
Killer Instinct Launching with Xbox One in November, Free-to-Play Format a Misconception

iantothemax: "During today’s Killer Instinct exhibition on Mad Catz’ live E3 2013 stream, representatives from Double Helix Games said that the original report saying their game would be strictly free-to-play was a misconception. Killer Instinct will be offered as a complete digital title, but the demo is where things will get interesting.
The trial version will feature Jago as the only playable character, allowing players to try out a limited version of the game. If they want to see more but are still unsure about buying the full game, additional characters, modes, and other features will be available to purchase. This will allow new players to flesh out the demo to fit their needs.
They also announced that Killer Instinct will be made available in various editions, including the standard package, collector’s bundles, and more."

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Neoninja4063d ago

Wow happy this article cleared things up for me. I like this approach to the game and knowing I can purchase the full shebang is great also!

turnerdc4063d ago (Edited 4063d ago )

Same, the whole F2P one character sounded a bit weird. I'm glad they came out and cleared everything up! Sounds like what people originally thought was F2P is really just a way to "extend" the demo.

JokesOnYou4063d ago (Edited 4063d ago )

yeah I was waiting for more info after E3, busy at work today and then when I checked and saw F2P, but pay for each charachter all I could think is wtf? Fortunately I was quickly given this info...dont play many fighting games only this and Street Fighter really going all the way back to when I was a kid, so like alot of people I've been waiting a long time for a new KI, charachters of course are different but it still looked very fast like I remember.

SilentNegotiator4063d ago

It could be more exciting if they didn't get a completely inept developer to make it.

Loki864063d ago

They combined three studios that all have fighting game experience, this is not the same team that made those games.

SilentNegotiator4063d ago

But that was in 2007. And they haven't made even a half-decent game since.

-Silent Hill Homecoming
-G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
-Front Mission Evolved
-MX vs. ATV Reflex
-Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters

THamm4063d ago (Edited 4063d ago )

I can't see this selling, they messed up hard, they always put out something then backtrack it later. I just don't get Microsofts nickel and diming, no XBox1 for me, because of this

golding894063d ago (Edited 4063d ago )

because of this? lol cmon man.lol

@THamm true, i can understand your frustration. Having own both ps3 and 360. I will get both but xbox one only when price drop..ps4 first for me.

TheDarpaChief4063d ago

Really. There is plenty of other of reasons to boycott this piece of crap. extra hundred dollars (Two years of ps + btw), going to bed with ea, making ea look like saints. I would go on but its pretty ridiculous

THamm4063d ago

I meant this and every other story. DRM, No DRM but some sort of 1 hour a day DRM. Then used they wanna charge us, then they don't wanna charge us but the retailer, then it's not them its the pubs but still a charge. Then a fighting game so many have been waiting for with a stupid catch to charge on the game, Now no charge, a "misconception" only digital release THEN the "misconception" is confirmed to be true. Who in MS came up with all this??

THamm4063d ago

Yes I own all plats, I LOVE the 360, been on Xbox Live since the first day and it's a shame that the X1 isn't going to be mine, at least not on day 1. My main franchises are all multi plat, so I'm not missing out as long as the ports are identical

stuna14063d ago


You really don't know who came up with this!?

It's the secret agent man!

(I'm wondering if anyone will get this...lol)

DlocDaBudSmoka4063d ago

I did, and I bubbled you up for it.

Blackdeath_6634063d ago

*facepalm* so MS still can't get their sh*t together i don't get it which is free2play, just a playable demo or a trail version of the game?

LackTrue4K4063d ago

wait wait wait....free2play on a fighting game?!?
am i missing something?!? are they selling you fighting moves or what???

YNWA964063d ago

Please fill in: sony release free to play trial demo killer instinct.

Responses... Oh wow this is incredible, we just kicked Microsofts nuts! Cannot wait to pay for psn + so I can play online! Fantastic, sony saves the world.....

Be honest guys..... Hope your sex life is not played out like this n4g crap....

thehitman4063d ago

The problem is with MS delivery and perception of everything. After 2 generations of free online play Sony is now just adding a subscription to it. What makes Sony's subscription more appealing even though nobody still wants to pay to play online is that your not just paying to play online your getting a crap ton of other features that essentially pays for itself as a service w/ tons of free games discounted dlc and the many other things it offers. XBL gives you what? nothing really they even make you pay to use basic apps that you can get anywhere. MS has bad consumer relations/PR problem and its only snowballing and getting worse. Sony's transparency and commitment to give gamer's what we want at the best package available is why Sony is dominating atm.

sparta764063d ago

So, you like paying more for nothing!?
I don't get this, you can try the demo with one character, but if you want to try another character you have to purchase it!?

turnerdc4063d ago (Edited 4063d ago )

...or you can buy the entire game to try everything.

KwietStorm_BLM4063d ago

Download free demo, some assembly required.

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Killer Instinct Anniversary Edition Launches November 28

Exciting news, Combo Breakers: Killer Instinct Anniversary Edition will be available TOMORROW, November 28, at 12PM Pacific!

Obscure_Observer242d ago (Edited 242d ago )


Iron Galaxy wanted to come back


Matt Booty made it happen


This is how you support your first party games! Continued support after 10 years!

The Killer Instinct fans appreciated and the whole FG community celebrates!

Congrats goes to Matt, Mick, Adam and everyone at Iron Galaxy!

Tomorrow we fight together! I can´t wait!

Barlos241d ago

I'll have to get this! Been a big fan of KI since the very first one.

Petebloodyonion241d ago (Edited 241d ago )

I love KI (still play the old arcade version) but feel like the Xbox version is like a big intimidating chessboard with no easy way to instruct you to play chess.
The game is so deep in terms of little things to do that it makes Smash Bros melee look like a casual experience.
Honestly, doing a combo Breaker is punish/reward by itself but hey you can add a counterbreaker.
Here's what you also need to know
Breaking Shadow-linker
Shadow counter
Auto double,
linker, manual


Killer Instinct Anniversary Edition Coming Years After Latest Update with Patch Notes Available Now

Iron Galaxy is celebrating the 10th anniversary of Killer Instinct by launching a new Anniversary Edition for Xbox and PC and an extensive patch several years after the latest update.

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Jingsing245d ago

There isn't going to be any chance of this being played at tournaments unless it appears on all platforms like all fighting games.


SF5 didn’t appear on all consoles and was still played at Tournaments. I’ve seen KI tournaments recently so I don’t think your opinion is accurate.


Killer Instinct: Worth Another Look at 10 Years Old

A free-to-play fighting game? This was unheard of at the time, but Killer Instinct has proven it's not only doable, but enjoyable!