
If 3DS Needed a Price Cut, Wii U Can’t Survive Without One

GenGAME writes: "Bad news all around for Nintendo’s Wii U today: in the last three months, the system only managed to ship 160,000 units, which indicates that stock from previous months is still sitting on store shelves, and retailers everywhere have dropped the Wii U Basic Set entirely. It’s in significantly worse shape than Nintendo’s last new piece of hardware, the Nintendo 3DS, which by this point in its life had already seen a 32% price cut from $250 to $170.

"Of course, 3DS has since turned around, but we can’t ignore the role that price cut must have played in its resurgence. No matter how you spin it, a $170 system is going to sell more units than a $250 system, regardless of the games it comes with. I don’t think we can simply say “3DS sold because of software, so Wii U will, too.” It’s not that simple."

legendoflex3978d ago

3DS had sold more units in two quarters than Wii U has in three... including one holiday quarter. If it needed a price cut, Wii U is drastically overdue.

gamer423978d ago

I'll say $50 off both bundles is good it sets the deluxe bundle $100 lower than PS4 and basic bundle $150. If they do this by the holidays along with Mario 3D, Sonic, DKC, and WWHD we'll see WiiU sales skyrocket from where they are now and maybe we'll see an ambassador program for early adopters. It's a win- win for everyone!.

PopRocks3593978d ago

My thought is they are trying to weed out the Basic model first. I feel like once those are out of stock Nintendo's going to just make black and white Deluxe models and slash the price by at least $50.

MasterCornholio3978d ago (Edited 3978d ago )

I agree with you that Nintendo has to undercut the PS4 by at least 100€ if they want to remain competitive.

Edit: Nintendo in my opinion should have went with a standard Wii U with 32GBs of internal memory available in either black or white and it should have been priced at 299€ since the very beginning.

Sorry for criticizing Nintendo but i feel that they made a lot of mistakes and for their fans sake they have to correct them.

konnerbllb3978d ago

At this point I wouldn't buy it for $299 with the new consoles on the horizon. $250 is the magic number, after all it lured me into buying the Wii.

BOWZER353978d ago (Edited 3978d ago )

I was gonna wait until the price cut, but then I said screw it haha and just went ahead and got one. The idea of waiting another two months just made me obsessed with reading articles about it and looking them up on Ebay. I'm sure the same will happen with a bunch of people waiting on the x1 and ps4. We say we'll wait until the price drops we'll buy one, but we all know that's not gonna happen. There's nothing like buying a new console, and I can tell you that if your debating on waiting for the Wii U price drop, it's still worth it right now.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3978d ago
ape0073978d ago (Edited 3978d ago )

indeed, the system really does need a price cut, make the price cut shortly before holidays, promote the HELL out of your upcoming exclusives and just watch the wiiu sales ROAR

Kydawg3978d ago

I have to say the most compelling factor of anything a consumer can buy is price, and if they could cut the price down a few notches it indeed would sell more units.

That_Ninja_Gray_Fox3978d ago

Pssh,,This notion that Nintendo will fail and exit the hardware business is proposturous. They have such a huge fortune amased over more than 25 years in the gaming industry.Some 5,038,000,000$ i believe. Even if WiiU tanks it wont mean they do what Sega did and turn into a software company. They will fetch out newer ideas and remake another console if they so choose. Even though they are operating at a loss the can still do business. As does Sony and microsoft.

Kydawg3978d ago (Edited 3978d ago )

They better start soon with the next gen console, or come out with a non remake of Zelda before its too late.

That_Ninja_Gray_Fox3978d ago

If its too late Sony would pick Nintendo up and keep those legendary titles alive like Zelda and Mario. Sh!t just look at Sonic. And he don't have nothing on Zelda and Mario.

Kydawg3978d ago

That would be awesome! Imagine Mario and Zelda games on PS4 or PS5!

DarkBlood3978d ago

nintendo would sooner detonate themselves then allow thier ips be on anything else. you know its true

plmkoh3978d ago (Edited 3978d ago )

-edit, you're right

That_Ninja_Gray_Fox3978d ago

Thats 5 billion. Sure you dont mean 5 Trillion?

plmkoh3978d ago (Edited 3978d ago )

Ah don't worry, I'm seeing things.

LOL_WUT3978d ago

The Wii U needs a price cut badly ;)

Tewi-Inaba3978d ago

What it needs is games.
Only thing more dead than Vita is Wii U
and I guess the only thing more dead than that is OUYA

only thing more dead than that is Fez 2

3978d ago
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GhostScholar18d ago

That’s just laughable to me. I think they’ve squeezed all they can out of an 12 year old game

mastershredder18d ago

"Easily" because they see mods, says the gamer. To heck with licensing, terms agreements conditions, etc. all you need to do is belive in mods. Yeah, so real superficial BS yo.

CrimsonWing6918d ago

Do people not want to play a new game? Like, I’d rather see 6 than just a prettier version of a game we’ve been playing since the 360/PS3 gen…

Popsicle17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

Yes please. Did pretty much everything there was to do in this game. Took a very long time and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Skyrim is one of my all-time favorites, but I would prefer a new experience.

anast18d ago

They might as well. So far, it looks like ES6 will be mostly developed by AI.

Smellsforfree18d ago

I don't want a next-gen version of a game I've already played to death. Skyrim was a great game, but I'm over it.

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