
Xbox One could outship PS4 3-to-1 this year

GI.biz: Colin Sebastian says supply chain checks show Microsoft's new system gaining momentum, fate of Wii U rests on holiday software lineup

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Abriael3988d ago

Dude know so much that he thinks that there's a $50 difference in the price between the two consoles. Go figure.

buddymagoo3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

The thing is Microsoft will ship as many as they can to stores, it doesn't mean they will all sell.

devwan3988d ago

I think they'll sell all they can ship but they just aren't making the right noises to suggest it'll be anything like adequate (hence the limited worldwide roll out).

3988d ago
nveenio3988d ago

"Xbox One could outship PS4 3-to-1 this year"

Lots of things "COULD" happen. I could start pooping monkey-shaped golden nuggets. It's just not likely.

Though that would be a cool bar trick.

Cmk01213988d ago

agreed but if people have to wait to play their favorite next gen games they will get whats available sometimes

nukeitall3988d ago

You can't argue with analyst that does this for a living, has inside sources and know where to look.

Also note, about the price. It wasn't the analyst that got it wrong, it was the website!

"[CORRECTION]: This article originally misstated the price gap between the Xbox One and PS4. The mistake was ours, not Sebastian's. We regret the error."

gaffyh3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

MS won't outship Sony if the yield problems are true. It's just not possible. And looking at the unit numbers a lot of retailers have got, it definitely looks like Sony is shipping way more than MS right now.

@nuke - Somehow, that makes his predictions even worse. At least if he thought the gap was $50, then that's not a huge margin in a consumer's mind. But $100 difference, and he thinks it will sell 3:1? Wow, this just shows you, learn to appreciate Pachter. He might be bad, but he's nowhere near as bad as some of these analysts.

dedicatedtogamers3988d ago

It could be true. Microsoft is known for "stuffing the channels". I remember when Kinect came out and it was OMG the FASTEST SELLING (shipping) piece of electronics in the HISTORY OF MANKIND!! And it sold/shipped 10 million in two months...and then four months later Kinect sales were still at 10 million...because Microsoft channel-stuffed.

Then again, there's a lot of evidence that Microsoft is having supply issues.

Either way, anyone confident in Microsoft's ability to launch a reliable console...I pity your ignorance.

Ju3988d ago

MS running the FUD machine again. Nothing new here.

YNWA963988d ago

@invenio, what kind of sauce would you serve with that?

nveenio3988d ago

I wouldn't eat my golden poop nuggets. I'd save them and melt them down and sell them to a gold exchange and use the money I make to buy an Xbox One... /s

creatchee3988d ago


"I remember when Kinect came out and it was OMG the FASTEST SELLING (shipping) piece of electronics in the HISTORY OF MANKIND!! And it sold/shipped 10 million in two months...and then four months later Kinect sales were still at 10 million...because Microsoft channel-stuffed."

And now Kinect is at 25 million. Did they "stuff" an additional 15 million then?

MysticStrummer3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )


"Anything MS puts in the stores is going to sell and sell well."

Reality says no.

MS has put out more than a few failed products. A quick Google search would show you this.

Anon19743988d ago

Same analyst who said the Xbox One would retail between $350-$400. I respect the work that analysts do after a decade spent in the brokerage industry but this is just speculation on his part. Saying the Xbox One could possibly have the potential to push out more units doesn't mean that it'll happen. We're already having multiple suppliers reporting they don't have stock of the Xbox One for launch. Certainly interest in the Xbox One is up from it's E3 debacle with DRM, but to what extent? We really have no idea what demand is actually like because no one has revealed any figures on pre-orders or shipments.

ThanatosDMC3988d ago

Ignorant author must have been living under a rock to miss the price by that much.

DigitalRaptor3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

@ edonus

"Anything MS puts in the stores is going to sell and sell well."

