
There Will Be No Saints Row V

How can there be? The story for Saints Row IV is so ludicrous that it's impossible to follow.

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BiggCMan4020d ago

I don't think you, or most of the people below me even read this article. It has nothing to do with there not being a Saints Row 5. It is simply impressions of 4, with a question at the end of how could they possibly top it.

NihonjinChick4020d ago

I read it and the whole game sounds... ridiculous. Aliens, gangs running the white house, and super powers? This isn't Saint Row anymore.

I hope there isn't anymore SR games after this.

turgore4020d ago

Good. I couldn't stand saints row the third.

GREW50ME4020d ago

Me neither... I quit after 10 minutes.

LightofDarkness4020d ago

They'll reboot or spin-off. They just bought the franchise, they're hardly going to kill it one game in.

TesMgsFan4020d ago

I never expected that, but saints row 3 is the same as saints row 4. The best one was saints row 2.

animegamingnerd4020d ago

i want saints row to go back to its roots

NihonjinChick4020d ago

This franchise could have gone to GTA heights but they ruined it. I want to punch the person who came up with the idea to put all this over the top stuff in SR.

JsonHenry4020d ago

I never played the first 2 which is probably why I loved how over the top and funny and Saints Row 3 was. It is the only GTA style game I've actually beat since GTA3.

ChickeyCantor4020d ago

Im not sure why people want another GTA like clone. The reason they went bananas with The third is because they realise there is already a serious open world game out there ( GTA ).

Donnieboi4020d ago

@Sidar: If I was determined not to like it, then why did I pay $120 for it (and an additional copy for my GF to play on her brother's Xbox) and pay for the season pass? Is that the best excuse your mind could conjure up?

Try re-reading my original statement--it provides more than enough ample reasons for why it sucked.

Donnieboi4020d ago (Edited 4020d ago )

U dont have to have played or even liked the first two games in order to see how stupid SR3 is. Even if somehow u can look past the horrible gimmicks of aliens and cheesy slapstick "comedy" (I never once actually laughed), anyone can still see that the poor animations, crappy city, handful of recycled npc's, lack of customization, lack of any inspirition in innovation of gameplay, uninspired rambling dialogs, and lack of customization for clothing, and you can clearly see that the game was trash on it's own merits.

SR 4 will be lucky if it sells even 200,000 copies, especially since GTA 5 is coming up a mere 3-4 weeks after SR 4 comes out. Plus people have better things to spend their money on: We're all about to go broke saving up for GTA 5, Gran Turismo 6, PS4, (or an Xbone if your a fool), next gen games, bills, rent, other fee's and costs.

SR4 is gonna be the exact same city and assets as SR3. It was a DLC for sr3, turned into a "full" game (but is actually a $60 stand-alone expansion pack. Same crap city design and map, npc's, animation, developers, etc. But repackaged for $60. This shoulda been a $10 expansion dlc. They don't deserve $60 for dlc.

So who the hell has money to waste on such a dumb game? Even a millionaire wouldn't buy that game. Better of giving that $60 to a bum on the street.

So if u can't tell by now, I hate this series now. I can't even pretend to ignore how bad it's gotten. They say that in order to truly hate something/someone, u had to have loved it at some time, in order to be so angry with it later. Well, I used to LOVE this series. Me and my GF would sink hundreds of hours into it. And now it's ruined. I can respect change, but this is a joke. Even if it wasn't named Saints Row, it would still be considered a joke based on it's own merit.

R.I.P. Saints Row, u had so much potential, now your the laughing stock of the industry.

JsonHenry4020d ago

I feel the same way about Command and Conquer 4 man. I completely 100% understand. When they change a game/franchise you love into something it isn't it does make you upset.

ChickeyCantor4020d ago

I think the reason you didn't laugh is because you were determined from the beginning that you didn't like it.

Donnieboi4020d ago (Edited 4020d ago )

double post

ChickeyCantor4020d ago

I honestly think you're overreacting badly. But whatever, to each his own.

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Volition's Saints Row 4 PC upgrade was meant to be a make-good, but it broke the game instead

Remember this year's Saints Row(opens in new tab)? Volition would probably prefer that you didn't, which might go some way to explaining why the studio recently decided to upgrade everyone's copy of Saints Row 4(opens in new tab) to its full-fat Re-elected Edition, containing all the game's story and cosmetic DLC and even introducing cross-play between Steam, Epic, and GOG versions of the game.

Unfortunately, that upgrade seems to have backfired, and players now report a myriad of bugs with their new version of SR4. Both the Saints Row Steam forums(opens in new tab) and subreddit(opens in new tab) are filled with players complaining of broken saves, crashes, and mods failing to function. It's also received a few hundred negative Steam reviews(opens in new tab) since the update. If it's succeeded in washing the taste of Saints Row (2022) out of players' mouths, it's only because it tastes even worse.

crazyCoconuts550d ago

I wonder if Volition's getting reorged under Gearbox impacted the quality of their release.

jeromeface549d ago

i can't help but laugh at this comment. Gearbox can't even run themselves.


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