
Why Backwards Compatibility Matters More Than Ever

Backwards compatibility hasn't always been around - but now it matters more than ever.

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Malice-Flare4040d ago

so now people appreciate BC when it's finally gone. where were you when Sony gave PS3 full hardware BC for $599 and the the 360 had partial SW BC for $499? everybody valued price more than BC, and to keep these new machines having lower launch prices relative to PS3, BC had to go. buy a PS3/360/Wii U if you need to play older games, i'm sure a price cut will happen soon...

LOGICWINS4040d ago (Edited 4040d ago )

The people who usually complain about these things are the hardcore. Most of the hardcore Sony fans who wanted BC got a 60GB PS3 early on. Hence, there weren't many complaints.

The difference here is that we may not even have the OPTION this time around to buy a limited edition BC PS4.

I've always appreciated BC, thats why I was happy to plunk down $600 for my PS3 because I was essentially getting three consoles in one...plus a Blu Ray player. At the time, a Blu-Ray player ALONE went for upwards $1000.

Sony should release 800,000 limited edition BC PS4s for $600 in each territory and let people fight like animals for them on Ebay. They would sell only on the pure notion that they are hard to find.

caseh4040d ago

'The difference here is that we may not even have the OPTION this time around to buy a limited edition BC PS4.'

Too true, say hello to Gaikai - The system that allows you to pay for those games you love and already own...

DragonKnight4040d ago

@caseh: Oh really? Where's that link that says Gaikai is "The system that allows you to pay for those games you love and already own?"

Would love to see that.

LOGICWINS4040d ago (Edited 4040d ago )

I'd like to think that Gaikai will somehow track the games you already downloaded on your account via PS3 and assign free cloud versions of them via PS4. But even then, theres no way we will get free versions of the disc based games we have. I think your right caseh.


And on top of that, I bet Sony will charge a yearly fee just to use Gaikai. It'll probably be tied into PS Plus. I strongly doubt that Sony would let millions around the globe use Gaikai's cloud servers for free.

MRMagoo1234040d ago (Edited 4040d ago )

Logic usually does win but you dont use it often, i bought a ps3 at launch for $1000 AUS i didnt use BC on it once i didnt even care if it was there, i have a ps1 and a ps2 for the old games and i will have a ps3 for the ps3 games too, i dont need them connected all the time so i therefore can get them out when i feel the need to play an old game.BC is a perk but its not needed for anyone at all.If you have ps3 games you will have a ps3 keep it its that simple, the same as the 360 games keep the 360 if you have one that still works.

caseh4040d ago (Edited 4040d ago )


Lol, just being sarcastic is all. I quite like that tagline though. They could have re-introduced BC on the PS3 quite easily, instead retail prices are kept high by adding bigger HDDs on each new revision. I for one would have taken a smaller HDD with BC present as I had to throw a 500gb drive in within a few months anyway and it worked out a lot cheaper than buying the latest model with a 500gb HDD.

They then make that stack of PS2 games you own available on the PSN or some of them at least, leading you to potentially buy them again.


I'd like to think it will be like a streamlined PSN+. Subscribe and you get a few free games a month or something plus beta access etc. Non-subscribers can buy but don't get the free games.

A nice thought but I guess the jury is still out on what Gaikai will actually bring us.

LOGICWINS4040d ago (Edited 4040d ago )

Right! Thats what Sony will do. PS Plus members will have digital BC. Over the next 6-7 years, Sony will rebuild peoples libraries with "free" PS Plus titles. The only difference this time around is that you will never run out of space because everything is in the cloud.

Effectively, you ARE paying for BC, but your getting back your old games are a deep discount($50-$70 a year would net you a few PS3 games a month).

At E3, I bet Sony will announce that they will offer the entire Killzone, GOW, and Uncharted franchises for free on PS Plus if you sign up for Gaikai this year.

GamersRulz4040d ago

If Sony release a $600 PS4, they will never see the end of it. Media will eat them alive.

Just like PS3, $600 for PS3 was very justifiable, the machine had blu ray, wifi, HDD, BC. it was fully equipped compared to MS embarrassing early X360 model that lacked even an HD port, no HDD, no wifi, DVD only. but guess what happend?

