
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Preview | CheatCC

CCC says: "A new Zelda game is always cause for celebration. Even ports of the classic games in the series—Ocarina of Time, A Link to the Past, and the lesser known Oracle games—result in rejoicing throughout the gamer community. Wind Waker, likely the most polarizing Zelda title in recent memory, is being remade in HD for the Wii U this holiday season, and that has people talking (as does the intimation that Nintendo is working on an original entry in the franchise for that console)."

InTheZoneAC4032d ago

please for the love of God let me play this game without the stylus...

I will buy a 3ds just for this game, but I have yet to buy into nintendo's gimmicky consoles/handhelds because of the stupid controls.

sreiches4030d ago

For what it's worth, there were no stylus controls worth noting in the demo version. Gameplay was on the top screen and used the analog disc + buttons. Inventory was on the bottom and used the stylus.

InTheZoneAC4029d ago

that's good to know.

the current zelda's for the ds require the stylus to attack, I hated that.


The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds - Classic Zelda turns 10

The Nintendo 3DS' The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is now 10 years old, yet remains a remarkable experience.

kythlyn244d ago

Calling this classic feels so weird to me. It's still the newest game in the old style... hope they make another one.

FinalFantasyFanatic243d ago

I would love a remake of Link to the Past, one in a similar vain to Link's Awakening.

Neonridr244d ago

it was an awesome game and utilized the 3D very well on the 3DS. A Link to the Past is one of my favorite Zelda games, so this one being a true sequel to that title really hit home with me.

franwex244d ago

I bought this very long ago, and it’s still in my backlog!


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