
PS4 Advantage over Xbox One Yet to be Seen, Both Consoles a Significant Upgrade – Counterpunch

"As technology progresses, one specific field of graphics just keeps getting bigger and bigger: Facial animation. This is the realistic representation of a character’s emotions and involves a deep process from motion capture right down to rendering. As consoles like the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One bring next generation technology to the console market, so will games begin to incorporate realistic facial animation above and beyond what we see today."

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kennyg37394127d ago

I think games on both consoles will look the same the first five years both I also think Sony will have better looking games in the long run.

Enemy4127d ago (Edited 4126d ago )

Actually, history will repeat itself. With the PS4's vastly superior specs and Sony's 1st parties, we'll start to see better-looking PS4 games from launch.

5 years?

- Quantic Dream's first PS4 game isn't years away
- Killzone: Shadow Fall isn't far from completion, and Guerrilla's second PS4 IP (not Killzone) has been in development for awhile
- InFamous: Second Son isn't far either
- Drive Club is close to completion

Dedicated 1st parties will determine the winner yet again, not multiplat developers. Microsoft could keep relying on Bethesda's/Activision' s timed exclusive DLC BS but they aren't fooling real gamers.

Edit: @ below: Yeah, and even multiplatform developers like DICE have already given the edge to the PS4.

jimbobwahey4127d ago

When PS4 has 50% faster GPU than the Xbox One, and has 7GB of faster memory available to games in comparison to the Xbox One only having 5GB of slower memory, I would certainly expect to see superior performance of multiplat games on the PS4 considering it's more powerful than the Xbox One by a considerably large margin.

The difference in raw horsepower is huge.

Salooh4126d ago

Agree with Enemy and jimbobwahey . In a short way :

PS4 better/more exclusives with better versions of multiplatforms unless developers get payed from MS or have their own reason not to use ps4 power.

darthv724126d ago

both will offer up some quality titles, but its the exclusive games that shows how much can be achieved.

When you know you are putting all your efforts into just one platform, there should be no compromises. And with time, and understanding, they can give the perception of achieving more from the same hardware.

SpinalRemains4126d ago

It's basically ludicrous to compare 3 extra maps, a month early, as opposed to an entirely new, open ended adventure such as TLoU.

To even tout timed DLC and exclusive add ons, while dismissing new IPs and annual AAA games, makes anyone doing so look like an idiot.

Sometimes I wonder if the people supporting one system have even played on the other. The differences are so astounding that you have to ask yourself that. Paid Live vs Free PSN is the same exact thing.

Arai4126d ago (Edited 4126d ago )

Pretty much what Enemy says, this generation both consoles were almost equal.

Xbox 360 had a better GPU, while PS3 had a better CPU. Look how that turned out in the end.

Next-gen PS4 will have a stronger GPU, the gap is a lot larger than any console of the same generation.

No doubt both consoles will shine with their respective software lineup, the edge is there though whether people accept it or not.

As for this article there's some misleading lines in it, 5GB DDR instead of 8GB gDDR listed for the PS4 (which is wrong because it's 8GB).

Let's not forget that the studio in question need to sell license for their facial technology, what else do you expect them to say?

That's like saying 1080p looks the same as 4k, while true there's a lot more details to be seen at 4k resolution (Eurogamer has a nice Crysis article on this).

It's a different story when a lot of things going on the screen.
When they push past 1080p the Xbone will crumble due to it having only 16 ROPs vs PS4's 32 ROPs.

chcolatesnw4126d ago

LOL saying 1.2 to 1.8 tflops is a huge difference is an overstatement. Its like the dif between .5 and .75 and saying its huge. If xbox stayed and 1.2 and ps4 had 2
2-3tf then yes, thats a big dif. And where was it proven that xbox uses 3gb for OS. It started as a rumor and now every ps sheep uses it in an argument. And noone seems to take account of that 32 edram. Sure its small, but its like cpu l1/2/3 cache - so fast it doesnt even need to be big because it loads and unloads too fast, which will surely help with thibgs like anti aliasing. You guys just chose the facts and rumors that suit you

ProjectVulcan4126d ago (Edited 4126d ago )

PS4's GPU is just too superior to not notice it even in multi platform games. I expect even the laziest of devs to extract more resolution and better framerates out of the PS4 hardware, even if they do nothing else.

People don't seem to be able to understand the difference in their heads very well or visualise it, so there are some good visualisations out there. 1.8 aint much more than 1.2 right? Wrong.

http://studentblogs.le.ac.u... See this? Xbox one's GPU performance is just the green section. PS4's GPU performance is represented by the entire circle.

Or This: http://i.imgur.com/FnOyhho....

