
New Super Luigi U Review | GoozerNation

Ryan Johnson | GoozerNation

New Super Luigi U harkens back to the original Mario sequel, with it's increased difficulty curve while retreading all the old sprites and ideas. It's definitely created for a specific type of gamer, but does it fit your mold?

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derkasan2575d ago

Nintendo sure has a knack for interesting commercials.


Games with the best DLC: and the DLC that rocked it

MyGaming: "DLC has rapidly grown in popularity over the last few years. So much so, that it wasn’t all that long ago that it was an oddity, a videogaming black sheep.

Now, DLC is everywhere, with almost every game released having some sort of DLC component.

But with so much DLC releasing of late and so much to choose from, how do you tell which is the best? Which DLC is actually worth the purchase?

How about we take a look at some of the best DLC released thus far."

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Week of Mario Mods Day 3: New Super Mario Bros. Showcase

Our third day of our Week of Mario Mods is centered around the New Super Mario Bros. series!

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