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Top 10 Games We’re Happy Got Cancelled

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "Sometimes, a game getting cancelled is actually a blessing in disguise that either helps the developer or game series reach new heights with what actually does come next or just saves our time and money by keeping what would obliviously have been a bad time lost forever."

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harmny1871d ago

You're happy for the lay offs too?

PiNkFaIrYbOi1871d ago

Why would anyone be happy about any game being cancelled?

1871d ago
0hMyGandhi1871d ago

okay, I'll bite.
I friggin adored Arkane's version of Prey (it's basically the spiritual successor to System Shock that we never got) but I would have loved to see the bounty hunter iteration of the sequel as well, perhaps as it's own IP.

2ndhandcorn1871d ago

Scalebound for me was happy it got canned , the concept seemed picked out of a hat lol terrible.

Knightofelemia1871d ago

That RE title on Gameboy colour looks like an Atari Lynx game


Top 5 Cancelled Games

Developing a game is an intricate process. Thousands of lines of code have to be written with thousands of graphical assets. The publishers have to spend thousands of dollars on marketing. Speaking on the behalf of the developers, it hurts us beyond measure when we don't get to witness the fruit of our labour.

Here are The Gaming Report's top 5 games that did not see the light of day.

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Top 5 Cancelled Video Games

Sometimes a video game will be announced only to be never heard of again. These cancelled video games showed a lot of promise and today GVN will be counting down the best ones!

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Garethvk3278d ago

Do not forget the X-Com FPS that looked great but did not come to be.

DiaperFace3278d ago

^ And similarly, Rebelstar 2: The Meklon Conspiracy. The first on GBA is such an overlooked, underrated gem. 9.5/10.

Retroman3278d ago (Edited 3278d ago )

"Top 5 cancelled video games" that list incorrect .

lets start with cancelled games from Snes up to now, that we old skool gamers have waited for for years only to find out it was cancelled.

MegaRay3278d ago

If I made a top cancelled games. It'll all be Crash Bandicoot and MegaMan games. *sad laugh*