"I am not as delusional as the sony zealots are"

Conflicting statements show your hypocrisy, as MysticStrummer pointed out, but oh well.. I'm not expecting any less from a Microsoft apologist. We're not even talking about comparative failure here - we're talking about Microsoft falling short of their plan to completely and utterly dominate the gaming market.

Sitdown3988d ago


"Either way, anyone confident in Microsoft's ability to launch a reliable console...I pity your ignorance"

I don't remember, did the original xbox have reliability issues?

pompombrum3988d ago

"Anything MS puts in the stores is going to sell and sell well. Their is nothing that suggests otherwise than internet ramblings of sony supporters. "

That's funny, I could have swore I saw multiple news stories in the last week or so claiming the surface wasn't doing that well and has cost Microsoft a fair bit of money.

Also, everytime you blame sony fanboys for all things Microsoft hate, do you actually start to believe it a little bit more?

GribbleGrunger3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

It depends on what the author means by 'outship'. Sony are targeting the WW market but it appears that MS are focusing more on certain regions. We may see many headlines suggesting the X1 is outshipping the PS4, so I hope the balanced amongst us will point out the WW shipment numbers, just to keep it sensible. For instance, how many X1s are MS shipping in Asia, the so called 'second tier' region? (Microsoft's words not mine)

MasterCornholio3988d ago


"Anything MS puts in the stores is going to sell and sell well."

Like the surface tablets or the Zune MP3 players right?

Motorola RAZR i

DragonKnight3988d ago

@nukeitall: "You can't argue with analyst that does this for a living, has inside sources and know where to look."

Oh really?


JokesOnYou3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

Abriel, it wasn't his mistake the author corrected it.

"CORRECTION]: This article originally misstated the price gap between the Xbox One and PS4. The mistake was ours, not Sebastian's. We regret the error."
-Brendan Sinclair-Games Industry

gaffyh "MS won't outship Sony if the yield problems are true."

So an analyst who does this for a living says his "supply chain checks show Microsoft's new system gaining momentum" and you respond "if yeild problems are true", hmmm with micro's financial resources and a industry analyst saying his data points to micro having 2-3x unit advantage at launch I know which sounds more creditable.

@Dragonknight, we all know Pachter is wrong because he spends to much time on gametrailers and such doing shows instead of doing his job, you can tell he loves the spotlight more than he does fact checking at Wedbush.

gaffyh3988d ago

@JOY - All evidence points to Xbone having less units than PS4 from several retail stores. GameStop were even offering unlimited preorders for PS4 but not for Xbone. That suggests that there are more PS4s available for preorder already. Unless MS has a massive additional production run, I can't see them catching up to Sony in the amount of units, let alone make 3 times as many!

I mean come on, he might be an analyst, but that's just not possible. MS would have to increase production three or four times.

malokevi3988d ago

"MS won't outship Sony if the yield problems are true. It's just not possible. "

How on earth do you figure that? And how does logic like that get 17 likes and 4 dislikes?

this place never ceases to amaze me.

fr0sty3988d ago

MS was rumored to be having major issues with yields (and costs as well as a result) due to problems with the EDRAM. There is evidence of this in the retail channel already. Many stores are reporting having many more PS4 pre-order allotments per store than XB1. Both Gamestop and Amazon have had more pre-orders available for PS4 than XB1.

That, and analysts are quite often wrong. Especially video game market analysts. This market would have collapsed by now if half the things Pachter predicted ever came true.

So, you can laud his analyst credentials all you want, but it does not change the fact that so far all hard evidence that we can see points to XB1 being the console that is having supply issues. One analyst coming out of nowhere with a ridiculous claim, citing unnamed sources, is not going to convince the rest of the world that what they are seeing evidence of isn't true.

3988d ago
Ashunderfire863988d ago

If PS4 is sold out first, Then people will feel the pressured to buy Xbox One, because it is also a next gen system. There will always be people who want to get the latest technology, and brag about to their friends.


