
Deadpool Ending Spoiler Alert

This is the complete ending of Deadpool. The game offers simple combat with a character you can't help but love. The game overall felt very repetitive until this point but the ending is awesome.

Enjoy the ending cinematic along with the credits.

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o-Sunny-o4107d ago

Spoiler! Spoiler! Spoiler! ^~^ ok I'm done.

oof464106d ago

*Sigh*...Are we gonna see more of these for EVERY game released?


Microsoft Is Allegedly In Talks To Bring Deadpool & Other De-listed Marvel Games Back On Sale

Microsoft is allegedly in talks to bring Deadpool and other de-listed games from Marvel's catalog back on sale on the Xbox store.

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Lightning7735d ago

Hope it's true bring back up the servers and release them on Xbox and PS again.

MS can't even advertise their console and games so why I believe them doing something like this. Would ne nice but MS incompetence is hilarious lvls of bad and most it is self inflicted.

Obscure_Observer34d ago

"MS can't even advertise their console and games so why I believe them doing something like this. Would ne nice but MS incompetence is hilarious lvls of bad and most it is self inflicted."

In a short period of time MS has been doing more for Activision than Kotick was able to do in years.

To bring those games back would be fantastic news for games.

I do agree with you when comes to MS incompetence regarding marketing for its games and console, though.

Lightning7734d ago

Yah but MS isn't very reliable. Like o said they don't even advertise their own stuff so why I believe a rumor in them renewing the license? Would be great but definitely not getting my hopes up.

Xbox Era aren't very reliable as well.

LG_Fox_Brazil34d ago

Please, bring X-Men Legends back! I have fond memories of it, used to play a lot with a friend back in my teenager years. Unfortunately my friend passed away a few years ago, but I would love to play it with my younger cousins to see if I could relive a little bit of those days... It was a great game

Skate-AK34d ago

Legends is pretty unlikely to be honest. Closest you'll probably get is Ultimate Alliance.

Jingsing34d ago

Does Microsoft have any originality left in their business portfolio?

CrimsonWing6934d ago

Um, did you watch their summer showcase?

anast34d ago

That summer showcase is an expression of mediocrity.

Obscure_Observer34d ago


"That summer showcase is an expression of mediocrity."

It was one of the best showcase of all time! And that simple fact got you hurt pretty bad.

purple10134d ago (Edited 34d ago )

Flight sim was the only 10/10 game on that showcase, and thats niche in popularity
hope im proved wrong but on m$ track record, it doesn't seem I will be

Terry_B33d ago

actually he did..thats why he asked

CrimsonWing6933d ago (Edited 33d ago )


C’mon man, the hyperbole is real here.

I mean, you got Avowed, Perfect Dark, Gears of War E-Day, Indiana Jones, South of Midnight, Fable, State of Decay 3.

You have an article mentioning how Microsoft is trying to bring back delisted Marvel games and a comment that literally asks if they have any originality left in their business portfolio…

You damn well know if this was Sony bringing back delisted Marvel games people would be rimming the hell out of Sony and I doubt a single person would have asked if they have any “originality” in their portfolio. There’s literally 3 new IPs in that list 🙄

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 33d ago
XiNatsuDragnel34d ago

Make marvel chaos again plz 🙏

neomahi34d ago

They want to be Sony. What does Sony do? Mimic them. Sonys success with Marvel, Xbox wants a piece of that pie too. Marvel games weren't really all that big before Spider-man, but Insomniac Games learned from veteran Rocksteady and figured out how to make it work. It's just a crying shame Xbox is always late to the party and always will be. They don't have a smart enough team to be forward thinking, so they're always trailing behind. Sony knows how to show you how to have fun and Nintendo knows how to make you smile. Xbox? They're always too busy trying to catch up.

Xbox is using the very same producer Insomniac had for the Spider-man games for their Blade game, this is why Xbox is falling. It's not Sheamus Blackly and Ed Fries anymore, you're voluntold at Xbox and they're suits that don't know their customer base, how it's always been. Xbox will always be only second

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P_Bomb405d ago

I see Deadpool made the list. Also saw it in stock at the local game store. Second hand. Might finally pick up a copy.