
EA's Soderlund: "It will be a different Mirror's Edge" | GRTV interview

GRTV talked to EA Games executive vice president Patrick Soderlund about E3, announcements, Mirror's Edge, DICE and more, on the new Mirror's Edge he said:

"It's taken this long because we wanted to get to the right concept and the right idea. And Sara Jansson who is producer on it, when she pitched her idea to me and Karl-Magnus, the GM for DICE, I was frankly blown away. I'm like "Finally, you've got it!" and when you hear something like that... She pitched an idea that frankly could only be built on gen 4, is a stunning concept, and when she came to us we knew we had it. And yes, we've been testing ideas and we've been prototyping stuff, and I'm glad that we waited to get the right idea."

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GribbleGrunger3986d ago

"It will be a different Mirror's Edge", isn't something a Mirrors Edge fan would want to hear.

GuyThatPlaysGames3986d ago

I agree. I just want the same bright color palette they used from the first one and the epic music.

Psychotica3986d ago

Can't you get that with Itunes? Just a pick a good song and turn on the visualizer?

Hydralysk3986d ago

Not different enough to remove the combat from what I saw in the trailer.

Was glad to see EA saw all those complaints about the dull combat and said "They don't know jack, fill the reveal trailer with combat!".

fsfsxii3986d ago

We're going to flock to the cod fanbase, so we need gunzz, more gunzz and shootouts

Shadonic3986d ago

less freeruning that stuffs bad for 1v1's

ThanatosDMC3986d ago

Killstreaks and lots of explosions too... lol!

Shadonic3986d ago

It also needs flying moving fish AI since faith wont be in the ocean the fish will have to be on land and just to be safe lets add some random non english words to make them sound mincing.

CandyFace3986d ago

I believe that it's going to be good. No matter what I'm getting it when available.

Droid Control3986d ago (Edited 3986d ago )

I hope it doesn't have guns or combat.
I want to run!
I hope it keeps the same art style and feel of the original

paul-p19883986d ago

agreed, the free-running aspect was the best part, i loved finishing the game without firing a single bullet

MidnytRain3986d ago

Is that even possible? There are some places where eliminating all enemies is mandatory to progression, and if they're relatively close together, they're going to gun you down quickly if you don't have a weapon yourself.

paul-p19883983d ago

Yeah, it was one of the trophies in the game. All you had to do was disarm the guys in those areas, drop the gun, then just keep on running

Psychotica3986d ago

Ooh a jogging simulator, that's what we need!

dcj05243986d ago

They said its open-world. That my dream game right there. In all tge GTAs I kept trying to do parkour lol. And the first mirror's edge had guns so I assume the second will too.

RedSoakedSponge3986d ago

i hope this doesnt mean a lot more gunplay... that would ruin it.

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XiNatsuDragnel122d ago

Aspyr if we sell hotcakes get that code from radical or something and create battlefield 3 please

DarkkMinion121d ago

Hope more developers do this.

Becuzisaid121d ago

I thought that was kind of obvious they were incorporating mods to piece this game together. Maybe not, but that's made me worried about one thing:

They also planned on adding the modded ending to KOTOR 2 but were legally blocked from doing so, even after they advertised that to help sell preorders for the game on Switch. Could the same happen with this? Any opponents have 3 weeks to bring down the hammer.

GoodGuy09121d ago (Edited 121d ago )

Wish these games would just get remakes.

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gurp467d ago

love all of the classic star wars games

The3faces467d ago

Had a blast playing Kotor when it first released can't wait for the remake to drop.

Terry_B467d ago

urgh..that website design is as ugly as possible. bad colors.