
Major Tournaments Implement Anti-Collusion Rules

In light of recent incidents of players intentionally under-performing in video game tournaments, major tournament directors have come together to standardize Evo’s rule regarding player collusion.

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Tetsujin3980d ago

It's hard to actually determine under performing from someone who's fatigued/tired; especially the ones who play all day, then play another off game (what some called 'casuals') then go back to continue playing in the tournament.

I don't mind the rule either way, however they would need someone who can actually tell the difference, and if needed delay a match (within a reasonable time) so both can play 100%; otherwise a lot of legit players are going to be labeled and not continue on when they are putting in the effort.

pompombrum3980d ago

Well when you field a troll team for the grand finals of marvel, I think that fits into this new rule perfectly.

extermin8or3980d ago

Hmmm hard to tell though. I mean sometimes I'll have a bad MP match for no apparent reason-the other team might not even be that good, I'll just have an off match... If I were playing professionally that wouldn't change-and wouldn't mean I'm intentionally losing.

Tetsujin3980d ago

That's how I see it; sometimes you get the lucky ones, other times you have off moments. I know this - with the $ at stake I'd go 100% as much as I could; and if needed have some Red Bull.


eSports: The Downside to Competitive Gaming

With eSports having gained a lot of legitimacy as a serious competitive sport, it has also been beset by some of the negative aspects that plague the conventional sporting world. This includes illegal betting, player exploitation and the use of performance-enhancing drugs such as Adderall.

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RadicalCannibal2192d ago

Deep vein thrombosis and pooing and weeing in a bucket next to your computer


PUBG Tournament Has Close To Half A Million Followers

What if InfoGamer had the chance to sit down with the organizers of what could be the biggest PUBG tournament of the year? Well they got a chance to do just that and boy they couldn’t be more excited. Streamers from all different games and styles are set …

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Vasto2484d ago

Xbox One X PUBG this holiday!

thejigisup2484d ago

Yeah and all we want is Stonemountain64.


Fighting Game Invitationals vs. Open Tournaments: Can the two coexist? - The Game Haus

Fighting game tournaments are evolving. As the scene moves out of the basement, a plethora of opportunities have been presented. The …

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2635d ago