Which shows comparative performance of these GPU's performance. PS4 will have 50 percent better pixel and texture fillrates, as well as twice the ROPs. Anything run on Xbox one will just run easily faster on PS4.

Then you have to add in the fact PS4 has more memory available, it has more memory bandwidth total in its 8Gb GDDR5 then Xbox one has with its DDR3 + ESRAM, and the ESRAM is only 32mb!

That requires special memory management devs won't need to do on PS4.

Then there is the persistent rumour PS4's CPU is running at higher clockspeed.

Then there is talk from developers that PS4's devtools are more advanced at this stage than Xbox one's.

All this inevitably adds up to quite a significant performance advantage. I think you'll find PS4 will be able to do more on the same games even early on in its lifespan.

What Microsoft are going to have to do is counter this with top quality exclusive titles, so we'll see what they bring to the table at E3.

gaffyh4126d ago

@vulcan - I don't know why people disagreed with you, maybe it's because you are a bit of a PC fanboy, but you definitely know what you are talking about when it comes to PC architecture, and the PS4 and XBone have both got PC-like architecture's this time round, so a comparison between them can be done far more easily than in any previous generation of consoles.

So I believe what you said is 100% true.

Hanif-8764126d ago (Edited 4126d ago )

Yes, the Xbox One has 1.2tflops compared to the PS4's 1.8tflops is a huge difference which is 50% more. Lets make it more simple for you to understand. Well, if the Xbox One has two(2) stones the PS4 has three(3).

MRMagoo1234126d ago


You obviously have no clue how gpus work either stfu or read up on the stuff you want to talk about or otherwise you make yourself look stupid like right now.The difference between the 2 gpus is about 15 or more fps at least, then the ram problem just makes it all the worse for the xbone, IF games are made to spec for both consoles the first multiplat to come out will be better on the ps4 in all aspects.

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Minato-Namikaze4127d ago

Differnces are gonna come up sooner than that, especially with MS not having a year head start and GG, Naughty Dog, and sony santa monica being able to get to work on the PS4 much sooner than they started with the PS3. I think at launch we are gonna see differences especially with the 1st party devs.

Skips4127d ago (Edited 4126d ago )

Five years? Given how easy it is to develop for. (1st party won't take NEARLY as long to master the hardware). And 3rd party will probably port down to the One. (Using either PC or PS4 as lead platform)...

I'd give it a year.

Hell, wouldn't be surprised if it's as early as launch. lol

Salooh4126d ago

Using the full power in first year is actually a good thing because that way they will focus on other stuff then figuring how to take full advantage of the ps4 power.

fr0sty4126d ago

With the PS4 having pretty much the same CPU, I think that the 4 additional compute units that can aid the CPU on the GPU would allow for some type of computing advantage that would help middleware like this. It may just be that they have not bothered to optimize their system to run on the GPU, or that those CU's just aren't cut out for what they are trying to do.

spongeboob4126d ago

It is 6 additional compute units.

fr0sty4126d ago

Yes, but 4 of those are geared for general purpose use so they can aid the CPU. However, that does not mean they cannot be used for rendering as well.

Bigpappy4126d ago (Edited 4126d ago )

I have not seen the Xbox specs yet, neither have I seen the games to compare the two. I am reading what the PS guys are saying, and would just like to say, the games will speak for themselves. We will see the final X1 specs soon after E3 and we would also see some games for reference.

@Enemy: "they aren't fooling real gamers." Because only PS fanboys are real gamers right? You guy kill me with your comments. You remind me of the U.S. right wing Republicans like Sarah Palin (they are "real Americans". The rest of us don't belong here).

MysticStrummer4126d ago

If you don't like to read what "PS guys" are saying, read what developers are saying. Developers know what the specs are, and the advantage belongs to PS4.

MRMagoo1234126d ago

The specs are out you just need to read them, and i like how you conveniently forget that the developers have said the same things , that the ps4 has a lot more raw power on every aspect of the console.
Ps4 is going to have the better looking and running games this time around by far and there is nothing you can say that will change that, noone is saying you have to buy the ps4 but you will be missing out of THE best performing games on consoles if you dont.

4126d ago Replies(1)
titletownrelo4126d ago

PS4 advantage = a TON of kick ass exclusives!

MysticStrummer4126d ago

It's not going to take five years for PS4's better tech to show it's advantage. PS4 was designed with lots of developer input and that will pay off quickly.

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ltachiUchiha4127d ago

Youll see it through 1st party games just like you seen this gen.

SpinalRemains4127d ago

Agreed. Multiplats may be exactly the same, but the exclusive games will show the differences. They won't be subtle either.

