
[Metro Gaming] Review: Capsized

Despite being handled by one of the biggest names in videogame publishing there has been little buzz surrounding the release of Capsized. A humble indie title that made its PC debut back in 2009, Capsized was originally intended to launch on the Xbox LIVE Arcade in 2010. Exactly what happened in the intervening years is not known, but it’s a welcomed gesture for Namco Bandai Games to have stepped in and given Capsized the push it needed.

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3987d ago

Humble Indie Bundle 8 Returns as a Daily Bundle

For any price you see fit, you can get Dear Esther, Capsized, Awesomenauts, Thomas Was Alone, and Little Inferno.

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Capsized Review | GB

"If you’ve been waiting with bated breath for Alientrap’s well received indie title Capsized to grace the console circuit then you can finally breath. Capsized is here and it’s well... annoying."

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Capsized | GamerHub TV Review

A space travel crashes onto a mysterious planet with no way to contact his home. He begins to explore this strange world and begins to realize how dangerous this planet is. Blood thirsty creatures, dangerous terrain, and challenging pitfalls await him as he begins his journey. Soon, he realizes he is not alone on this planet and he must battle the maleficent forces of this planet to save his fellow travelers and survive. This is Capsized.