
The Wii U version of Rayman Legends Costs £15 more than the PS3 and Xbox 360 Versions

Ubisoft has priced the multiple versions of Rayman Legends across consoles, PC, and the PS Vita. And for some reason, the Wii U version of Rayman Legend is more than the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC versions.

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chadboban4019d ago

Strange, and even the Vita version costs £5 more. I wonder what gives.

CaptainYesterday4019d ago (Edited 4019d ago )

Yeah I hope Ubisoft tells us why the Wii U and Vita versions are more expensive maybe it was a mistake it's really weird to see the Vita version priced more than the PS3 version that seems really odd.

admiralvic4019d ago

The Vita version is said to have unique content (much like the Wii U), though that was never and will never be an excuse to gouge the consumer. I also think it's an error or Ubisoft is literally hellbent on making this game fail...

Delayed, Delayed, Multiplatform and delayed, Preorders announced with the WIi U getting the least logical costume (based off the Vita version of AC), Vita announced to have other unique content (so now it seems to be fairly segmented) and now a PC version with a pricing structure all over the place...

boybato4019d ago

yep... I'm afraid this is becoming a trend.(look at angry birds star wars port for Wiiu)

chadboban4019d ago

Just looked it up... HOLY CRAP are they seriously charging $50 for that! WTF is wrong with them?!

guitarded774019d ago

Yeah, I saw $50 for Angry Birds, and immediately thought "blatant gratuitous price gouging based solely on name recognition"... and then I thought "typical Activision".

badz1494019d ago

if this is not an honest mistake, one would wonder, "how many times Ubisoft want to stab the Wii U fanbase in the back?"

ChickeyCantor4019d ago

As much as I want to support more games for Wii U. I really don't see why anyone would pay extra for a game that was purposely delayed to get a cheaper version on the other consoles.

And then they wonder why everyone owning a Wii U ignores third party games.

LOL_WUT4019d ago (Edited 4019d ago )

You should be grateful its even coming to the Wii U ;)

Edit: Below, maybe the Wii U version has exclusive content that warrants the cost? So quit getting all butthurt either way i'm getting the game. ;)

Blacklash934019d ago (Edited 4019d ago )

Nope. Quit trolling. This entire situation is complete BS. The game has to cost more for the system it was originally built on, of all things. Not to mention the system it was delayed several times for the sake of these ports.

I'm not even a Wii U owner and can see how cheap this whole deal is. Just another example of this industry being run by moronic publishers. Assuming this is all accurate, of course.

Edit: It does not have excessive content. The only thing it's known to have over the other versions is full 5-player co-op with Murfy. I'm not butthurt, just pointing out BS when I see it. ;)

Wolven4019d ago

Can you please stop being on the Wii U section? You are one of the biggest gosh darn trolls I have seen. Can't you just leave and never return? That would be doing everyone a great favor, you butthurt 10 year old. Be a true gamer and stop bashing on other consoles, maybe you would have a friend if you stopped trolling everyone who shares different tastes than you. So now, you have my warning. Back off. The Wii U is a great console, which a lot of people are enjoying. Rayman Legends was built from the ground up for it. ;)

Realplaya4019d ago

Are you stupid or dumb Sorry to come at you sideways but there is no way we Wii U owners should be screwed every which way. I know you troll a lot to get a rise but I guess if a company says hey we delayed your version so that every one can get the same exact version of the game with better DLC for a cheaper price someone has to be grateful.
No sir they will see the gratitude when there are less sales on this platform because people realize that they are being screwed. I would never pay more for the same thing and neither will anyone else.

Eyeco4019d ago

Come on dude there's no way in hell you can defend this unless you were the biggest Nintendo hater, this action isn't fair and is complete BS, and if I was a Wii theres no goddamn way I'll buy this game.

PopRocks3594018d ago

LOL_WUT is a troll and an apologist to anyone who shuns Nintendo or even just the Wii U. Just bubble him down and be done with it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4018d ago
grailly4019d ago

from what I've heard the wiiU version is better, not prettier, but just that as the game was built for the wiiU it has a few "tablet implementations" for asymmetric gameplay that cannot be replicated on 360/PS3. It's particularly for couch coop that the difference is notable.

