
Rambo The Video Game..It's Awesome!!

I think we have a potential game of the year on our hands people! The latest trailer for Rambo - The Video Game has been released and isn't it just a beauty! A Rambo game has been a long time coming and at last we finally have it. Praise Jebus!....

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SavageKuma4092d ago

Wow this looks interesting, but they need to step up the graphics a bit more.

3-4-54091d ago

Would never play this, but the graphics look really good for a PS2 game.

hollabox4091d ago

I would say high end Xbox (original, thank you MS for XB1 name) graphics. Heck this game belongs on Xbox Live or PSN not retail.

mafiahajeri4092d ago

Goty ? Lol yeah okay. Looks like a crap far cry...

buffalo10664092d ago

theres some heavy sarcasm in the description..i thought the picture was a big enough clue

Derekvinyard134092d ago

I really hope this isn't a full retail game

aPerson4091d ago

^ I kinda hope it is.

Aliens: Colonial Marines, Battleship and Duke Nukem Forever need a new shelf buddy in the $5 bargain bins...

buffalo10664091d ago

i want it to be retails cos we all know its gonna be another terminator salvation platinum. if it doesnt have a platinum no 1 will play it

RM-TatoTiburon4091d ago

call me when the game hits %4.99 price

CanadianTurtle4091d ago

You guys know he's joking right?

Bhuahahaha4091d ago (Edited 4091d ago )

comes with day 1 dlc

~ rocky costume (you dont kill dudes with bows instead pulverize em with ur fist/gloves)

~judge dreed (uphold th law with your ubber trusthy changing bullet, laser beam/flare/grenade/peeble in 1 gun)

~mini game (over the top)
~mini game 2 (driven)

~extra level ( go one on one with antonio banderas to determined who's the top assassin of all time )

~extra level 2 (explore the whole jungle as an ant)

buffalo10664091d ago

rocky costume as DLC would be brilliant! like its pretty obvious the developers arent taking this game serious so it could well happen!

Wagz224091d ago

That actually made me laugh haha that dlc would be amazing

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3 Great and Terrible Movie-Game Tie-Ins

Movie tie-ins were a staple of the video game industry not too long ago. Only within the last few years, movie studios figured out that unless you can commit the finances and time to make a good game, a movie tie in could do more harm for the brand than good. Game Guider Oscar Giggins takes a look at the top 3 best and worst movie tie-in games and looks at what made them either a memorable part of gaming history or a notorious mistake destined for the trash.

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Famitsu Review Scores: Issue 1430

This week’s Famitsu review scores are in.

Enter the Gungeon (PS4) – 7/7/8/8 [30/40]
The Genius of Sappheiros V (PSV) – 7/7/7/6 [29/40]
Rambo: The Video Game (PS3) – 6/7/6/7 [26/40]
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution (PS4) – 8/7/8/8 [31/40]
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution (PSV) – 8/7/8/8 [31/40]

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That Naff Rambo Game for PS3 is Getting Some Free DLC – Baker Team Incoming

PP: A while back there was a Rambo game released for PS3 that used the PS Move. It didn’t go down too well with most who played it, so we’re actually quite surprised to be sat here writing that it’s getting a free DLC update tomorrow in the form of Baker Team.

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NarooN3081d ago

That's incredibly bizarre but okay... I guess that's great for the three masochists who still play it!

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