
What Are the Differences Between the PS4 and Xbox One?

Console clashes don’t get much more competitive than the upcoming conflict between the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One. Not since the days of derogatory SEGA commercials has a system showdown promised so much drama. But with two formats vying for your finances this fall, which device is the best choice for you?

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sincitysir13970d ago

Honestly? A few features and a few games.

NewMonday3969d ago (Edited 3969d ago )

the PS4 advantage is simply


minimur123969d ago

I'm sure you're going to get loads of replies sayin the same as what they have, so here's mine:

What they said ^

TheHybrid3969d ago

Ps4- better single player games, cheaper, better hardware

Xbox one- better multiplayer games, dedicated servers for all multiplayer games, kinect features (not motion games, F that), makes your TV a smart TV.

There it is. Both are amazing machines. I will be enjoying both :) as more of an online gamer, I need to have Xbox live at all times so PS4 might have to wait till Xmas.

bviperz3969d ago (Edited 3969d ago )


Sorry to bust your bubble, but the best multiplayer games on any platform are multi-platform, all platforms have dedicated servers, and most HDTVs are already smart TV's, so I have no idea how an the XBox One makes it one (Smarter Smart TV?). So all you have left is Kinect features (motion/voice controls) which you can have on both the PC and PS4. So, yeah.

3969d ago
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TripC503970d ago ShowReplies(9)
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3970d ago Replies(1)
3970d ago
Williamson3970d ago

The vita is a well designed handheld that has many great games already available with more coming. It may not be selling that well, but doesnt mean its not a great device to own.

PSVita3969d ago

Not over priced for what you're getting but it is expensive for the average gamer.

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1nsomniac1d 17h ago

WOW! What an incredible amount of words to say so little.

A bizarre, verbal onslaught "review" that tries so hard to be eloquently whimsical in its writing to cover the fact it doesn't really contain any content. Other than the self explanatory and rehashing what we already know...

Someone's either trying really hard to impress someone at the office or this was written by AI.. Tone it down a bit, It'll give people less of a headache.


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