
“Our Goal is to Scare The Sh*t Out of Players”: Outlast Devs Talk PS4, PS Plus and Horror

"While at E3, we were able to get our hands on the award winning survival horror title Outlast, a game that we thought was so scary that we immediately had to meet the developers behind it. PSLS talked to Co-founder/President and Game Designer at Red Barrels Games, Philippe Morin, about the story behind the studio, the game and what it was like self publishing Outlast." - PSLS

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doctorstrange4017d ago (Edited 4017d ago )

I'm playing this under a blanket.

indysurfn4017d ago

Am I the only person that caught this?
Okay at the start of this Microsoft fooled people by using terms. Like LEND(should have been check out/check in) lending. Now they are being successful by using the term:
"offline game". Did you catch that, if you install a "OFFLINE game" then you will not have restrictions, that is the condition.

What defines a "OFFLINE game" What if only one game has the label of offline game on it? Most likey candidate would be a turned based rpg.
Heck what percent of games don't have a component of online on 360 games right now? Microsoft almost required it with few exceptions.
If there is a term "OFFLINE game" as a condition. for you to not have to get online.

Then that is a out, for Microsoft to change nothing! Don't trust a company that keeeeeeeeeps making pot shots at your rights. And keeps adding names like "OFFLINE xbox one games", to fool you, otherwise they Fooled you twice! Are you going to let that happen?

Microsoft qoute:An internet connection will not be required to play OFFLINE Xbox One games....If they where not trying to fool you it would

read:An internet connection will not be required to play (any) Xbox One games. see the difference? I don't care if it drops to 199 It is still

taking away my used games rights!!! plus as I pointed out the DRM issue is conniving explained to fool us? This is what Microsoft meant by

they will make this CLEAR. (MORE TRICKY)
This could just be a feature on the back of the box. so if they dont make a offline box like they have a 'online multi player' capable box on the back of the disc it is okay to still drm you to there hearts are content!!!

Foolsjoker4017d ago

I'm playing this with a knife.

Prcko4017d ago (Edited 4017d ago )

i see we have female players here...

PurpHerbison4017d ago

What is that supposed to mean? Better hope Sessler doesn't read that...

AceofStaves4017d ago

I'm sure I'm not the only female gamer looking forward to this. And I won't be playing it under a blanket. ;)

TechnicianTed4017d ago

Yeah it's coming to pc at the end of the summer and to the ps4 next year. They do actually say in the article.

scofios4017d ago

I Just saw the gamplay of this game on gametrailers now I'm So Freaking Hyped for this game.

FamilyGuy4017d ago

This is that game that "scared the begeezus" outta that dude at E3, lol.

First Person view horror game, already nice.

Allsystemgamer4017d ago

It looks very similar to amnesia which is a fantastic thing

dale_denton4017d ago

that's worse bro, not knowing something is right there next to you is creepier lol.. can't wait for this game and the evil within

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Snookies124017d ago

Guess I'll have to just play it on the toilet in that case... :\

Heisenburger4017d ago

"Wear diapers, much easier."

Well that depends...

Buh dum tsss!!

karl4017d ago

youd need to change them every few hours of gameplay...

ltachiUchiha4017d ago (Edited 4017d ago )

Haha that trailer of gameplay i watched was scary though lol. Lmao @diaper haha. Good one mate just make sure there huggies lol.

MysticStrummer4017d ago (Edited 4017d ago )

This, along with Drive Club, will quickly help PS+ to start paying for itself, for those who are waiting for PS4 to sign up.



Skynetone4017d ago

heres another vid on outlast


outlast is free to PlayStation plus members, had to check it for myself, this game looks bad azz

MonkeyNinja4017d ago

Thanks for sharing the video! Now I want it even more!!!

Wedge194017d ago

So excited to get my hands on this game. I have a feeling that it's another game that will make my cry, but not from the sad feelings and emotions....

no_more_heroes4017d ago

There is no measure of distance in existence big enough to express how far I want this game away from me.

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cthulhucultist22d ago

Very safe list of horror games. I would argue that Amnesia Machine for Pig was not that great. Dark Descent was much a much better game.

Far better games have been released in this genre (Dead Space Remake, Alien Isolation, Alan Wake 2 etc).


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monkey602591d ago

A lot of my favourites are on this list so I whole heartedly approve.
Everything except The Observer. It started out really interesting but quickly unraveled into a train wreck. Including frustratingly dull dives into mind sequences, They neutered the monster with boring on rail stealth sequences and a laughably obvious and cringeworthy ending. Mix in bugs and some wonky controls to boot.
I had really strong impressions with it to start but ended up absolutely hating it.

isarai591d ago

I got 2-3hrs in and couldn't take it anymore, the constant need to switch between the 3 visions just became so annoying and honestly just unnecessary.

monkey602591d ago

I actually agree. At first I thought it was a great idea because the game wasn't holding your hand with the Detective work but it was so unintuitive too. It became a sequence of staring at everything for long enough in 3 different vision modes just to see what stuck.

Yui_Suzumiya591d ago

Soma would be more existential horror than anything but I'll be damned if it didn't have one of the best stories in game that I've experienced. Blew my mind.


Five Spooky Games to Make Halloween All the Scarier

The spooky season is at last upon us, making the next couple of weeks the perfect time for a healthy helping of horror. There's no shortage of options out there, so here are a few suggestions to get the ball rolling!

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rlow1612d ago

I remember the suffering and it was descent game. I always wanted to play Crimson but never got to it.

But honestly, I’ve never played a game that really scared me, like some movies from the past have.

Silly gameAr612d ago

I remember The Suffering 1 and 2. I haven't thought about those games in years. I still remember some parts of the level in the prison where a guy was sucked through a vent screaming. I don't know why that's stuck with me all of these years.

Babadook7612d ago

I'm saving RE VIII for when the PS VR2 comes out.