
Beautiful Star Citizen Artwork Showcases Terra Prime

Cloud Imperium Games just released two beautiful pieces of artwork of Star Citizen, showing the capital of planet Terra, Terra Prime.

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ATi_Elite4082d ago

darn artwork!

Starcitizen has actual rendered screenshots out there

Abriael4082d ago

That is actually not a rendered screnshot, it more or less looks like one, but it's still artwork. They had an article a while ago on how they made it.

starchild4081d ago

All I know is that I can't wait for Star Citizen. The fact that it will support the Oculus Rift just makes it that much more mindblowing.

Einhert4081d ago

If this game lives up to everything it is promising it will be immaculate


Star Citizen Video Shows Off New Engineering Gameplay Coming in Alpha 4.0 - Simulation Daily

Cloud Imperium Games released another extensive video about its space simulator Star Citizen, focusing on upcoming engineering gameplay.

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Armyofdarkness2d ago

Alpha 4.0 lol . Sounds great you guys, biggest scam in gaming history . Now releasing 2056

blacktiger1d 6h ago

gaming history or in investment history

Gamings-Last-Legend2d ago

If Diddy can get caught... there's still hope for the developers of star citizen to be brought to justice.

thorstein2d ago

I remember when people were worried about their system being able to run this game in 2014.

Reqs: Windows 8, DirectX 11.1, Quad core CPU, 16 gb RAM.

Hotpot1d 22h ago

With the rate money is coming they’ll never do a full release, because that means they have to justify their product’s quality. This way even if the product’s an abomination they just have to say “it’s still a work in progress”.

The only way to get them to release it is for whoever’s stupid enough to still give them money to stop.

MrBaskerville1d 17h ago

Atleast Squadron 42 is releasing next year. I think SC is more of an early access type deal with almost unachievable ambition. Squadron is more manageable and is allegedly feature complete.

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New Star Citizen Update Includes Argo ATLS Mech Suit

Following the reveal of the Argo ATLS on the Star Citizen testing servers, an update introducing it to the live servers has been released.

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Star Citizen Showcases New RSI Zeus MK II Ship and MFDs Coming in Alpha 3.24.2

Today Cloud Imperium Games released another video showing relevant content and features coming to its space simulator Star Citizen.

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Promachos11d ago

You belong in jail CON ARTISTS

Markdn11d ago

Yes they are but the people who keep. Paying need locked up for stupidity.