
Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy XV Should Have Remained Exclusive

Junkie Monkeys: With the recent news that both Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy XV will be arriving on the Xbox One, it has me wondering exactly what happened between Sony and Square Enix?

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Lovable4120d ago

TBH Making the game into one console will always be the best choice since they can put all their time learning and optimizing it on that particular console. However, nowadays the cost of making these games even EXCEED the cost of making blockbuster movies! It's just suicide if a developer release their games only on one console unless they got the back up of the publisher(ie sony, ms and nin).

All in all, companies need to make money first and foremost in order to survive. We can't blame SE in this case as it's the most obvious choice.

Neoninja4120d ago

Well said Lovable.
I work in the film industry and I can tell you there are a lot of loopholes and tax breaks that make things a lot cheaper than studios say they do. As far as I know things like that don't exist in the gaming industry, and if a game tanks then a whole developing studio might tank with them. Shoot even if the game is a hit it might not be enough.

Gildarts4119d ago

"shoot even if the game is a hit it might not be enough"

Like what happened with kingdoms of amalur. RIP.

iMaim4120d ago

Square Enix is also bleeding money. FFXIV crippled their stocks pretty bad a couple years ago. They don't have the luxury of making games exclusive anymore. What I find surprising is why KH is on Xbone anyways.

I mean seriously, why? How are Xbox fans going to catch up with the series mythos when the KH HD collection is exclusive to PS3. I feel the same about ME3 on the WiiU as well.

GameCents4119d ago

I seriously find this reasoning perplexing. Are people such brand fanboys that they cannot fathom that anyone who has had a playstation in the past could ever buy another console brand in future?

Just how difficult do you think it is to have owned a PS2 or even PS3 and then buy an X360 or XONE? This is the same reasoning that blew my mind when PS3 fans were complaining about Tekken and Devil may cry franchises were making their Xbox debut.

Let me answer you in a single sentence: Not everybody has stuck to one brand their entire gaming lives, some of us like gaming and not companies.

Gildarts4119d ago

Who cares? People get to try it out. And probably some of the previous story could be explained in the game too like mass effect did.

I played kingdom hearts on the DS and I'm glad I get to play it on my Xbox One too same goes for Final Fantasy 15.

rainslacker4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

There are plenty of webpages devoted to the Kingdom Hearts story. Hell there was a series about it being posted on N4G not too long ago. Despite what most people say it's not terribly complex...good...but not complex. Just a lot of things to remember.

Besides what GameCents says holds weight. Most people from this gen probably had at least one one of those consoles that KH was on. The KH story was on the PS2, PSP, DS, 3DS. Many people considered all of them to be vital to understand the story, but I would wager that a majority of the people haven't even played half of them.

If more people can enjoy the game, I say great. The only time I take issue with things going multi-plat is if one is stripped of features or downgraded to accommodate a weaker system.

izumo_lee4120d ago

My only issue is that since the Xbox brand is pretty non-existent in Asia what is the point of releasing in those territories. Also when a FF game was released on the Xbox with FF13 & its sequel it barely made a dent in sales compared to PS3 versions. Even after all that boasting they did when it was announced for the Xbox.

FF13 on 2 platforms still wasn't able to equal or surpass the sales of FF7 (10mil), FF10 (9 mil), FF8 (8 mil) which were on a single console & in the terms of FF7 it was the most expensive game made at the time.

Do i mind that the series is now multiplat. No. Again my issue is if Xbox fans genuinely care as much as they boasted, support the game as much as PS gamers have for 15 years.

FFXV & KH3 are looking to be fantastic games made by a comparable creator in Nomura. If the Xbox version does not do as well as the PS4 game, than what is the point of bringing it to 2 systems if one will not care.

Lovable4120d ago

Considering the cost of just porting it, versus the revenue, I bet SE is still earning money from whatever small sales it does on the other platform.

This is true and proven when they release FF 13 and 13-2 on both consoles. If they lose money from porting the game on Xbox 360, they would have let these two games exclusive to PS4.

tiffac0084119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

Well Sony would have to pay SE for the exclusive rights but since FF and KH will more than likely sell more on a Playstation platform than on an Xbox one. There is no need to pay for the exclusivity rights.

This way SE would look good by not alienating any fanbase they may have on Xbox and Sony would be spending their money elsewhere.

Besides this way SE has no excuse if FFXV or KH3 become vaporware this gen like they did with FFXIIIVs last time.

Lovable4119d ago


"but since FF and KH will more than likely sell more on a Playstation platform than on an Xbox one. There is no need to pay for the exclusivity rights."

This is true.

showtimefolks4119d ago

Here is my question why? Is your joy going to be any less if gamers on Xbox one and pc are able to play? Isn't it good for MGS series to be enjoyed by as many gamers as possible?

