
Final Fantasy XIV PS4 to be Released in “Early” 2014, Crossover with Lightning Returns Announced

In occasion of E3 Square Enix hosted a special Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Letter from the Producer Live, with Director and Producer Naoki Yoshida answering questions relayed by Community Manager Toshio Murouchi. Quite a few new snippets of info were shared.

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Minato-Namikaze4029d ago

Efffff, i read this as FFXV, lol

zerocrossing4029d ago

Same here lol, oh well at least we know it's finally coming.

fudgenasty214029d ago

me to lol. but if i had to guess. id say FFXV will be out late 2014 or early 2015

SexyGamerDude4029d ago

Man, look at Lightning's outfit. Why do I keep seeing screenshots and trailers with Lightning wearing skimpy outfits? Is Square putting fan service in their games now?

AceofStaves4029d ago

Two words. Tifa Lockheart.

This isn't anything new.

pompombrum4029d ago

Tifa's outfit in FF7 made sense though.. she was living it rough in a hard area. The outfits for lightning just seem like pure fan service to me.

Abriael4029d ago

@aiBreeze: Didn't know that "living it rough in a hard area" and "dressing skimpy" had any connection.

Someone's reaching.

AceofStaves4029d ago

Her outfit had nothing to do with her environment and everything to do with displaying her (rather ample) assets, lol - not that there's anything wrong with that. Or what about Lulu in 'FFX.?' Her outfit, with its low-cut bustier and elaborate fur/leather detailing is hardly suitable for a tropical island climate like Besaid.

If it sells copies, more power to the character designers. I, for instance, bought 'Resident Evil 4' for the 'Cube and 'Devil May Cry' for PS2 back when both games launched because the male protagonists were attractive.

SexyGamerDude4029d ago

But this game is different. Square felt the need to add customization and you know what that means. They are obviously going to be adding a bunch of skimpy wear, that is the thing I see the most in these trailers and screenshots.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4029d ago
e-p-ayeaH4029d ago (Edited 4029d ago )

Ladies look good on those outfits what´s wrong about that

DarkBlood4029d ago

lol get a load of this guy from the comments on that site

"Hammer•20 minutes ago−

Xbox is the BEST. Kinect 2.0 is the future, and Sony (as always) copying ideas from the grand Microsoft (Blu-Ray + Online Connectivity and Social features). I'm not going to dump on Nintendo, because they died out many years ago.

Keep failing Sony Slaves/Nintendo Drones."

the butthurt is strong in that one.

e-p-ayeaH4029d ago (Edited 4029d ago )

I hope Square is preparing FF16 (story,characters,etc) at this moment there´s no time to waste i dont wanna wait a whole gen for an another Final Fantasy game.

I hope FF15 wont turn out to be a series like FF13...

And then there´s the so requested FF7 remake i rather have new stories let it go.

SexyGamerDude4029d ago (Edited 4029d ago )

Oh, will you be dissapointed. They plan on making more than one 15 game. There was an article on here about it not too long ago.

And a 7 remake isn't happening. Square said it will take too much time and resources that they don't have.

e-p-ayeaH4029d ago

well in that case i just hope that FFXV will be an amazing series.

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FFXIV director Naoki Yoshida likes to surprise players

Naoki Yoshida aka Yoshi-P is one of the best game directors out there today. For more than 10 years, he has been tuning the success of the incredible comeback of FinalFantasy XIVwith increasingly better expansions such as Heavensward, Stormblood, Shadowbringers and Endwalker. Dawntrail is out in two weeks, and it's shaping up to be a holiday for the Warriors of Light, but it's clear that there's definitely a lot more at stake.

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FFXIV's Director Responds To Final Fantasy IX Remake Speculation, Clarifies Upcoming Studio Projects

Final Fantasy XIV director Naoki Yoshida has responded to speculation regarding his involvement with the rumored Final Fantasy IX remake.

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Michiel19895d ago

had stated that the rumored Final Fantasy IX remake is real and that it will retain the classic turn-based combat seen in the original.

I hope this is true, that's what I want from a remake. FF7R is actually really good, but not what I was looking for from the remake.

FinalFantasyFanatic5d ago

FF7R deviated too much from the original for me, so I hope the FF9 remake is closer to the original game.

fr0sty5d ago

I didn't think so, I actually really liked the way they fleshed out the story more. I enjoyed it more than the original.

DivineHand1255d ago

I can't wait for it to be revealed and I am hoping it will not be episodic or simply a remaster.

neutralgamer19925d ago

Yes make one complete game with AAA game development taking 3-5 years for each game if it's another trilogy than we will be waiting a decade plua just for the complete edition

One game which should be done with all the content and add improvements where necessary

Rebel_Scum4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

You’re dreaming if you think these old pre-rendered background FF games can be remade in a fully 3D open world in 3-5 years with all the mini games.

FinalFantasyFanatic5d ago

I hope they keep the original art style instead of going for the hyperrealistic look like they did with FF7R, it would ruin the charm of the game otherwise.

MeteorPanda5d ago

Ffs can you focus on the goddamn mmo you leech.

The healers are going on strike cause you gave them a ONE BUTTON dps rotation. They have often nothing to heal.

You keep ignoring player feedback if it isnt jpn.

Stop taking our sub money and funding everything else but the mmo

jznrpg5d ago

FF9 is great I am looking forward to the remake.

Rynxie5d ago

Pisses me off how badly they screwed over ff8. That game deserves a proper remake. It was the first fully 3d final fantasy game.

MrNinosan5d ago

FFVIII is not fully 3d, and in what way do you mean it was before FFVII in the "3d verse"?

First "fully" 3d Final Fantasy was FFXI, even thou FFX was close.

FFVII to FFX uses pre rendered backgrounds (still images). In FFVII - FFIX, only worldmap was fully "3d".

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Final Fantasy 14 Director Naoki Yoshida Could Be Hiding In Your Friend List

TheGamer Interviewed Naoki Yoshida: "A lot of people have been playing together with me and they don't even realize it."

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