
Aveline returns in Assassin's Creed 4 only on PS3, PS4

Aveline de Grandpré, the star of Assassin’s Creed: Liberation, will appear exclusively on the PS3 and PS4 versions of Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag, Ubisoft has revealed.

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Thirty3Three3975d ago (Edited 3975d ago )

Not to be that guy, but this is very old news :I


and other sites posted about it.

Please don't post old news. I'm not even sure how this got pushed through. Welp, Looks like I'm downvoting this site because it obviously is just bringing up old news for hits.

Cryptcuzz3975d ago

This is new news to me and I usually glance though the news articles almost on a daily basis on N4G during my free time and have yet to notice this. So thanks to the submitter for sharing this, as it at least brought new news to me.

Not trying to down play your intention or take anything away from you, as I would dislike seeing old news from multiple sources making a mess of the site as well - so I agree with your intention, but this really is the first time I've notice this news on here.

andrewsqual3975d ago

No it was actually explained in greater detail this morning. It was most certainly announced already.

Cryptcuzz3975d ago

That's awesome. I was going to get the PS4 version anyways, so this news makes me anticipate this game even more.

I like how the transition from land to sea gameplay is seamless with AC4, makes the game that much more immersive and engaging. So looking forward to playing it upon release!

RedHawkX3975d ago

this is why i always get the playstation versions of everything it has more and superior content. thos who refuse to go ps4 will have an inferior product as well as inferior games all in the name of wanting to be a fanboy and loyal servant to ms who rips them off lol.

this is a fact ps4 is just better.

Campy da Camper3974d ago

I totally agree but I would like to ad it has fricking WHALES!

Cryptcuzz3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

Oh what!?!? Whales!?! Damn that's awesome! Now that is next gen bro, forget about the next gen dog when you can have next gen whales!

Seriously I am looking forward to enjoying this game.

Blank3975d ago

I really liked Aveline in ac liberation after I binged game on it to completion at the final stretch and finished Avelines name stuck in my head I like the way it sounds..... Aveline.

CaptainYesterday3975d ago

Yeah I liked Aveline to it's great how she's returning still hoping for a sequel to Liberation though.

_FantasmA_3975d ago

Maybe she's born with it, Maybe its Aveline...

Master-H3975d ago

Cool, gonna hold off buying it for the ps3 and wait till i get my ps4 in 2014,i wanna see how good the graphics will be on ps4 and more importantly i don't wanna deal with the crappy frames problems on ps3 version like the recent AC games.

KrisButtar3975d ago (Edited 3975d ago )

This is great news, does this mean a Vita version is in the works.


"Assassin’s Creed 4 takes place a while after Liberation, so the game will feature an older Aveline, a Ubisoft blog post revealed."

Doesn't AC4 take place BEFORE AC3 and AC3L because the Assassin in AC4 is Conners' grandpa or did that change?

KUV19773975d ago

Yeah. Would be weired if they messed up the time line.

KrisButtar3975d ago

Yea they better not mess with the timeline, if they did it would ruin the whole series for me.

Aveline is around Conners age and Edward is Conners grandpa. Maybe we just see(play) Aveline near the end of Edwards journey, where Edward is a very old man.

Megaplaynate3975d ago


According to the book that can't be, so I believe either you get to play as Aveline on a few missions set after liberation that are independent of the main game or whoever wrote the story messed up.

patsrule3163975d ago

The gamespot version of this stor yexplains a little more:

"While the main plot of Assassin's Creed IV is set before the events of Assassin's Creed III and its Vita spin-off Liberation, Aveline's missions take place after the conclusion of her previous game. “It’s a ways forward so Aveline is a bit older,” said lead writer Darby McDevitt on the Ubisoft blog.

“It’s not directly related to the end of her story. If Assassin’s Creed IV is like a novel, Aveline’s missions are like a short story.”

During a panel at San Diego Comic Con 2013, McDevitt also linked Aveline's missions to the series' present-day storyline, saying that shadowy organisation Abstero has upgraded the Animus.

