
Crazy Taxi Now Available on Google Play

Dreamcast classic Crazy Taxi, now available on Google Play for Android devices.

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Sega's Classics Are About To Return, And I Can't Be More Excited

Amidst the thrilling TGA 2023, Sega landed with a bang, bringing not one, not two, but five classics, including Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio.

Fist4achin256d ago

Sega rocks and I'm excited that these classics are getting attention. Bring it on! Sega!

Yi-Long256d ago

I’m just happy that some suits at Sega have finally woken up to realize they have literal gold in their library well worth bringing back to a modern audience.

I’m hoping they can also bring back Virtua Tennis (doesn’t need licenses), Sega Rally, etc.

Fist4achin256d ago

I'm right there with you. Now I just need more time to play all that I want to play. My backlog is killing me.


I'm playing Shinobi arcade thanks to happy Chick APK


JAKKS Pacific Announces Sonic Movie 3 Deal

Interesting news here. Today, JAKKS Pacific, Inc. a top manufacturer of toys and consumer products and its costume division, Disguise, announced a multi-year partnership with SEGA of America, Inc. (“SEGA”) for Sonic the Hedgehog™ 3.

Name Last Name325d ago

That Sonic face never fails to make me laugh 😂

Garethvk325d ago

How many times did they have to redo it due to dan reactions?

Knightofelemia325d ago

I have yet to check out the two Sonic movies.

Rynxie325d ago

I have the Blu-ray for the first movie. I keep falling asleep and never finish watching it. I passed on the second movie. Since the first is so boring for me.

Garethvk325d ago

Glad I have not made the effort.

Trilithon325d ago

lol.. i put the second one on but i couldn't tell you what happened or how it was because i stopped paying attention after about 2 mins. Apparently Jim carney was in it again though

Garethvk325d ago

Same and I am a film and fame reviewer. Just had no interest.


Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio reboot hopes emerge after new survey

Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio reboot rumours are heating up again as a new SEGA survey points toward a next-gen makeover for these iconic franchises.

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SullysCigar570d ago

Crazy Taxi + PSVR2 + racing set up = Dream come true!

Number1TailzFan570d ago

I want to see a new ESPN Extreme Games, that first game on PS1 was so funny, and the video segments with that woman mocking you.