
Even in 1997, Sid Meier recognized the value of small teams

GamaSutra - The computer gaming industry is undergoing a revolution! This mantra has been used to promote dozens of technical innovations that have promised to radically alter the experience of playing a computer game. From virtual reality headware to interactive movies, CD-ROM, and DVD, our industry has spawned almost as many buzzwords as products over the past few years. Along with the new technologies came a headlong rush to expand development teams, gobble up Hollywood talent, and sink millions of dollars into the latest bells and the loudest whistles.

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Sid Meier warns the games industry about monetisation

From BBC: "Sonic the Hedgehog, with his colourful, fast-paced, ring collecting was the top-selling title.

People were also bashing buttons until their fingers were sore, playing Street Fighter 2.

Few could have guessed at the time that one of the releases to have a lasting impact on the games industry, would be a strategy title that played like a virtual board game."


Video: Ars Talks Civilization with the Man Himself: Sid Meier

This "War Stories" video explores how Civilization almost wasn't a turn-based game.

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Political Pixels - 10 US Presidents In Video Games

There’s no doubting the impact that this week’s Presidential Election has had not just on the US but the whole world. While we can’t forget the result (be it good or bad, depending on your political leanings) we can at least distract ourselves with a few good old fashioned video games.

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derkasan2872d ago

It'd be awesome if Obama or Bill Clinton were playable in Metal Wolf Chaos.