
Pokémon creator app comes with risks, says Nintendo

In a statement released to “Pokémon” players, Nintendo warned against using an unofficial mobile app that alters a Pokémon’s stats on their handheld games.

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Kran3995d ago

Ok then truth. The app is absolutely fine and safe to use. Feel free to use it at your own will. There's no risks. It won't destroy your game.

Also, don't worry about knives, cars, bears, and water. None of those can possibly harm you.

lucidity3995d ago

Maybe they should discourage this practise by cutting out all the bullshit involved with breeding good critters instead of making empty noises like this.

Jirachi3995d ago

I agree 100% there's NO reason to force legit players to grind 100s of hours to have a perfect team. if you cut the grind i'll stop using the pokemon online battle sim.

Name Last Name3995d ago

What is the point of cheating? Where is the fun in that?

BlackWolf3995d ago (Edited 3995d ago )

Well, some people enjoy games ONLY when they win, when they demonstrate they "rock" in the game. With that, they will do everything they can to win, even cheating.

If something like this app comes around for any game they wish to become the "OP Man", they'll just say "Hey, this will help me win!!" and use it right away.

Firan3995d ago

Cheats are fun initially. Then you realize you did nothing by yourself and get bored since there's nothing new in the game anymore.

Deku-Johnny3995d ago

Why would anyone want to use that app anyway? Doesn't that take out the fun of being a Pokemon TRAINER?

BlackWolf3995d ago

Yeah, I thought one of Pokemon's main factors was growing, watch the monsters become stronger, and the feeling of achievement when you see them win because of you efforts. Acquiring victories trough cheating takes away that self-obtained award.

Starbucks_Fan3995d ago

This is the dumbest app I've ever seen. Makes the game completely pointless.


Why the 3DS is still valid in a world with Nintendo Switch

The Switch has captivated Nintendo fans across the world. But some of these fans might be too quick to write off the Nintendo 3DS right now.

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Fist4achin1965d ago

You're damn right is it still valid! I'm looking forward to their titles coming out this year for it. Not dead yet!

n1kki61965d ago

The biggest reason, its still getting unique experiences and exclusives instead of port after port.

Gemmol1965d ago

Lol say whatever you want Nintendo just release a port for it, no matter what its dying and Nintendo don't support it like that no more

If you want to play old games on it that's on you but that system aint getting much new games no more

Thanks Nintendo for killing it slowly

bluefox7551965d ago (Edited 1965d ago )

3DS is still way better IMO, the software library on Switch isn't even close to that of 3DS yet. Switch is currently just a bunch of last gen and indie ports, with a few heavily downgraded modern games sprinkled in.

Gemmol1965d ago

You comparing switch first two years vs 3ds first two years or you one of those who compare a system first two years vs 5 to 6 years of another company

EddieNX 1964d ago

Switch is much better than 3DS. I've already played all the good 3DS games ages ago.

Uglyday1965d ago

Goes in my pocket without getting the screen messed up and has a huge library of games.

I have great games for both my Switch and Vita but on the go I’m just too rough on things.


Reggie's Love Affair With: The Pokémon Franchise

The first time Reggie laid eyes on these exotic pocket monsters, he did not know was about to embark on a two-decade long love affair...

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Press Start: My Pokemon saga might be over

After pouring hundreds of hours over 10 years into the beloved Pokemon series, Gazette gaming columnist Jake Magee’s time with it might be coming to an end, he writes.

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Pookandpie2347d ago


"I don't want to buy a Switch, The Pokemon Company is obviously developing Pokemon games for the Switch, so I am no longer going to play Pokemon."

There. That's basically everything in two sentences.