“The present-day is set in Abstergo Entertainment--which is this fun, hip company to work for, at first,” said McDevitt.

“You are able to access the Aveline stuff because your coworkers are working on retrieving different genetic memories from all kinds of different people.”

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Leaked Early Prototype Footage Reveals Development Stages Of Several Assassin's Creed Games

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The Best Pirate-Themed Video Games (Not Skull and Bones)

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thorstein106d ago

PoE: Deadfire, Unless you have a or PS5 or an SSD don't bother, loading times are insane. A minute and a half to go into a room to investigate a desk in an inn and then an additional 1 1/2 minutes to leave the room and then load to leave the inn???

And they never fixed it.


Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag vs Skull and Bones Video Comparison Is an Eye-Opener

Ubisoft has just released Skull and Bones on PC and consoles. And, from the looks of it, the game wasn’t received well by some gamers. Not only that but it appears that Skull and Bones can be worse than Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag, a game that came out a decade ago.

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OtterX120d ago (Edited 120d ago )

I wanted a Black Flag sequel so bad. It's still my favorite AC entry. The fact that they ignored everything that we loved about that game in this "spiritual successor" is making me enjoy watching this game crash and burn quite a bit. Either do it right or don't do it at all. (I understand the legal binding they got themselves into with the Singapore government to release this game at all costs)

/grabs popcorn

isarai120d ago

My thing is, if the Singapore govt was forcing you to do it at all cost, why not make what people wanted? How did ubi delay it for 5yrs, then again for 1yr and not just make a similar experience to black flag? How do you spend so much time and make so little?

Chocoburger119d ago

Ubisoft did make a sequel, Assassin's Creed: Rogue. It has a short campaign, and its packed with filler side quests for upgrades, but it's still a decent time.

It released on the same day as Assassin's Creed: Unity, so it was mostly forgotten.

porkChop120d ago

11 years of development. Multiple restarts. All the while people have been saying they don't want some pirate game where you can't even get off your ship. 11 years of people telling Ubisoft all they want is a pirate game that's basically Black Flag without any of the assassin or animus stuff. Yet they still served up this trash that no one wanted, charged $70 for it, and had the balls to call it AAAA.

The Guillemot family honestly needs to be forced out of Ubisoft. They've doubled down on everything players don't like about their games, they want AI to create "rough drafts" of their stories rather than letting their writers do their jobs, and they literally do not give a shit what their playerbase actually wants. 5-6 years ago their stock was worth more than 4x what it's currently worth. The company is dying.

Jin_Sakai120d ago (Edited 120d ago )

What has happened to developers? How can you possible make a worse looking game 11 years later? It’s honestly mind boggling.

darksky119d ago

It's because the older developers were better at it. The new generation pass most of their exams by copying code from around the web so are not nearly as good at understanding what they are developing.

LucasRuinedChildhood119d ago (Edited 119d ago )

No, here's the truth:
This was made in Singapore and it's the first game of this scale to be made there. Ubisoft would probably cancel it normally since it clearly wasn't shaping up well but they were getting government grants to try build up the industry there.

Do you really think game developers are radically different than just 10 years ago? And this game has been development since Black Flag released.

Using one crap game to trash a whole industry of developers is stupid. It's like saying "Alien Colonial Marines proves that game developers suck now."

yeahokwhatever119d ago

i know this to be at least part of the puzzle from experience.

senorfartcushion119d ago

It's the multiplayer aspect of the world. MP games look worse than single player games, period. Every comparison we keep seeing are for games like Gotham Knights, Suicide Squad and Skull and Bones. They all have multiplayer focusses.

SyntheticForm120d ago

God, I'd love a remake of Black Flag.

Yi-Long120d ago

Enough has been said about this game already. The gaming world shrugged when it was announced so many years ago, and instead of listening to all the criticisms from the community back then, Ubi just sailed on and kept making a game nobody really wanted. What a waste of money and effort.

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