
Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection Review | GameDynamo

GameDynamo - "I won't go through each and every game on this review, because the reviewing The Legacy Collection is about so much more than criticizing each and every game to the detail. "

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fenome3986d ago

Nice, I'm definitely gonna have to get this! The first one still has a soft spot for me, 'cause I remember when it first came out. I've got a LOT of catching up to do on this series and I think this is the perfect opportunity to do so.

Nazara3986d ago

It has its ups and downs, but it's an absolutely amazing series if you put the time into it.

guitarded773986d ago

There's a small part of me that wishes I'd never played the games before so I could buy this and be blown away.

EPiCDiNGO3986d ago

I am hoping to play all of the games and complete them before the next generation release of Metal Gear Solid 5

kB03986d ago

The only reason i'm not getting it is because it's 2 disks:P I know its sounds dumb because MGS4 is basically one blu Ray, but I see no benefit if you already have MGS4 or the HD collection. You will have 2 cds anyways:P

Although the art is cool:)

rpd1233986d ago

You get MGS1 and the VR Missions.

kB03986d ago

I have mgs 1:P I think it comes with VR missions anyways

rpd1233986d ago

Haha well then there is definitely no benefit for you. I think they should have redone MGS1 in HD. I wonder why they haven't.

kB03986d ago (Edited 3986d ago )

I think its too expensive a task to do, and their afraid of profit. It would't be an easy and simple upscale like 2, 3 and peace walker.

And they can't use the Gamecube version because I believe it's licensed to nintendo.

The gamecube version was also a good example of them not selling well. Ofc they chose a bad system to release it on since most of the fan base moved to ps2, but they lost money on the game for that console.

IN terms of games, Gamecube had the best quality imo it was the last console to have a good Nintendo Seal of approval. Wii was a game whore, having any crap on it.

JW10803986d ago

I have never played any of the Metal Gear games. I have been eyeing this up recently though. Should I go for it? Is this all the games. Are they all on disc? Trophy support? How many games are there total and should I play them in a certain order?

kB03986d ago (Edited 3986d ago )

1 download, metal gear solid 1. All have trophies with exception to Metal gear 1 since it's a ps1 game and the MSX games bundled with the game.

And yes, play them in order, you can skip the MSX versions but they are still fun if ur into the old school.

It's too bad portable ops isn't included, that game was pretty damn good!

Nazara3986d ago

What kind of games do you like? Even the best titles are not for every gamer. These have a heavy amount of story convolution, a large amount of exposition and cinematics, but are also pretty awesome on the gameplay (mainly stealth/sneaking) and experimentation front.

This is 90% of the titles, it's only missing one PSP title. I believe MGS1 (ps1) is a download voucher, not on the actual disc. MGS2, MGS3, Peace Walker and MGS4 all have Trophy Support.

The collection should have the following (this was the release order, and the order you should play them in) - Metal Gear, Metal Gear 2, Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, Metal Gear Solid 4, and Peace Walker.

It's a great value any way you cut it, but again, how much you enjoy Japanese games and the genre, your mileage will vary.

JW10803986d ago

Thanks for the feedback kB0 and Nazara. Think I might pick this up now.

JW10803986d ago

Just read the full review. 8 games for $50.00! Wow. Still on the fence about it though.

3986d ago

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2616d ago
2616d ago

5 Memorable Metal Gear Solid Boss Battles

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2801d ago
bouzebbal2801d ago

not the most memorable but i really liked final battle in MGS4 between 2 snakes.
Otherwise my most memorable fight is against The End in MGS3. I realized how rich that game was with all the gadgets available to spot him.

shauzy2801d ago

this list is crap, where is the ladder?

sdcard4gb2801d ago

Do pay attention there are no memorable bosses listed from MGSV.
You know why ?
Because they were pathetic :3


Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection and more discounted

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain has been discounted to as low as $21.48 while Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection ($23.75) and The Art of Metal Gear Solid V ($30.39) are also on sale.

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OldGuyStillGaming2885d ago

Just got my copy from Best Buy for $20

Idiedgoodbye2885d ago (Edited 2885d ago )

I can't play the game because of a damn save glitch that keeps reverting to a previous save point.

I got up to %6 completion and it keeps reverting me back to %2 I did about 6 missions. It's frustrating as f

OldGuyStillGaming2885d ago

How far into the game did this happen to you?

raWfodog2884d ago

Sounds like its time for me to get my copy of TPP now :)

Sidewinder-2885d ago

Dat feel when 21/07/2016 - you already own the game.

Idiedgoodbye2885d ago

Sales like these are reasons why I wait for price drops. I'll be buying Gears 4, and Skyrim day one though.

NukaCola2885d ago

Im 80 hours in. Does this gamw ever end?

ElementX2885d ago (Edited 2885d ago )

I just started MGS5 on PC a couple days ago, it's great but I want to know who dropped diamonds all over the base.

TheColbertinator2885d ago

You'd think cleaning crews would be making more than the R and D boys

Gardenia2885d ago

Almost a year ago since release. It wasn't my favorite MGS but looking back at it now, I kind of miss TPP. The gameplay was fun

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