
“All in one. Input one”: Microsoft banner reveals Xbox One slogan

Microsoft’s Xbox One slogan has been revealed on an E3 2013 banner currently hanging in the Los Angeles Convention Centre.

4064d ago Replies(14)
PCGamingNoobs4064d ago

stared at that for a few minutes, still came out with your thought!

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )

MS are talking directly to hardcore gamers i guess. lol

Sony will say something awsome like "Kill sh!t now!!! And be a legend!!!"..

RenegadeRocks4064d ago

ROFL ! That was awesome :D !

zerocrossing4064d ago

Lose your consumer rights, "all in one" go

SuperLupe4064d ago

Absolutely horrible slogan ... what on planet Earth is going on at MS ...

kneon4064d ago

It's pretty dumb, the first thing that comes to mind when I see "all in one" is a printer since multi-function printers are commonly referred to as "All in one"printers

LeRise4064d ago

I have read a comment from a friend of former Microsoft employee, so he said that Stephen Ballmer will ruin the company, very incompetent person for a CEO..

Dannehkins4064d ago

Breaking News.

Microsoft has announced cutbacks in its Xbox One marketing department and is now outsourcing work to China .

We are now heading over to Michael Patcher who has predicted that the new Chinese workers are not fluent in English according to reports that the new Xbox One slogan is 'All in One. Input One'.

RenegadeRocks4064d ago

Silliest slogan = Input one ! LOL ROFL !

Sitdown4064d ago

You can lose ALL of you hardworking IN ONE year, all because you just listened to the INPUT of ONE..... money. Here is hoping the conference will be magical.

LackTrue4K4064d ago ShowReplies(3)
Rainstorm814064d ago

Did Sony and MS swap advertising teams? Because thats just terrible

wagnus4064d ago

All in One. Xbox One. I could understand THAT... but that's not written across an 100 foot long banner...

Or even... All in one input. BUT C'MONN

turgore4064d ago

"Xbox, go home!" would be a better slogan.

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CalamityCB4064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )

I understand it, it's basically saying "No need to switch your cables around, all your entertainment needs are on ONE input, ONE box."

WeaseL4064d ago

As long as you live in the US

MoveTheGlow4064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )

That's why this is so weird - that banner looks like it's translated from some other language into English. "Input one?" Input one what? So many dirty jokes just popped up.

It's almost international in its Broken English-ness, but the Xbone is pretty much Amurrican with all its TV for a while until it can learn to serve any other population.

kayoss4064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )

It should of said "One to try to rule them all". "X-sperience the ONE" or "one box, One input"

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4064d ago

"I understand it, it's basically saying "No need to switch your cables around, all your entertainment needs are on ONE input, ONE box.""

Xbone gamers rejoice!!!

Blackdeath_6634064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )

but thats nonsense its not backwards compatible so you still need your 360 and its cables you also need an existing tv set box for the xbone to function as a tv so you need all the inputs and wires from that too and to record you still have to use the dvr in the tv set box. also what if you get your entertainment from a ps4 or a wiiU can you input those devices into the xbone?

BABYLEG4064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )

^^^this guy here

only herbs call the Xbox one the xbone.

kayoss4064d ago

Dont you need to hook your cable box up to the xbox one? Isnt that how it works or im I missing something here?

mcstorm4064d ago

I agree not hard to understand just far to many fan boys on this post.


It's not that it's hard to understand, it's just that it sounds weird and it not a good choice for a slogan. On top of all this it's not really an all in one device. U need to plug ur cable box to it, u still have to use the remote to record etc...

Gimmemorebubblez4064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )

Edit: I agree with your interpretation of the Slogan.

To MS:
No you do not need 1 box. You need to daisy-chain your Xbone to other devices if you want to use its "amazing" features, need more hard-drive space......well guess what you have to attach it externally to the system, want to play your 360 games, well guess what, you going to have to add another box. The Xbox does not get rid of any of the other devices under your TV, all it does is daisy chain all the boxes, hard drives and consoles(if they are compatible) and inserts them in a pretty interface that save you the trouble of picking up your TV remote and pressing one or two buttons and the BEST part is, it only costs $500!(guestimate)

-It does not allow you to lend games for them to play on their account without a fee.
-Requires an ONLINE check-in
-Online Play is not free
-Kinect supposedly doesn't send off data to MS's servers but hasn't MS denied letting PRISM having access to their severs and look how that turned out?

And what about the games.........nothing shown far but CG trailers and dogs, it is underpowered compared to the PS4 is far less capable then most gaming PC's.

This is an anti-consumer device that can do everything(pretty much) but............... it is a jack-of-all-trades but master of none.

gamertk4214064d ago

Broken record. Still buying One. Hell, I might buy 2!

Gimmemorebubblez4064d ago

Okay, cool! I do not care if you buy one....or two.

Gimmemorebubblez4064d ago

I take the games thing back....well done MS, very good conference. I just wish your console didnt have DRM.

scheme_a4064d ago

Actually ONE input, ONE box sounds way better than what they came up with lol.
You should be their copywriter.

CalamityCB4064d ago

I would work for MS for free if they let me save them from the shit pit they have dug them selves into.

RenegadeRocks4064d ago

Bravo dear ! We wouldn't have guessed it if you had not come to our help !

LeRise4064d ago

Smart TV can easily replace Xbone. Why pay twice?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4064d ago
WeaseL4064d ago

The more I read it the less it makes sense

Cupid_Viper_34064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )


In all seriousness, they should of stuck with: "Tv Tv TEE VEE, sportz, sports, TV. T V, Watercooler".

C4BL34064d ago

Who uses a water cooler anymore?

DlocDaBudSmoka4064d ago

obviously Microsoft uses a water cooler still. they do want the X1 to be the talk of the water cooler.

Ares84HU4064d ago

I'm sorry but this sounds terrible. Are they also going to have a funeral played out for the PS4 and the WiiU just like they did with the iPhone when the windows phone came out???


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