
Eurogamer - Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon's Keep Review

EG:Everything's different but nothing's changed: that's the reassuring message Borderlands 2 is sending with Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon's Keep. It's also, rather fittingly, a reminder that Gearbox's cyber-hick shooting party now resembles one of those special long-running TV shows, like Moonlighting or Community, that can contort itself into all sorts of weird shapes without really damaging the essence of what makes it work.

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LackTrue4K4014d ago

Before I left to work, I checked the PSN store...and to my surprise!!! Hey had the DLC!!
I left it downloading, so when I get home...I'm ready!!
Ps: I'm really really enjoying the Psycho vault hunter! His hella funny, and is played super Aggressive!!


Favorite DLC Expansions That We've Ever Played

Aaron at IGCritic says "Many have come to think of the term DLC as standing for Downright Lazy Cash-grabbing as opposed to what it is usually intended as; additional content."

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Top 10 Horses in Gaming

EB: Some video game protagonists go it alone throughout their adventures, sometimes they have a sidekick, or an extra gun to tag along with them, but sometimes their adventure is too big to just travel by foot, and that’s where your trusty steed comes in. Tried and true, your equine partner will stick with you through thick and thin, and occasionally, in some games, will stick around and do a little damage themselves (from what I’ve heard, getting kicked in the head by a horse doesn’t feel too good.) Of course, in the realm of gaming, not all horses are the hairy, muscular animals that we see in everyday life. Some of them are lit with an eternal flame, some of them are unquestionably from the black depths of the underworld, and some of them are just straight up dead.

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What Killer Game Just Made Sequels Obsolete?

Sequels are great, but sometimes expansions can be just as endearing.

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