Still I don't think that it should be 15£ more, that's just ridiculous. I'll wait for a price drop and get it for wiiU. origins was 10$ after about three month, maybe there will be the same situation with legends.

ChickeyCantor4019d ago (Edited 4019d ago )

It absolutely has no reason to be more expensive. It's like they are deliberately doing this to minimize development on WiiU in favor of PS4/X1.

Sure I make it sound like a conspiracy, but the fact they had to delay the game for Ps3/360, which costed them extra months of budget, should not raise the WiiU version but the Ps3/360 versions instead.

There were people buying a WiiU for Rayman. Who all got screwed over. And now they are doing this?

Is it maybe they think that it will sell better on the WiiU? If that's the case I really hope it's going to work for them, because honestly I don't see many WiiU owners even considering it after being screwed over months ago and being pissed on now.

nick3094019d ago

Ubisoft went full retard, never go full retard. Or that belongs to ea's game pricing? *facepalm*

TruthbeTold4019d ago

I wonder if this is even true? I think it's more plausible that a mistake has been made.

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OtterX2d ago

For me, these Mario + Rabbids games were the best thing Ubisoft has developed in recent years. I'd hate to see Ubisoft drive the series into the ground like their other properties, so I think 2 games are enough. Maybe 1 more.

Inverno2d ago

They can't ruin it because Ninty will send their ninjas to destroy all traces of it. If not for that you can bet that spinoff series would've been milked dry by now.

XiNatsuDragnel2d ago

Good luck in your future endeavors

Hotpot2d ago

Thank you for Mario + Rabbids series, I quite enjoyed it

Einhander19722d ago

Great games, I have wanted Sony to copy these games with their own mascots for years.

Michiel19891d 17h ago

not cinematic or 3rd person enough for Sony

DefaultComment2d ago

I think Nintendo has to hire this guy, I mean the fact that miuamoto himself said to him that he is impressed with this work, speaks volumes. Th possibility on having Mario on Soliani's hand could be incredible and quite possibly a new era for Mario games.

OtterX2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Yea, these games didn't even feel Ubisoft at all. This felt very authentic Nintendo. This guy's direction is obviously stellar, and Ubisoft somehow managed to not kill it with microtransactions and repetitive, boring tasks.


Ubisoft Not Worried About GTA 6: Other Games Out During GTA's Past Releases Do Really Well

Ubisoft's Yves Guillemot isn't worried about about GTA 6 and states that from their experience, games available during a GTA launch do well.

Hofstaderman3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Brave words.... GTA V has done well since 2013 to date. 11 years, Yves.

RiseNShine3d ago

Old man, now that it's even trendy, it's time to step down, Ubisoft is looking worse than ever.

Inverno3d ago

You've not had to worry about a GTA game being released for over a decade bro. There are games bigger than what Ubi shites out that avoid releasing around the time of GTA, that's how massive GTA is.

Demetrius3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I if I were other devs I wouldn't worry neither, especially since down the line rockstar will abandon offline support and fully focus on online only bs. Hopefully Gta 6 is made with plenty of depth and not just gorgeous graphics, come on rockstar come back and show how open world games should be.

DarXyde2d ago

Rockstar putting out a new GTA or Red Dead Redemption is like Kendrick Lamar putting out a new album: it doesn't happen often.

... But when it does, it's an industry-stopping event where you'll enjoy it and go through it time and again to really peel back the layers of the experience, coming away with new perceptions each time.

Ubisoft is known for prolific, cookie cutter slop. Which I would probably compare to Drake post-NWtS.

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Ubisoft Teams Up With Double Jump Tokyo To Work On Its NFT Multiplayer RPG

It appears that Ubisoft is still pursuing NFTs. It has partnered with Double Jump Tokyo to work on an NFT multiplayer RPG project.

-Foxtrot20d ago

NFT? Lmao

It’s over Ubisoft where you guys been, Jesus.

Smok9119d ago

Well you look at how many games are in development with NFT’s currently you can see they’re preparing for the next bull-run this Fall.

porkChop20d ago

Man, I haven't even heard anyone mention NFTs in ages. NFTs are dead. The Guillemot family just keep finding ways to damage their business. They need to go.

gold_drake19d ago

big eyeroll moment

gamers: "hey we hate nfts"

Ubisoft: "oh u really really like NFTs u say?"

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