
Star Trek Holodeck Comes Home With Virtual Reality Omni - Gamerhubtv

2013 is turning into the year of virtual reality. Virtuix Omni is bringing the Omni VR system home for gamers to experience the closest thing to a Star Trek holodeck ever. Check out this exclusive demo with founder Jan Goetgeluk.

KrisK4038d ago

Oh man...Holodeck potential makes me think of all sorts of stuff....all sorts...

gamerlive4038d ago

when you look at oculus rift and now omni, who needs xbox one?

Kurylo3d4037d ago

Only problem with this thing... in all of their videos, has anyone seen them walk backwards or side step? lol... i mean its great to walk through a world and all, but severely limited if u cant side step or step backwards without fully turning around.


Virtuix Omni One Pre-orders Open for $2,600

Take your VR gaming to the next level now that the Virtuix Omni One pre-orders have opened for an eye-watering $2,600.

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anast244d ago

Once they get the graphics up and this tech. gets into the $800-$1k range, it's over. I am happy that Sony is getting the jump on VR gaming. it's going to be insane.


Virtuix Omni Announce VR Content Platform Omniverse

Virtuix enhance location-based operations for Omni operators.


Virtuix Omni Becomes Official Hardware Partner of HTC, Native Arizona Sunshine Support Added

Three new games get Omni VR treadmill support.

243d ago