
Zoombies: Animales de la Muerte Review | App Smile

App Smile: A cross between Plants vs. Zombies and Axe in Face, High Voltage Software’s Zoombies is an engaging challenge that has taken us quite by surprise.

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Gi - Zoombies: Animales de la Muerte (iOS) Review

Gi - Zoombies: Animales de la Muerte (Death Animals) is a new iOS shooter game developed by High Voltage Software. This upbeat yet gruesome game revolves around two Mexican kids and a horde of zoo animal zombies; a combination zombie genre lovers are sure to appreciate. This app takes a new approach to zombie killing with its liberating and creative swipe-and-slay feature. Zoombies: Animales de la Muerte is currently available for iPhone and is expected to be released for Android in late May.

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Zoombies: Animales de la Muerte Review | IGN

IGN: "Zoombies is a smart, darkly humorous game with a surprising amount of depth hidden just under the surface."


GameZebo: Zoombies: Animales de la Muerte Review

GameZebo: Things have gone south for the Monopoly Man since he went south of the border. The apocalypse has begun at his Mexican zoo, with animals once on the endangered species list now part of the undead horde. Like any good corporation, the zookeeper has enlisted the help of immigrant children to do his dirty work. Fortunately for you, that dirty work is quite a lot of fun.

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