
Seven Ways To Make A Better Deadpool Game

Well, after more than while of waiting, Marvel's popular Merc With A Mouth finally has his own damn video game, released a quick while back. And while a lot of gamers were worried due to a lack of any actual gameplay footage popping up in the game's trailers and took it as a sign that this might be crap, we can all finally take comfort in the fact that the final product was...ehhhh, well, at least it wasn't crap.

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Godlovesgamers3981d ago

Love articles like these. It's like these journalist actually believe that the developers didn't ever consider or think of these things. Wakeup toplessrobot.com, it's called a budget and a deadline, when those things work in tandem a lot of sacrifices are made. If every game had a big enough budget with no deadlines then most every game released would be a gem.


The Funniest Games on the PS4

Feeling sad and on the verge of splurging on unnecessary stuff? Drop that credit card, amigo and come read about the funniest PS4 games!

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P_Bomb312d ago

I see Deadpool made the list. Also saw it in stock at the local game store. Second hand. Might finally pick up a copy.


Midnight Suns’ Deadpool DLC Makes a Strong Case for a Second Nolan North Deadpool Game

Nolan North reprises his role as Deadpool for Marvel's Midnight Suns DLC, and he should reprise it for another Deadpool-centric game next.

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ZeekQuattro503d ago

I still plan on getting this game at some point. Just waiting for a price drop.

Lighter9503d ago

I couldn't finish it. You walk around and talk for most of the game. There's SOME fighting involved. Pretty boring to me.

Inverno503d ago

Just not from Activision, or Square.

Godmars290503d ago

Always thought Nolan North as a VA made a strong case for another Deadpool game. Just needs a good story to go along with great gameplay.

jznrpg502d ago

Games that have DLC shortly after the game comes out don’t interest me much


Best Comedic Video Games: Try these games for a good laugh

GF365: "Sometimes a funny and less stressful game is a welcome change. Here are the best comedic video games that will surely improve your mood."

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adaminoregon562d ago

South park stick of truth is the funniest game ever made.