@edonus and others

Funny how MS fans dismiss internet complains on the matter of sales of a console that initially pushed for an online only policy... Internet people IS the target audience. And seriously, what makes you think that the target audience is not speaking when there has been some hundreds of polls (not all conducted online) all pointing at most people not wanting an Xbox One or out right prefering a PS4?

I'm not saying it won't sell well, specially at first. Of course it will, I'm yet to see a console that don't sell every first units shipped, it's the nature of the business, new stuff sells... It's the long haul everyone is concerned.

Personally, I don't think MS will go into irrelevance like some doom and gloom articles push either, but quite frankly you got to be delusional to think MS is having a good start.

blind-reaper3988d ago

"Anything MS puts in the stores is going to sell and sell well"

like the Kin and the Zune?

morganfell3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

So the PS4 is launching worlwide but the X1 is launching in a very limited number of territories yet it will outship the PS4.

PS4 spent more time in the pre-order number 1 spots for the US on Amazon, Best Buy, and Gamestop yet the X1 will outship the PS4?

Okay, that's believable.../s.

gaffyh3988d ago

@malokevi - See fr0sty's reply. Thanks fr0sty, was going to reply and say the same thing. I don't get how people don't understand what "yield issues" means, although of course they may not of heard of the supply issues that have been widely rumored.

morganfell3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

"You can't argue with analyst that does this for a living, has inside sources and know where to look. "

Really? One name...Michael Pachter... All the accuracy of a 20 year old Daisy air rifle.

This is one post I am bookmarking so I can come back later and make sure some people do not forget what they said.

abzdine3988d ago

all i wish them is good luck, they're gonna need it

Saigon3988d ago

I thought this was interesting, I searched google for yield issues just for clarification so I wouldn't speak out of term and the first artice that cam up was something from Neogaf:


The google search:


Megaton3988d ago

Yeah, they've been caught channel stuffing to inflate sales numbers numerous times in the past.

lemondish3988d ago

The problem there is that the EDRAM is actually much harder to source than all that superfluous GDDR5 that was hanging around the industry in preparation for Windows 8.

With the PS4 already cleared via FCC, which is surprisingly early, I don't think Microsoft will have a 3 to 1 lead on shipping. Not even close. I actually expect them to be significantly behind.

badz1493988d ago

I want whatever this analyst is smoking! sounds like a pretty good stuff! meh...scratch that. if Pachter is anything to go by, analyst can be wrong ALL the freaking time and then some and still make money! I want that money instead. please...

BattleAxe3988d ago

"Xbox One could outship PS4 3-to-1 this year"

Yeah......now back to reality.

miyamoto3988d ago

MS PR dept will keep instilling this erroneous information again and again in the media until it changes the general perception of the PS4 advantage.

We fought this misinformation campaign against the PS3 and we beat M$ eventually but looks like they are at it again.

Its like mixing in flouride with tap water to make American dumber and dumber as the days goes by.

frankiebeans3988d ago

@edonus. "Anything MS puts in the stores is going to sell and sell well."

umm windows 8? nope. argument is pretty much dead nice try trying not to sound like a fanboy and down playing everyone that supports ps4, you sound just like everyone else.

CommonSense3987d ago

I'll be gettin both. Kiss my ass with your console war.

mewhy323987d ago

I'm curious to how the pre-order numbers stack up?

+ Show (39) more repliesLast reply 3987d ago
shutUpAndTakeMyMoney3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

Doubt it. Only ps4 is doing a world wide launch.

MS is betting mostly on the west and USA being the main country.

ps4 is #5 on amazon usa
and xbox #55 and going down.

On the bright side xbox one has a chance of beating ps4's controller.

Over all I don't trust MS to support core gamers the whole generation. I feel they just need to get them to buy then shift to kinect again.

Who goes out their way to push a camera with a console for $500??

They have yet to prove themselves to give a console long term support with new IP's.

