
Mass Effect PC Release Date Changes - New Date May 28, 2008

Chris Priestly, BioWare Community Coordinator, writes:

"I have just confirmed with the development team that we are making a small change to the release date of Mass Effect for the PC. We had previously announced May 6, 2008 for North America. The new release date for North America is May 28, 2008 and June 6, 2008 in Europe."

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Silellak6015d ago

Damn, I know some PC-only gamers who will be annoyed by this.

Oh well, at least it isn't a HUGE delay.

liquidsnake6015d ago

Another Xbox game I can play on my PC. If I wanted to that is...

ruibing6015d ago

I wouldn't mind gaming on my PC, but I just hate all the driver issues related with the different OS. But I'll probably try this game on my laptop since I don't have a 360.

Seafort6015d ago

Hmm same day as MGS4 in europe i think. I'll wait till late to pick mass effect up now.

Ps3 comes first especially when its MGS4 :P

Fishy Fingers6015d ago

MGS is released June 12th, Worldwide.

Fishy Fingers6015d ago (Edited 6015d ago )

Ah, a couple of weeks is nothing to get stressed over.

I've been waiting for what seems like forever now anyhow. I frowned on getting it for my 360, 1. because of all the little problems my friends complained about and 2. I knew it would be a matter of time before DLC arrived and I should get that all together with the PC version.

Cant wait. Anyone give me an estimate on how long the game is (hours)? I want to make sure I complete it before MGS.

kwicksandz6015d ago

on my first playthrough which i made it to lvl 52 before finising the game (cap is 60) and did pretty much every side quest i found (but still missed some) it took me 58 hours.

Mass effect is by far the most cinematic game ive ever played and its definatley worth a look for RPG fans sick of turn based combat.i would go so far as to say it edges out Orange box as my GOTY 2007.

Dont be blinded by console fanboyism give this game a shot!

Fishy Fingers6015d ago

Thank you dude, I really appreciate the advice. 50 hours is easily do-able before june 12th which is great. I really didnt want to rush through it after waiting so long for its PC release.

+bubble for you bro.

Oh "Dont be blinded by console fanboyism" dude that wasted on me, I'm no one's fanboy, I have every system out there :)

okcomputer6015d ago

That seems kind of long. I finished out at a level 48, did more than half of the side quests and it took me 23hrs. I think thats more along the average time. Anyways, its a great game, and the first good rpg this gen imo. (unless you want to count bioshock, which was more rpg than fps)

Charlie26886015d ago

the length is depending on what you do

the main quest is kind of short around 15 hours on normal difficulty

BUT a HUGE part of the Mass Effect experience is the sidequest that will take around 20-25 hours to complete and you could take even more since some quest involve collection stuff and that depend on your luck or skills searching for them

for example In my first play thru I got to level 50 (max level on first play) completing around 95% of the sidequest and leaving only the 5% of quest I couldn't complete cuz of my specific character creation and it all took around 48 hours

at the end Mass Effect is one of THE best RPGs ive played and my top RPG (and maybe even overall game) of 07 next to The Witcher and I TOTALY recommend getting it either for the 360 or the upcoming PC version

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10 RPGs That Defined The Genre

Thanks to their innovative approach to gaming, RPGs like Dark Souls, Final Fantasy VII, and Dragon Quest left a significant impact on the genre.

ApocalypseShadow489d ago

Good games but no Phantasy Star?

merlox488d ago

Why do people forget Phantasy Star? That is one of my favorite RPG series. Another ther good but overlooked series is ,Y's.

anast488d ago

ES3 set things off, it's a shame they got greedy and decided to cut corners so the executives could get huge pay days.


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660d ago

Mass Effect N7 Day Teaser Decoded, Features Liara and the Geth

The Mass Effect N7 Day teaser has already been decoded, and it features Liara T'Soni talking about The Council, and The Geth can be heard too.

LordoftheCritics689d ago

Better not bring back Shepherd from the dead with some half assed space magic.

Snowb420688d ago

If you get your readiness level high enough in Mass Effect 3, *spoilers* you can see Shepard taking in a breath of air under some rubble. It would depend on whichever ending is canon.

687d ago
Fearmonkey687d ago

.....Search in youtube, mass effect shepard lives

MrVux000687d ago

Where is my ''Indoctrination Theory'' and ''Destroy'' ending gang at?

FPS_D3TH687d ago

I came here to say the indoctrination theory absolutely solidified the ending of this trilogy for me in the best way

Yui_Suzumiya687d ago

Guess you never played it then, lol

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rlow1687d ago

Yeah I saw that at the end of my play through as well. I think they will bring Shepard back….. or at least a mutant version turned villain. Lol