
The Winner of E3 2013 Is...

MTV Multiplayer - It only happens every few years -- when the planets align and the secret cabal of developers, publishers, manufacturers, and retailers convening in ancient, forgotten depths to speak to life a new generation of console gaming. We all knew this day was coming, as Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony riled up the throbbing mob of gamers to draw lines in the sand and choose or perish. We learned tons of new and interesting stuff about the Xbox One and PS4 and got to see a bit of the big three's gaming line-up for the upcoming months. That said, there were plenty surprises, disappointments, and confusion about where exactly are these console makers going.

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mirroredge4118d ago

Sony Just Paid Money For This Type Of Trick To Website Sony Not Showing great games At e3,Sony Lost Mgs's exclusivity

GreenRanger4118d ago

Sony never had MGS exclusivity.

Foxgod4118d ago (Edited 4118d ago )

You must be new here, probably never read any of those MGS4 dvd jokes.

One game or not, the sony side of the fence claimed it would never grace on another console again.

Remember the Metal gear rising reveal for xbox 360 on E3, and every sony fan flooding in here that the xbox isnt getting a real metal gear.

duplissi4118d ago

last I check mgs4 is one game. other mgs games have been on other platforms going back to the gamecube and og xbox....

PiTCHBLaCK4118d ago

@ Foxgod

Doesn't matter what the "Sony side of the fence" said. MGS was never an Exclusive and that's what GreenRanger is saying.

Aces174118d ago

Coming into E3 despite the bad news detailed about the Xbox One I was still ready to buy it because it seemed only logical to assume Sony would bee doing close to the same thing. Them doing the exact oppisite of the crap Micrsoft is doing for $100 less is still amazing. My main system this gen was Xbox and I can't find any way to defend Microsofts chioces with the new Xbox.

Sony/PS4 won in price, hardware, not pissing customers off and if history has shown us anything it will win in games.

Foxgod4118d ago (Edited 4118d ago )

that hardware victory is marginal at best.
The downclock rumor for the one its gpu where debunked, the architecture is exactly the same, gddr5 is not better then ddr3, they both have their advantages.

And last but not least, the XBOne got ESram on its GPU, the ps4 doesnt.
Both have the same card, the one is the ps4 is just higher clocked, but the XBOne its ESram makes it futile to have a higher clock.

RiPPn4118d ago (Edited 4118d ago )

Downclock hasn't been disproved, in fact over on GAF I believe they linked a new york times article that all but confirms it. Pretty telling that Microsoft hasn't released the official specs of the bone yet.

Foxgod4118d ago (Edited 4118d ago )

MS said what?


Just get over it, you guys are holding on to a string, the XB1 is not weaker then the ps4, in fact, it might outdo the ps4 in some area's, while the ps4 might outdo the XB1 in other area's.

This is caused by the difference in RAM, they both have their benefits.

NameRemoved00174118d ago


Your one of those stupid fanboys that thinks they know everything about hardware.

"gddr5 is not better then ddr3."
You lose the game, Gddr5 is faster in every way and it cost much more than ddr3 to make. The one benefit ddr3 has is better timings, however the better timings make absolutely no difference for games whatsoever, for programs like photoshop and encoding ddr3 is better. Don't forget the PS4 has 7gb of open ram and the xbox only has 5 reserved for games.

"XBOne got ESram on its GPU."
ESram doesn't have shit to do with the gpu, it is used for caching stuff and nothing else.

"Both have the same card, the one is the ps4 is just higher clocked"

The PS4 is basically a custom 7850 while the xbone is a custom 7770, here is a comparison between those 2 cards.

Hint: The xbone is worse at everything.

"XBOne its ESram makes it futile to have a higher clock"
Again wtf does esram have to do with the gpu clock.

Foxgod4118d ago (Edited 4118d ago )

Let the games do the talking, wel see soon how little difference there is between the ps4 and the XB1.

The ESRAM in the XB1 is used by the GPU btw, to read out data faster.

PiTCHBLaCK4118d ago

@ Foxgod

PS4 uses 8GB GDDR5, much faster than your typical 8GB DDR3.

PS4 is clocked higher to, so yeah Looks like the PS4 is more faster and powerful.

Ju4118d ago (Edited 4118d ago )

Foxgod, I agree with you. Let the games do the talking. But don't be disappointed when that One launches and what you'll get will be looking nothing like what you have seen at the show.

The ESRam is used by the GPU to "read out data faster" (what ever that means. Doesn't it need to write, too?). And this is required to overcome the bandwidth limitation of DDR3, and yet won't reach GDDR5.

TheObserver4118d ago

I am highly suspicious of Foxgod. He's on every article and doing damage control for MS. He's probably a part of MS astroturfing and reputation management team.



Neogaf also banned a bunch of MS shills who illogically defended Xbone. On the other hand, he could be a super loyal fan. . . In either case of his identity, I don't know what's worse: Being paid to spread lies and anti-consumer corporate interests or doing it for free.

Hicken4118d ago

So... you tried talking specs and FAILED. BADLY. hdshatter demolished you on that front.

So rather than even admit how wrong you were, you move the goalpost. "Let the games do the talking."

Are you sure you don't work for Microsoft?

The games will talk, by the way, just as they did this gen. I'm still waiting on that 360 game that looks better than Uncharted 2; we're not even gonna get to The Last of Us.

It's frankly gotten annoying, seeing you and others run around the site spreading misinformation and outright lies because Microsoft is about to put out a crap console and you can't process that.

MikeMyers4118d ago

"The games will talk, by the way, just as they did this gen. I'm still waiting on that 360 game that looks better than Uncharted 2; we're not even gonna get to The Last of Us."

Why do games have to look better to be better? If that were the case you'd be supporting the PC platform.

"It's frankly gotten annoying, seeing you and others run around the site spreading misinformation and outright lies because Microsoft is about to put out a crap console and you can't process that."

Actually what's getting annoying are people who act like they don't have choices. If you think it's a crap console then go away. How simply is that? Instead you enjoy bashing the Xbox and have been for many years.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4118d ago
nosferatuzodd4118d ago

well said ppl are forgeting that right now at the end of the cycle ps3 have last of us, ninokuni, beyond god of war ascension gt6 diabolo rain the list goes on and on name 2xbox360 exclusive right now plus has soon has Microsoft gets everyone's money back to their old tricks kineck kineck you will love kinect you must obey kineck kineckkineck god dammit

Moonman4118d ago

Sony whooped their arses. :)

QuickdrawMcgraw4118d ago

Can anyone tell me what the exclusive launch games are for the Xbox 1?

Polysix4118d ago (Edited 4118d ago )

I know it comes with a free copy of "jump through the hoops" which is definitely an XboxOne exclusive.

The rest was mostly timed or coming to PC too.

FITgamer4118d ago (Edited 4118d ago )

lol @Polysix. @Quickdraw RYSE, DEAD,RISING 3, and FORZA 5. Everything else they announced comes out in 2014.

Polysix4118d ago

Sony won. It wasn't even close.

Mind you those GTX 700 series packing PCs put on a nice bit of competition running the "XboxNone" games, but even then Sony shat on them from a great height and they haven't even started yet, they didn't need to with MS self destructing so spectacularly!

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