Foxgod4127d ago (Edited 4127d ago )

I own both a ps3 and a 360, and the differences between Halo4 and uncharted 2/3 are minimal.
The reason why Halo 3 never looked as good, is because Bungie isnt the kind of developer that goes for beast graphics, while 343 does go for it.

Foxgod4127d ago (Edited 4126d ago )

I tried both on my full hd beamer, dont make assumptions without knowing at least some info.

Reach was a bungie game, not 343.
And there isnt much difference between third and first person, remember gears of war?
The only difference is the position of the main character, for the rest the scale can be anything the developer wants it to be.

zebramocha4126d ago (Edited 4126d ago )

@fox uncharted games are tps so getting them to look really good is amazing as you don't notice the detail as much because they are not close to you like and fps,and it took Ms first party longer to show what the 360 was capable of,hell reach didn't look much better than resistance 2.

cell9894126d ago

I dont think so, U3 is definitely ahead of Halo 4, a game that had more time to develop, not to mention that besides the graphics the effects and physics are also better on U3, Halo 4 is a bad example to use for graphics comparison, do try it on a big screen with HD please.

S2Killinit4126d ago

really? you didn't see a difference? wow interesting. I would invest in a trip to the Optometrist.

stage884126d ago

I'm sorry but Halo 4 looks like crap compared to Uncharted.

Corpser4126d ago (Edited 4126d ago )

Have both and I don't see a big difference either, now compare them to PC there's a huge difference

Crystallis4126d ago


I don't know what kind of TV you are playing on but Ive played both and UC3 us way ahead of halo 4. The level of detail in UC3 is noticeably better then halo 4.

chrisarsenalsavart4126d ago (Edited 4126d ago )

ah!ah!ah! and i thought my jokes were funny .
uncharted 2 wipes your halo,s ass any given sunday u fool.
2013 it s time to upgrade for HD.

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GribbleGrunger4127d ago (Edited 4126d ago )

With the PS4 being roughly 33% more powerful, and the X1 requiring power to run three OSs AND Kinect2, you could be right. As you say, it's unlikely that many third party games will be significantly different (except perhaps in resolution or framerate), first party games could become easily distinguishable from X1 games, sooner rather than later.

Foxgod, It's not JUST memory bandwidth, it's the prioritising of the use of said bandwidth. You may well have worked in IT and built computers but you're not Cerny and you are certainly not AMD. Independent experts have mirrored those exact sentiments many times leading up to the reveals and afterwards.

AMD are going to release chipsets that are PS4 chip based in design, something that hasn't been said of the X1s AMD chip. Why? This isn't to say that the X1 won't be a powerhouse, because it will be.

Foxgod4127d ago (Edited 4126d ago )

Wasnt the ps3 supposed to be way more then 33% powerful?

Seriously, higher memory bandwith does not make a whole console 33% faster, the difference will be 5% at best, theres a whole lot more to consider then just the memory bandwith for gpu specific computing.

Been working in IT for 7 years now, and build my own computers for over 12 years, so i know what i am talking about.

cell9894126d ago

no you dont Fox, as you forgot to mention that besides a more powerful Ram, the PS4 also has a better GPU..

IcicleTrepan4126d ago

We won't know actual performance until developers start actually posting performance specs/benchmarks from actual software executed on both systems. The systems are both quite similar, but different enough that a raw comparison of hardware stats is just not sufficient to put a number on how much more powerful one is over the other. Let's wait for the benchmarks, actual statements from developers etc and not speculation from those that are going on hardware specs alone, and in the case of the One, hardware specs that aren't even confirmed yet.

S2Killinit4126d ago

no the PS3 was never said to have been "33%" more powerful as far as I know. It was said that "it had an advantage in graphics". Also I'm not sure where your stats are coming from.

GDDR6_20144126d ago

So funny to see Sony fanboys sound like PC gamers arguing over a 50% theoretical difference.

ZoyosJD4126d ago

33% or 50% depends on if you count the XB1 or PS4 as 100%.

Those numbers are directly related to the core count on the GPU side of the APU.

This is roughly the same theoretical difference between PS3 and 360, but only PS exclusives made use of that.

Only thing is, this time it is far from theoretical seeing as both use the same architecture.

It's the difference between a 7770 and a 7850. Easily a 10 FPS difference for games at the same settings.

Not even touching on rumored clock frequency differences or the memory bandwidth advantage being even more-so separated.

MysticStrummer4126d ago

"33% or 50% depends on if you count the XB1 or PS4 as 100%.

Those numbers are directly related to the core count on the GPU side of the APU.

This is roughly the same theoretical difference between PS3 and 360, but only PS exclusives made use of that."

Yeah and the unusual Cell architecture was the reason it was only PS3 exclusives that showed the difference. This time PS4 not only has a power advantage but it's also much easier to program for than PS3 was. Good times will ensue.