Sony did it with ps2 and now with ps3(gt6, beyond, TLOU, ni no kuni, ratchet & clank etc...). And xbox? gears 4, halo, forza. So ps4 it is for me.

In fact MS are doing the same things over again. Remember when mass effect series & bioshock was xbox only? But still on pc?? Like project spark and titanfall?.

Godmars2903988d ago

Why are people still buying XBL points when MS is getting rid of them?

trafalger3988d ago

"Only ps4 is doing a world wide launch."

that's not what i heard. show me where sony confirmed this.


notice how those are the two areas the xbox360 does well in. why is a japanese company not confirming a japan release date first?

Ausbo3988d ago


Microsoft will be converting all leftover microsoft points into money. So you dont lose anything when they switch over

Darrius Cole3988d ago

Sony should not do a worldwide simultaneous launch anyway. They should release first in the US and Europe, where they will have to compete with the Xbone. They should put as many units in those two markets as they can to prevent the Xbone from building up a big lead there. Once the supply lines are primed and can provide all the units they need, Sony should go into Japan and the other markets. MS should do the same thing.

drsfinest723988d ago

Ohsorry I didn't know amazon is a credible source for the whole world. You do know theres more than one retailer in the world, right?

lawgone3988d ago

But then if you click "Best Selling in Video Games in 2013" it has PS4 at #3 and XB1 and #6. Most wished for has PS4 #1 and XB1 at #3 and #11 (different versions.) Not sure how all those numbers jive.

kneon3988d ago


Amazon is likely to have something similar sales patterns to other retailers so it is a good indicator. And if you checked out Amazon sites for other countries the situation for the xbox one looks quite poor.

thrust3988d ago

Sony paying amazon again a?

Only put this because the article which said xbox one pre orders doing well in game, ps fans said MS whee paying game.

SniperControl3988d ago


Erm, you will find that Amazon is the biggest online retailer in the world.

frankiebeans3988d ago

ps move selling better than xbox one lol

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3988d ago
MysticStrummer3988d ago

Last I saw, PS4 had 2-3 times as many pre-orders made available in stores, and was still sold out faster than One.

sensor213988d ago

All consoles will be sold out at launch and if u think otherwise think again.

MysticStrummer3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

@sensor - What does that have to do with what I said?

If PS4 has 60 available preorders per store and One has 20, and by the way those numbers are close to what has been reported, they can both sell out but PS4 will have shipped and sold 3 times as many.

tuglu_pati3988d ago


link or it never happened

sAVAge_bEaST3988d ago

I went to 2 gamestops in my area,. 1st time ,before the ceiling was lifted on ps4. it was 15 xone allotments,.to 28 ps4... then Ps4 allowed more pre-orders. so 40-60, isn't out of the ballpark.

MysticStrummer3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )



That's from about a month ago and it shows PS4 having an even bigger allocation advantage than what I said, but if you look at current Amazon listings both consoles are sold out and PS4 has sold more, which indicates more available at launch.

All those numbers can change between now and launch, hence why I said "Last I saw..."

@Savage - I got that 60 number from this article, which is also about a month old now...


lawgone3988d ago

@MysticStrummer...from your first link: "Neither Sony nor Microsoft have indicated how many consoles they are producing for launch day, but GameTrailers' sources suggest that at least one GameStop store has 138 PS4 consoles in its allocation, with 66 actively having been pre-ordered by customers already, to just 18 Xbox Ones." - That's a "GameTrailers' source" who is so well connected he got someone at ONE GameStop to tell him their allocation.

Same for the the other link. Fact is, no one really knows except people very high up in each organization and they are not going to talk unless they want to risk losing a high paying job, for what, to satisfy some fanboy's requests? Come on now. They're both gonna sell like hotcakes.

