and Gears of War were my favorite 360 games back when they first released.

Seraphim323d ago

no doubt. To this day it baffles me when this game gets hate. Sure it wasn't as epic as Lost Odyssey, but in it's own right it was a great game.

MrNinosan324d ago

Lost Odyssey is one of the best jrpgs of that era but got killed because it was bought up and released on the "wrong" console.

repsahj323d ago

Is there a chance that Lost Odyssey will be released on PS5? I really want to play it and Blue Dragon, too.

autobotdan323d ago

Both games are owned by Microsoft

andy85324d ago

Great game. The 360 had some really good turn based games back in the day. Absolutely loved Lost Odyssey too. I think they are both Sakaguchi creations.

ZwVw324d ago

Correction. Both Blue Dragon & Lost Odyssey (as well as Infinite Undiscovery) started off as in-house developed projects that went third party after MS killed off their Japanese development studios.

andy85323d ago

Doesn't really have anything to do with what I said though 😂 Sakaguchi wrote them both

Hofstaderman324d ago

This game together with Lost Odyssey, The Last Remenant and Tales of Vesperia convinced me to buy a 360. This game made my 2007 which ended off with mass effect.

CrimsonWing69324d ago

Honestly, a fantastic game, especially if you were a fan of old-school JRPGs. I hate that this genre rarely can come back to these roots.

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Did you play Blue Dragon? Whatever the case might be, it deserves to be remembered

Destructoid: I remember where I was when Blue Dragon was announced. Although I already had an Xbox 360 and was ready for it, some folks I knew bought one just for it given who was involved (Nobuo Uematsu, Hironobu Sakaguchi, Akira Toriyama): as Mistwalker and Microsoft Game Studios made a mad dash to put out more games from Japanese studios on the Xbox ecosystem.

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shinoff2183353d ago

Blue dragon was fantastic. Love that game. It was my biggest reason for getting a 360.

gold_drake353d ago

i wanted to play it, but ...
1. its on xbox
and 2. i missed it when it was on gamepass ha.

shinoff2183352d ago

Kind of a shame it's not on gamepass so more people could enjoy it.

gold_drake352d ago

yeh, i missed it by one darn day.

Tacoboto351d ago

It's only $20 on the Xbox Store.
Lost Odyssey is only $25

-Foxtrot353d ago

I thought it was pretty good but I personally I think Lost Odyssey is better

Also, I know a lot of JRPGs are cheesy but damn…this one was amped up to 11.

shinoff2183352d ago

Lost odyssey lost me when I started to realize my grinding to level up wasn't adding up. So I never picked it up again. I really really despise that.

MontyeKristo352d ago

I really enjoyed, at the time, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey and The Last Remnant.

MrNinosan351d ago

Then you missed out on of of the best jrpgs ever made.
Did you at least reach the point where Jansen qas singing? 🥰

GoodGuy09352d ago

I really wish Mistwalker would remaster these games... they're too busy with mobile unfortunately.

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