MiasmaDodo3984d ago

sick of these gimmicks aimed at 13 yr olds.

give me Saints Row 2's sequel...a true sequel

N7Lukas3984d ago

Pretty much exactly what i was about to say.

Only so much toilet humor we can take until it becomes stale,

cleft53984d ago

Saints Row 2 was a great game but it really did suffer a lot from coming off as a GTA clone. I understand why some people don't like Saints Row 3, but I think Volition made the right move to go into this insane sandbox world.

The reality is that they where never going to out GTA Rockstar. So instead of following in the shadow of a giant game, they offered a completely different experience that was focused more around insane fun.

If you want a serious open world game that is going to be fun, then you should just buy GTA5 which looks great. I plan on getting GTA5 and SR4. Both of these games will offer fun different experiences. The best of both worlds, so why look down on one when you can just get them both and having an amazing experience.

MiasmaDodo3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

I never saw SR as competition for GTA.
I played,bought, and loved both games.
One I was "visiting" gritty NY
and in the other I was "visiting" Texas LoL

I bought SR when it was exclusive to 360.
Bought SR2 day 1 on PS3

SR3 was garbage compared to the 1st SR on every level.

RGDubz3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

@ cleft5

GTA started as a clone itself, don't start sounding like a fanboy now.. SR2 out did San Andreas and a big reason is it has current-gen controls in the options & it's the closest game to San Andreas we've had this-gen, only feature it really lacked was variety in the terrain it had some but not as much as San Andreas, but the 2 player story co-op & lively world more then made up for it so don't say they can't out "GTA" Rockstar because they did.. I sank way more hours into Saints Row 2, even though I played the hell out of both.

Also for those who don't know, Saints Row 1 was never intended to be exclusive to Xbox, it became exclusive after they failed porting it to the PS2, they couldn't get it to run properly on the PS2.

TheGrimOfDeath3984d ago

Congratulations on having your own opinion.

hankmoody3984d ago

Am I the only one who cracked up after reading that headline? You gotta admit, that's pretty funny stuff.

shadowwizard3984d ago

So it's one month before launch of the game, we already have Season Pass and at least one BIG DLC that is pretty much completed, since it's from Saint's Row The Third. Yup, sorry SR, but I'm not buying half game again after debacle of SR3. Too bad pretty much everybody will forget you about a month after release, GTA V got me covered.

Starbucks_Fan3984d ago

My number one request for this game is to add Pokemon <_<

Einhert3984d ago


Childhoods would be destroyed on a global scale

aliengmr3984d ago

Tell GTAV not to forget its top hat and monocle.

Show all comments (14)

Volition's Saints Row 4 PC upgrade was meant to be a make-good, but it broke the game instead

Remember this year's Saints Row(opens in new tab)? Volition would probably prefer that you didn't, which might go some way to explaining why the studio recently decided to upgrade everyone's copy of Saints Row 4(opens in new tab) to its full-fat Re-elected Edition, containing all the game's story and cosmetic DLC and even introducing cross-play between Steam, Epic, and GOG versions of the game.

Unfortunately, that upgrade seems to have backfired, and players now report a myriad of bugs with their new version of SR4. Both the Saints Row Steam forums(opens in new tab) and subreddit(opens in new tab) are filled with players complaining of broken saves, crashes, and mods failing to function. It's also received a few hundred negative Steam reviews(opens in new tab) since the update. If it's succeeded in washing the taste of Saints Row (2022) out of players' mouths, it's only because it tastes even worse.

crazyCoconuts551d ago

I wonder if Volition's getting reorged under Gearbox impacted the quality of their release.

jeromeface550d ago

i can't help but laugh at this comment. Gearbox can't even run themselves.


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