MysticStrummer3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

@lawgone - Which is why I said "Last I saw...". Of course both are going to sell. I'm just questioning the premise of the article because all indications are that (so far) there are more PS4s allocated for preorder than there are Ones. That means more PS4s will be shipped. There's a long time before launch and the numbers will change for both.

There's another article that said GameStop got 60 PS4s and 16 Ones, but I'm not going to look for it. It's the article I was looking for in response to tugli, but I couldn't remember the search terms that made it turn up before and I erased my history so I settled for the link I posted.

Again, all numbers will change by launch, I'm just questioning this article based on available evidence. With both consoles sold out on Amazon and PS4 having sold more, that implies more PS4s will be available.

tuglu_pati3988d ago


A link with a unknown source is practically a rumor, but nice try.

JokesOnYou3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

Mystic from your own links:

1st link:
"Sony now appears confident that it will be able to handle the demand, with unconfirmed figures suggesting stores are being provided with almost ten times as many PS4 units for pre-order as Xbox Ones."

2nd link;
“Due to high demand, GameStop is not taking additional store reservations for the Xbox One Day One Edition,” a GameStop rep told the site. “However, reservations can still be made [online].

-lol, whos point are you trying to prove? I think the only thing that suggests ps4 has more allocations is Amazons higher preorder rank for ps4, as for totals at other stores who knows but that comes back to like Ive said before the sellout X1 was on a steady incline to closing the gap with ps4 on Amazon and this article points to a rise in allocations overall.

Fergusonxplainsall3988d ago

This is true the Xbox will ship more in US 3 to 1, because they don't sell in other countries well.

So I expect we will have a ton of Xbox one's at retail. Ps4 will be like the original Wii for awhile, where people have to wait for shipments.

Every preorder I've heard of, the PS4 is always almost double that of Xb1..Sad but true.

Even when MS ships elsewhere, if they don't sell they get them back and make bundles to release in the states.

I'll buy a bundle.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3988d ago
Mikelarry3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

yeah i logged on to read article to see how he came to that conclusion and once i saw "$50 difference" i just closed the window and moved on. at the very least get your facts straight before making such a claim

Rhaigun3988d ago

Exactly. This article just screams, "I'm making this all up."

dmeador3988d ago

Maybe you should have continued reading. It was an error on the websites part

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3988d ago

Great to see Sony fans scream out.. ."shipped numbers!!!" when that's all Sony would be giving out this current gen.


pompombrum3988d ago

Great to see another x-tard trying to discredit all the hate as Sony fanboys.

kenshiro1003988d ago

You do realize that Sony must report sale numbers, right?

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3988d ago

Ironic comment from aiBreeze. You sure told me!

@shadowgeist00... where are these Sony sales numbers? They sure don't report NPD numbers anymore. I wonder why?

Maninja3988d ago

Are you serious? GameStop had an unlimited amount of PS4 preorders, and they still sold out. The Xbox One got to a point where you couldn't preorder it in store if you wanted to. The PS4 is doing better all around. Those aren't numbers, that's just logic

HammadTheBeast3988d ago

Amazon US.

PS4 - #4

Xbox One - #52


miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3988d ago


Xbox 360... 30 months in a row winning sales... Number one console sold overall in the biggest market in the World, USA.

dmeador3988d ago

@Maninja So Gamestop went through the bounds of unlimited? Maybe you need to check that logic

Seafort3988d ago

And #3 worldwide. USA isn't the biggest market in the world, Europe is. It has been for years.

I just wonder what month MS will drop total support for X360 like they did with Xbox.

I say January right after the X180 is launched :)

Cryptcuzz3988d ago

What is the point of going on about NPD numbers? That is only for the U.S, if it is not known to you yet, there is more to the world then just the U.S. Europe alone would cancel or even be a little more in terms of potential sales then the U.S.

On top of that, last I checked, the PS3 is ahead of the 360 in terms of total WORLDWIDE sales.

That leaves the 360 in dead last in overall sales. So what exactly is your point again?

