
GameSpy: WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 Preview

GameSpy writes: "Orlando's Citrus Bowl will play host to WrestleMania XXIV, where muscle-bound men and scantily clad women will beat themselves to a pulp, flying off of ladders and putting their lives and livelihood on the line to entertain a crowd of crazed sign-waving fans. In stark contrast, Walt Disney's carefully manufactured dream world of homogenized happiness and ultra-huggable anthropomorphic animation icons was where THQ held its press conference, teasing a mixed audience of gaming and sports media outlets with snippets of information about its next wrestling game, Smackdown vs. Raw 2009.

THQ's Senior Creative Manager Cory Ledesma gave a presentation outlining a few of the features and enhancements to the series that would be coming in this year's game. While this would not be an exhaustive, all-inclusive look at the game, he emphasized a quintet of key franchise improvements that would be the focus of this first look. Interestingly enough, he emphasized the importance of improving the game in areas that were met with negative response by critics, going on to say that it was his goal to improve review scores. While game critics often hope that their assessment of videogames during the review process are utilized constructively by developers and publishers, it was intriguing to hear this confirmed and how, at least in this case, it's helping shape the development process."

-All-new tag team gameplay
-Downloadable content and more online features
-Cooperative story mode

-Without hands-on time, we can't tell if the gameplay will be significantly improved over the last game.

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The Evolution (?) of WWE Games Moves Animations

One week from the next gen release of WWE 2K15, let's take a look at how moves and animations have evolved (?) through the WWE Games series... After comparing the character models with last week's video, we now look at the animation of several finishers / signature moves.

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Stuart57563509d ago

Good comparison, they've got worse with age.

Thrillho3509d ago

Many of the old animations look better than the new ones especially the Sweet Chin Music and Goldberg's spear. The 2K14 Clothesline from Hell looks awesome though.


The Evolution (?) of WWE Games Character Models - Video Comparison

Comparing the face textures of WWE Games character models through the years... featuring John Cena, Booker T, JBL, Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, Mr. McMahon and many more... evolution?

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The93Sting3520d ago

damn, WWE 2006 is the better looking than all of them.

paddy953520d ago

Ha, they get worse each year.

ABBAJESUS3520d ago

HCTP faces and career mode were great

Austin483520d ago

I hope that was the last generation version of 2k15 if it is I'm canceling my pre order.


Top 5 WWE Games of All Time

WWE have produced a lot of video games in their time, with varying degrees of quality. Which are the best though? Jason Delacey tries to pick five Stone Cold Stunners.

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WooHooAlex4308d ago

No Day of Reckoning? Man, that's one of my all time favorites.

BkaY4308d ago

Here comes the pain.... all time fav WWE...

once my cousins and i played elimination chamber whole night .. one match whole night.. good times
