
Tekken Revolution is a Free-to-Play Ace (2D-X)

Tekken Revolution is a AAA game in a free-to-play shell. Fortunately, it's a fine, fine title that hardcore Tekken fans will enjoy.

RGDubz4000d ago (Edited 4000d ago )

Game is only for those who do not own a TEKKEN game this gen, if you own any current-gen TEKKEN games then you have no need to get this.

Price: Free-to-Play
Gameplay: TEKKEN 4
Recommend to: TEKKEN nOObs/beginners & non-TEKKEN owners
File Size: 1.9 GB


Tekken Revolution to be Taken Down this March

Bandai Namco has now officially announced that Tekken Revolution, the first free-to-play game from the franchise, will be taken down on March 21

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FallenAngel19842719d ago

All good things come to an end. Was fun while it lasted

JCW20052718d ago

damn :( i hope they put it on ps4 or something equivalent

2717d ago
rezzah2717d ago

Played a couple matches, it was fun. Realised I needed to wait for a countdown to play more matches, deleted from my system.


Ace Combat Infinity X Tekken Revolution Collaboration Drop Event Revealed

Bandai Namco Games has announced a new collaboration between Ace Combat Infinity and Tekken Revolution which starts today at 5pm and ends on November 4th around 7pm. During this limited period unique airframes and emblems will be added as drop items in the game.

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chikane3512d ago

Dear Bandai Namco Please release a real ace combat game for next gen systems.Thank you


Tekken Revolution Hits 3.5 Million Downloads On PS3

Bandai Namco's free-to-play fighter celebrates 3.5 million downloads on PS3 with reduced prices and a lowered grind.

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sinncross3597d ago

Thats very good. But where is the Vita version? They said if the PS3 version did well that a port would be made to the Vita. 3.5 mil seems more than good if you ask me.

MrSwankSinatra3596d ago

They also said that they wanted to bring tekken revolution to PS4.

Jiiiiiiin3596d ago

Yeah!! Where's ps4 ps vita version of tekken revolution !!!???

Tony-Red-Grave3596d ago

I know what i'm abou to say is pretty blasphemous but here goes.....

I wish more fighters, like SF, had a F2P version like Tekken has revolution. It would be a really good way to introduce casuals to each of these games and if each F2P fighter had a small well rounded roster it'd go a long way to help teaching match ups, punishers, combos etc.

From my perspective I never played a fighting game up until Tekken Revolution, because it was free, and thanks to the small roster at launch and invincible moves I was able to stick with and learn how to use king. I also learned how to punish kazuya players and especially lars players. It's actually got to the point where I instinctively punish kazuyas 1,2,4,3 move with Kings kick counter xD.

Thanks to a F2P Tekken game introducing me to the series snd being easily accessible but keeping the core of what is tekken I was able to transition into TTT2 fairly easily.

If a game like SF had a F2P variant with a focus on a small roster that include the core of the series, with some of the newer harder to master characters being added over time, then I believe it would go long way towards making fighters alot more popular.

Clogmaster3596d ago

Isn't that a low amount of downloads for a free game in an 80 million user base?