I don't believe in 3rd party exclusives, I believe all 3rd arty games should be available on every console and only 1st-2nd party games should be exclusives

And that's coming for a die hard PS fan. I don't get extra joy on knowing well Xbox one gamers get screwed since they didn't play this game. The more people who buy means bigger budgets and better quality for next game in the series

Please keep an open mind and lets get rid of the trolls that exists m every gaming site

andrewsqual4119d ago

And yet now this series will go the way of Resident Evil and Final Fantasy. Metal Gear has already been dumbed down for the dumb Americans becasue they just HAD to add someone huge in the US like Sutherland as the voice for the Xbot fanbase.

fermcr4119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

Since the PC, PS4 and X1 are very similar to develop for, why would Square Enix make them exclusive to one platform ?

Square Enix needs money... more platforms, more money to make. Fanboys will be fanboys with no sense of the financial reality of the world.

With gaming platforms being so similar to develop for, it would make no sense financially for a 3rd party developer to make a exclusive. 3rd party exclusives are going to became very rare... unless Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo pay (or help pay) for the development of those games !

jc485734119d ago (Edited 4119d ago )

SE just want to maximize profit, which is understandable. If Sony did pay for those third party exclusives, then that means less money for their first party studios. What Sony learned from PS2 and PS3, they realized that they can produce AAA titles by having their own in house development teams across the world. If these small developing teams can create AAA titles with the tools they provide and sell well in the end, then they will gladly accept them as part of the family so that they continue to make profit for them. Paying for third party exclusives is an outdated strategy to secure titles nowadays because of the risks involved. What surprises me is that general consumers or gamers don't seem to understand Sony's strategy.

DA_SHREDDER4119d ago

Lovable , that comment is so 2008. 8 gigs of RAM is enough to run 3 copies of crysis 3 on high settings.

jivah4119d ago

Cause a game only requires ram right?
It will need more than 3 ps4s to run 3 instances of crysis 3 on high settings. The gpu and cpu inside it isnt exactly an 800 pound gorilla

maniacmayhem4119d ago

"Making the game into one console will always be the best choice since they can put all their time learning and optimizing it on that particular console"

That makes no sense especially since both systems are now more closely related in architecture than ever before. I know a lot of Sony diehards got away with that excuse when they kept name dropping the cell, but now that is not the case.

It will definitely be easier for devs to port to each system going into this new gen.

Mr_Nuts4119d ago

Well it might not be much but I'd rather see FFXV and KH3 take advantage of that extra 2GB of RAM and other small advantages the PS4 has

gintoki7774119d ago

Also now that the consoles are very similar in structure and power I think developers aren't sacrificing much in terms of quality. Such as the case with Final fantasy 13 where people were mad the xbox 360 made it a dumbed down game which would have been better if it remained exclusive.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4119d ago
Shadonic4120d ago

All i care about is the fact that its coming. The idea that people on other consoles will get to experience it is ok with me. They can take all the time they need to get it looking amazing.

wishingW3L4120d ago

PS4 and Xbox1 are basically the same, both have lots of Ram, bluray and share the same architecture. I don't think there will ever be issues with multiplats again. No issues related to performance or games having to be cut-down because they don't fit in a couple of DVD9 compared to a dual-layer bluray disc and stuff.

If the game was still on PS3 and announced as a multiplat then I'd be pissed.

PsnGammer214119d ago

Xbox one games don't play off the blu ray disc right they play off the installation to ur hard drive am I right? If I am to be right pretty much you can say that the Xbox doesn't play blu ray games. Lol

DEATHxTHExKIDx4120d ago

as long as the gameplay and story is good I have no problems.

MrSwankSinatra4119d ago

its not like it matters, everyone buys these type of games only for playstation since they are commonly associated with playstation brand like metal gear, resident evil, tekken etc. i mean look a FFXIII while the game did suck the sales of the PS3 version when compared to the 360 version is such a wide gap it might as well been considered exclusive anyway.

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Kingdom Hearts Integrum Masterpiece Review [Capsule Computers]

Travis Bruno of Capsule Computers writes:

"When it comes to the Kingdom Hearts franchise, fans have had a variety of ways to play it throughout its incredibly long length. They could have followed it from 2002’s original release and subsequent questionably canon releases on handheld devices only to return to the core game again with Kingdom Hearts II to find out that yes, they were canon. Then in that wait until the third game the mixture of titles along the way and other numerous platforms would make following Kingdom Hearts‘ story a challenge even for the most eager fan. Square Enix made up for this prior to Kingdom Hearts III’s release by bringing together an HD pack collecting the game’s together in an easier to digest package for fans and releasing them on consoles only for PC fans to be left in the dark. That is of course until all of the games arrived on PC, but not in a way that many had hoped. See, PC users can be a fickle bunch and when the Kingdom Hearts collection arrived on PC exclusively through Epic Games, it may as well not exist. Now, three years after the fact, these same PC players can now enjoy the exact same games on Steam with a bit of extra support including Steam Deck compatibility with Kingdom Hearts Integrum Masterpiece. The question is, do all of these games still hold up on their Steam PC ports?"

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Inverno85d ago

Far from a 9, Square have left these games a janky mess since their epic release. Even now they have not said anything about fixing some of the problems that many steam reviews mention. You gotta download the re:fined mod to fix what square refuses to do.