MysticStrummer3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

@Midnighter - It's pretty bizarre that you're bringing up 360 NPD numbers in an article about PS4 and One, especially since it's common knowledge that PS3 has outsold 360.

Look at Amazon numbers for NA and see which console, PS4 or One, has sold more so far. Then look at Amazon numbers for the rest of the world. The One doesn't even show up in the top 100 in some EU territories.

Saying XBox One could outship PS4 at all, much less 3 to 1, is like saying the human race will make contact with extraterrestrials. It could happen, but so far there is no real evidence to support that claim.

@tugli #1.3.8 - "A link with a unknown source is practically a rumor, but nice try."

Sure man, just ignore that the article links to Wall Street Journal and GameTrailers. lol

TheFanboySlayer3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

The USA is where the biggest market is but PS$ outsold them everywhere else sooooooo it is pretty even but sony have outsold xbox according to vgchartz but vgchartz doesnt update their numbers that quickly so it may be different. All I can say is that they are dead even

Edit: I posted late you guys already told him the facts. good job lol

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3988d ago

I brought up NPD numbers because other dude brought up Amazon USA numbers. One group of USA numbers deserves another.

jatakk3988d ago


The amazon sales you're reporting is a bit off! If you see total sales so far in 2013 the ps4 is #3 and one is #6

Link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/be...


kenshiro1003988d ago

Sony isn't obligated to report to NPD. They report to their shareholders.

You fail again.

karl3988d ago

how can u feel any pride on that?

a year headstart and it still loses to sony

how crippled is MS loosing with such an advantage..

and ps3 was really unpopular cuz of bad marketting and a high price..

now ps4 is seen as the most powerful console with a cheaper price and launching on the same month probably

u gotta be stupid to think MS is gonna win this one..

jetlian3987d ago

EU isnt bigger than NA when it comes to sales by system

eu ps3/360= 31.26/ 24.39 total 55.65
NA ps3/360= 26.84/ 44.20 total 71.04

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3987d ago
B-radical3988d ago

In australia its a 50 dollar diff

3988d ago
allformats3988d ago

That analyst guy is ridiculous and his "supply chain" sources are misguided. Or maybe he's just another MS shill paid to spew out positive MS hoopla.

Because he's making no sense whatsoever.

In fact, from all we've heard, PS4 units have been outnumbering Xbox One at every outlet, even to the point of Sony telling GameStop to "open the floodgates".

Maninja3988d ago

And GameStop ran out a couple weeks later. Goes to show how much people prefer it over the Xbox One, which can't even be preordered in store anymore

SpitFireAce853988d ago

Keyword "could" but very doubtful it might put up a fight in the US rest of the world no chance.

thorstein3988d ago

It is gamesindustry.biz This site used to be industrygamers but changed the name because no one listened to them. Seems like we need to ignore them again.

Pain3988d ago

I Want his time machine!!!!

tuglu_pati3988d ago

He's not saying it will but that it could, no time machine needed for that.

Pain3988d ago

@ Tuglu in my old age lol i say this to people that make crap up " I'll believe it when i see it until then words are just like a fart in the wind"

JoySticksFTW3988d ago

"I Want his time machine!!!!"

Not I.

Mess around and end up in some weird arse alternate dimension where Kinect becomes sentient, initiates Prism Phase 2, overthrows humanity, and rewrites all history books to detail Xbone's 3-1 victory over Sony and other propaganda to control the masses, leaving only the Sony Defense Force and the last remnants of the Nintendo Brotherhood to fight against them.

No thanks.

falcon973988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

Maybe xbox 1 will outsell ps4 but how many consumers are buying it for gaming ???it's a cable box with a seperate 360 controller ?? hardly game focused...

ps4/wiiu will have the best attatch rate,wiiu has already got 5 titles that have between 15% and 25% of the total number of consoles sold ?? and lots more with around 5% so attach rate is big on wiiu,and will be just the same on ps4,xbox 1 wont have good attach rates when it comes to games....my opinion.

tuglu_pati3988d ago

Same thing could be said about the pS3 and Bluray. But i guess its not the same with PS3, right.

