
PS Vita/3DS JRPG Exstetra Gets New Artwork and Screenshots, Introduces the Beautiful Mizuki

FuRyu just released a new batch of artwork and screenshots of the upcoming PS Vita/3DS JRPG Exstetra, that will be released in Japan on October the 17th.

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ThyPizzaGod4094d ago

Hope this game serves well with its fans.

3-4-54093d ago

So many great games just sitting in Japan waiting to be localized.

Don't they realize that RPG's sell consoles/handhelds.

That is where the dedicated money spending gamers are at. RPG lovers don't download for free....we buy the physical copy just because.

mitchell11884094d ago

I hope they bring this game out of japan. =\ I WANNA PLAY IT!!!


A Giant Monster Underneath Akiba Is Waiting To Administer The Kiss Of Death In 'Exstetra'

Siliconera: In the next walkthrough video so far for Exstetra’s gameplay, we’re treated to a boss fight against the beast that dwells underneath Akihabara. The strange green… djinni? Thingy? Takes a good while to wear down, during which time we’re treated to how the kissing sections will work within the game.

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Go West Fifty-Eight: I Hate Everything

Edition 58 of a [sometimes] weekly column about Japanese game releases in... well, Japan. This week the focus is on Akiba's Trip 2 for the PS3/Vita, and a handful of other games.

Basically the column functions to highlight imports and give brief impressions/synopsis' for releases that are otherwise ignored by the rest of the media.

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New Exstetra Trailer is Full of Kisses, but Still Avoids Showing Guys Kissing Guys

The PS Vita/3DS JRPG Extetra has been released yesterday in Japan, and today developer FuRyu published a new trailer featuring the opening of the game and quite a lot of gameplay. It also features a lot of kisses, but the scenes including male-on-male kissing, that are indeed confirmed in the game, are again carefully avoided.

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Klonoa-dreamtraveler3975d ago (Edited 3975d ago )

check out the scared homophobes disagreeing with you lol

(edit) you got something to say then say it dont be scared and just disagree coward.

Tony-Red-Grave3974d ago

Most of the people who play these games tend to be men. So it's not tht their "homophobes" for not wanting to see something their not into >_>.

That aside it makes sense that they don't show guys kissing guys. Because if guys are your target audience and they want female ecchi why would you give them yaoi?

ritsuka6663974d ago

Around here in N4G, homophobes are the norm...which is sickening to me.

Darrius Cole3975d ago

I don't want to see it.

And for the people who would answer, "if you don't want to see, don't buy the game." That is exactly what the developer and publisher are afraid that people will do. That is why they deliberately left those scenes out of the trailer.

thehobbyist3974d ago

No it is simply the publisher. Because if the developer was worried it would hurt sales; It wouldn't be included at all.

Blastoise3975d ago

Weird kissing storyline aside, it actually doesn't look like a bad JRPG

phantomexe3975d ago

Being there are fewer gay men then stright men it makes sense not to show dudes kissing dudes which i wouldn't want to see to start with. I got the gay ending for dragons dogma because like alot of rpg players i do all side quest i can but some how without telling you it was a romance i did a quest i should of passed on and there it was 2 guys at the beach at the end. I deleted the save file and never picked up the game again.

Blastoise3975d ago (Edited 3975d ago )

You deleted a save file just because you got a gay ending?


I didn't even know Dragons Dogma had romance options

phantomexe3975d ago

yes it does man and it don't go into it much so watch what quest you do. I think i picked up the quest that lead to that when i returned to the start town later in the game to pick up the quest that apeared there. If a guy is standing at the final dragon fight at the end of the game....brace yourself. 2 dudes kiss before the credits and well. Just watch your quest.

forevercloud30003974d ago

I think the real issue here is that NOT showing the guys kissing is deceitful because it is GOING to be apart of every person's game.

If you think it won't fly with the straight main fanbase, don't put it in their period. But it is in there and those who think like you will pick it up and be shocked that they have to kiss guys.

I just think it should embrace what it is.If they want to make it how it is there is nothing wrong with that, just don't try to make it what it isn't.

I personally want this game to come stateside, without the marketing trickery.

Dan503975d ago

The US south will EAT this game up now. :P

Klonoa-dreamtraveler3974d ago

@Tony-Red-Grave i dont care if guys dont want to see it if they dont thats fine but to down Carheadbutt cause he would want to are just scared homophobes being douchebags about it.

sense when it was targeting only guys? im pretty sure girls play these games too. gaming is for everyone not for one targeted gender and for them to even have yaoi would show its not targeted to one sexual preference.

i dont have a problem with people not wanting to see it i have a problem with people that have to be ignorant about it.

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