
Skyward Collapse Review | ComboCaster

In Skyward Collapse're basically a god. Is not a new concept, but it is also not exactly common. Players with their divine powers will have to encourage two people to go to war against each other, while they will have to do everything possible so that no gain. This is the only thing you can do and your score will be the result of how violent is the conflict between the two peoples, but the victory is nothing in them really out winner.

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Major updates to the Arcen Store, plus Linux releases and discounts on Skyward and Shattered

Arcen Games: "Skyward Collapse and Shattered Haven have both gotten official linux support this week, but that’s not all that’s been going on."

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Bundle Gameplay - Indiegala Limited

GG3 talks about more deals getting tossed around. In the latest gameplay stream, the Indiegala Limited can show its stuff, with 10 games for just 2 bucks. Skyward Collapse will provide the scenery for detailing what other titles are in the bundle.


Humble Weekly Sale Heavily Discounts Arcen Games

Hardcore Gamer: The bare minimum gets you AI War: Fleet Command and five DLC packs, A Valley Without Wind 1 and 2, and Tidalis - a fun puzzler. Spending $5.80 gets you Shattered Haven and Skyward Collapse and its DLC. Everything in the bundle unlocks on Steam and soundtracks for everything are included too.

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