JeffGUNZ3988d ago

@ Falcon97. Hardly game focused? Really? Every credible source at E3 stated MS had much better games then PS3 at that conference. How could you even say something like that? Ryse, Halo 5, Killer Instinct, Forza, Dead Rising 3, Titanfall, Quantum Break, they don't look like games to you? Oh wait, what about Watchdogs, BF4, COD Ghosts, Assassins Creed, Destiny? Yeah, the Xbox One will have no games and are clearly not game focused. Do some of you people even think before you type the BS floating around your heads?

kneon3988d ago

It's not a cable box, it's a cable box peripheral.

clrlite3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

Either way this reeks of more PR or bias.

Silly gameAr3988d ago

Yeah, the PR machine is working overtime for sure.

erathaol3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

Quality over Quantity

399 over 499

Transistor over Apathy for Indie Games

Concern of consumer support over Putting more consoles than the market needs during 1st adoption

MariaHelFutura3988d ago

Go to any retail store that sells games and ask for yourselves. They'll tell you what they tell me, there is far more interest in the Ps4 and it has more preorders by alot. Microsoft seems to be kind of rushing things (like the 360) based on the nvidia cards, the faked Kinect demo, almost all the games were 360 games, Forza is being released unfinished and when the began conceptualization on the console. In the end, they can rush out and ship as many consoles as they want it'll be the same result in the end.... them getting outsold by a Playstation platform. Which is why they're rushing, they are scared of the Playstation brand and wish they had a console like the Ps2. They don't want to be embarrassed again like this gen having a year handicap. They needed that handicap to even be competitive.

nypifisel3988d ago

It's a pretty stupid article overall with no research at all. If one were to go on allotments alone the PS4 got a way bigger supply than the X1. And that's not even taking in the fact that there are some pretty solid rumours of yield problems concerning the X1, which would hamper supply even more.

3-4-53988d ago

How can the XB1 outship the PS4 when for every 1 XB1 pre-ordered there are 20 PS4's ?

Most gamestops that are full in terms of pre-orders have about:

PS4 - 60-120

XB1 - 16-30

That is roughly the difference in pre-orders.

So how can it outsell it?

The only way I could think of is if Microsoft has a deal with every company it does business with to purchase 1-5 or 5-10 XB1's for their "office" for "work" purposes.

They use this "stat" to say " people are using this for other than gaming...see! "

But really they are back door deals or actually THEY, microsoft will pay these people to say they are using their product for their workspace.

Microsoft really wants this to be a more than games device.

insomnium23988d ago

I can't wait to see the sales. The x-fans will end up with an egg on their face once again. This time there isn't even that much competition between the two. PS4 will most likely lead by 5 million console after the first year. The sales for XBone will flatline after 6 months guaranteed. Unless ofc MS does something drastic and drops the price by 100 dollars after getting beat up 6 months straight.

I cannot wait.

H0RSE3988d ago

Your flaw is not realizing that pre-orders do not account for the majority of overall sales. That is how Xbox could potentially outsell ps4.

JLT-Sandwitch3988d ago

Possible he was looking at the prices of a diferent country. Here in Australia the rrp of a ps4 is $549 and xbox1 $599. If you said $50 price difference, here you'd be correct

3988d ago
kickerz3988d ago

In Australia there is a $50 gap. Xb1 = $599 and PS4 = $549

CEOSteveBallmer3988d ago

In the U.S. of A maybe?? But how about the rest of the world?? 4 words!! " I Don't Think So"

avengers19783988d ago

Everything in the press and around the net indicates it will be the other way around and PS4 will out ship XB1... Not sure were these people are pulling this from.