Ju4126d ago

Aehem...PS3 exclusives...Metreo 2033, Tomb Raider...

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FrigidDARKNESS4127d ago

The advantage MS will have is cloud computing. Developers have access to a much higher quality hardware very similar to an hi end gaming pc.

majiebeast4127d ago

If cloud game processing is so amazing and revolutionary, then tell me why the AI in every MMO is so bad?

Foxgod4127d ago

MMO's are not cloud computing, MMO's are all about central processing, and swapping of netcode among people, hence its a multiplayer game.

Cloud has nothing to do with multiplayer, yes multiplayer can be run in a cloud, but pretty much everything can be run in a cloud.

PiTCHBLaCK4126d ago

@ Foxgod

Can you Honestly sit there with a straight face and tell us that Cloud Computing will make your games look better? and even surpass the PS4?

Cloud Computing alone would require the Internet dufus, Not meaning to call you that but I'm so tired of blind people unable to read/THINK on their own.

Not only that, but Imagine the Bandwidth? then Imagine how many of your Fanbase that doesn't have good Internet, or hell Internet at all?

Then Imagine them Jacking up the Live fee to help pay for the "Cloud Computing", You really think MS will allow "Cloud Computing" for free?, and even if they did, we are back at the Internet and Bandwidth Issue.

What happens if you lose the Internet during "Cloud Computing"?. Who in their right mind would even support Cloud Computing right now?

Service providers need to get better first, some Service providers have Bandwidth caps.

jimbobwahey4127d ago

It's not an advantage, since there is very little they can actually push to the cloud for processing and even then, the slightest hiccup in your internet connection (or their servers, something Xbox Live is heavily prone to) will result in the game crashing, or the framerate plummeting down into single digits.

IcicleTrepan4126d ago

Right because it's so hard to code 'if network connection not available, don't bother trying to access the cloud and continue as normal'

PiTCHBLaCK4126d ago

@ IcicleTrepan

What if some games REQUIRE "Cloud Computing"? That'd suck.

GribbleGrunger4127d ago (Edited 4127d ago )

I think you'll find that's why Sony bought Gaikai.

ArmrdChaos4126d ago

Just because you go out and by a Ferrari, that doesn't make you a race car driver. I am sure Gaikai will be a good purchase for Sony, but for anyone to just assume that their ownership of Gaikai puts them on the same level with MS in terms of cloud development is only kidding themselves.

GribbleGrunger4126d ago

Oh man, I just don't know what to say.

ArmrdChaos4126d ago

Don't say anything...wasn't directed at you. It was a statement in general about the subject you mentioned.

BABYLEG4126d ago

I'm sure gaikai was sonys last option. All the good cloud companies were under the belt of companies that didn't wait until the last second. I still don't know what a gaikai does. Untested trash is what Sony bought. Sony should have been hiring people to work on this type of thing years and years ago to have it ready

GribbleGrunger4126d ago

Well we won't have to wait that long to find out exactly how Gaikai works, BABYLEG, so hold that thought until we do.

ArmrdChaos4126d ago

Gaikai is a good piece of tech, but it is also a finished product/service. If all you are going to do with it is stream games then you are good to go, but if you are looking to do other things with the cloud then that is where you want development from the ground up. That is Microsoft's strength. You will see that as the services become more integrated with the system(s) a mash up approach will not always yield the results they want.

PiTCHBLaCK4126d ago

Gaikai Streams FULL Games, an option later for Streaming PS1/PS2 and PS3 Games. I'm sure Gaikai can be Configured to do what XBO Cloud will do, but Why do that when Your Hardware already is stronger then the Competition?

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N4GCB4126d ago

Cloud computing isn't a breakthrough feature, it's something any console that can connect through the internet can utilize.

IcicleTrepan4126d ago

You are correct, provided that the proper infrastructure has been built to handle that processing.

Enemy4126d ago

The same cloud computing that developers like Jonathan Blow are already writing off.

cell9894126d ago

cloud computing is Microsofts way of saying, "sorry we didnt invest more on selling you a more capable piece of hardware. Dont worry tho, The Cloud will fix everything, you just wait and see..." nothing but a nice PR announcement to fuel xbots into thinking they stand a chance

S2Killinit4126d ago

Sorry buddy, cloud wont make your xbox more powerful.

vigilante_man4126d ago

Relying on cloud for more computational grunt is admitting you don't yet have sufficient power in the console itself.

Just admit it.

If cloud does provide more processing over time then more power to MS. But at best its a concept right now.

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CrossingEden4127d ago

well just imagine, Sony has studios like ND which has amazing keyframed animation, and Microsoft has 343 who actually won best graphics last year due to the amazing facial animation in halo 4

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