nosferatuzodd3988d ago

indeed Microsoft is in full swing with there propaganda now there paying lots of journalist to write crappy articles look at these post Microsoft sales are through the roof Microsoft is going to win next gen Microsoft is going to out ship ps4 3 to 1 lol and the Xbox fans are eating it up

slampunk3988d ago

There is only $50 between them in Australia!!!

gwendolyn1alexander3988d ago

upto I saw the paycheck four $8730, I did not believe that...my... mom in-law woz realie earning money in their spare time on their apple laptop.. there neighbour started doing this for under 16 months and resently repaid the depts on there house and bourt themselves a Buick. I went here, http://Day34.com

gwendolyn1alexander3988d ago

If you think Michael`s story is cool..., in the last month my old neighbour made $5446 sitting there sixteen hours a week from there house and the're classmate's step-mother`s neighbour has done this for eight months and broght in over $5446 in their spare time from there pc. apply the guide at this address.,,,///........,....... ... http://Day34.com

Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II3988d ago

Whatever ms puts in stores will sell and sell well

Say hi to the zune , win8, and windows phones lol

showtimefolks3988d ago

on gaming sites its hard to judge how a console will sell, because we the core gamers will buy it for whatever the price is. But with it comes to casual gamers and or families saving $100 is gonna play a huge role into their purchasing decision

i am interested in finding out how well ps4 sells in the west but i believe it will sell a lot more in Europe and japan because that's where its sony sells strong

miyamoto3988d ago

The truth is not the same with the little lies M$ makes up and let slide in.

That is how M$ damage controls in the media until it rolls into a snow ball effect.

For example the omission of the PS Eye from the PS4 core SKU. M$ PR dept are some crafty snakes. That let lies slide in subliminally.

Now a lot of anti-PlayStation websites use this rumor as gospel truth even if Sony made it official that motion control games are not part of the core PS4 gaming initiative.

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 3987d ago
bicfitness3988d ago

The man is high on glue and doesn't even know that there is a $100(NOT "$50" - as stated in the article) difference between the two. Not to mention every piece of manufacturing info we've had access to has Sony in the lead for production units. They even registered and cleared with the FCC sooner. So this whole outlook is pure balderdash.

Thehyph3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

Just to add: there is a POSSIBILITY that given what we know right now, ps4 MAY beat Xbox One to the market.

PopRocks3593988d ago

Not that I agree with him but maybe he's an Xbox fan? That's probably why he would see it as good news.

HammadTheBeast3988d ago

Great news that Xbox One could outship PS4? Can you explain?

LogicStomper3988d ago


a) He likes Xbox.
b) He likes the fact that Xbox may sell well.
c) He is trying to do the so called "stealth trolling"

But just think about how silly everyone here sounds. We are the consumers, we only want the games and console. So why should any of us care which system sells more? They're both good consoles so I don't see why everyone must bash people who use the other system.

Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

LOGICWINS + 9h ago
Great news

wow thats all you had to say? u read a headline and take it immediatley as fact? LOGICFAILS

Need4Game3988d ago

Xbox One "could" outship PS4 3-to-1 this year.

devwan3988d ago

Yeah, if the boats from China sink on the way, that's about the only way it'll happen

torchic3988d ago

don't give Microsoft any ideas.

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New gameplay shared for Snow Bros. Wonderland coming to PS4 PS5 & Switch

Bundle up!

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Rainbowcookie7h ago

If this doesn't have the original soundtrack in a rock flavor then it's a real missed opportunity

Xeofate6h ago

I'm going to get the Xbox version.

Chocoburger2h ago

According to the trailer, its not on Xbox. So he's either joking or an ignorant fool.

Bathyj1h ago

Pretty sure he was joking, as was I.


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Notellin4h ago

He would kill it with a show or trilogy based around the character or some other story that involves Cal Kestis. Currently the best thing about Star Wars.

Ninver2h ago

He did a great job playing the joker.


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