Media started an all war @ Sony without any consideration of what PS3 offered, for the simple fact that its a Video game console, it shouldn't be expensive. and MS got a free pass for its engineering embarrassment (early X360 models).

thehitman4040d ago

@ Logic actually Sony did a poll for the people who bought original PS3s asking if they use their PS3 to play PS2 games and they didnt use them to play PS2 games. I was one of those who didnt use it and was honest in the poll. People make a bigger deal out of it, mostly the people who never intend to buy the consoles near launch. Because console architectures are unique, which makes it so they can be optimized fully for gaming while being more affordable then a gaming rig there are some sacrifices. I believe that eventually backwards compatibility will make it back into consoles but not when there will be such a night and day difference between architectures.

Also at the end of the day just keep your PS3s if you want to play them still. If your one of those trade-in people its probably not worth it anyway getting like 40-50 dollars for a 150-200 dollar ps3.

Outside_ofthe_Box4040d ago (Edited 4040d ago )


*******"They could have re-introduced BC on the PS3 quite easily, instead retail prices are kept high by adding bigger HDDs on each new revision. I for one would have taken a smaller HDD with BC present...

They then make that stack of PS2 games you own available on the PSN or some of them at least, leading you to potentially buy them again."*******

PS2 BC for the PS3 was done via hardware. I don't know how they would be able to the put the PS2 hardware into the revised PS3 models as one, they were smaller which means less room and two, since the console is revised I doubt it's built the same exact way as the original model was which would mean possible over heating issues and other possible conflicts of trying to avoid making the PS2 and PS3 hardware interfere with each other while at the same time using cheaper parts and making the console size smaller.

In short it's not as easy as you think it is. People keep saying that they remove it to make you repurchase games, but then why do the have PS1 BC yet still have PS1 games in the PS store? Also have you ever repurchased a PS2 game you already owned? I haven't bought any PS2 game off the PS store and don't plan to unless a game on there is one that I want to play and I don't currently OWN it. I know most people have this stance as well as it wouldn't make sense for you to buy a game you already own. Just play it on the PS2 if you already own the game and want to play it sooo badly.


I don't mind the idea of individual pricing for games on Gaikai, but only if Sony could some how make it so that games that you already own are free. That is true BC.

BitbyDeath4040d ago (Edited 4040d ago )

Sony are quite generous with free games on PS+ but access to hundreds of thousands of games for a once a year fee through Gaikai does not sound very likely. IMO

I'd imagine the games will just be individually priced.

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GuyThatPlaysGames4040d ago

I still have my original PS3 that has backwards compatibility. At least 5 times a week I pop in a PS2 game and play it. It's always a good thing to have with any system. It's better than Xbox or Sony charging for the game again just to buy it from the Marketplace or the PS Store.

jc485734040d ago

imagine what will happen if Sony came back with backwards compatibility. It's over for Microsoft.

LOGICWINS4040d ago (Edited 4040d ago )


Yes, Sony giving the PS4 BC will end things for Microsoft, a company that has dominated the computer industry for three decades and has multiple other sectors that don't involve gaming


Back up for a second.

Even if Sony were to comeback with disc based BC, the only thing that would change is that the PS4 would be more expensive than it would have been without BC. Even if BC is important to you, that doesn't necessarily mean you'll run out and buy a BC PS4. It would still be cheaper to simply pay nothing and keep your PS3.

The PS2 kept selling very well despite the original PS3 having BC.

jc485734040d ago

I am well aware of the "cost," but I don't think Microsoft is dumb enough to reduce the price just for the lack of BC when they got TV going on now.

GamersRulz4040d ago

its over already.

Sony PS3 performed better than xbox360 and sold more despite.

-More expensive
-year an half later to market.
-media bashing
- manufacturing problems at launch.

Now, all these problems are fixed plus.

-Superior hardware
-Similar price point.
-same time launch.
-easiest console to develop for.

MS will end next gen last....as usual, but this time the gap will be huge!

Tonester9254040d ago

But wouldn't it be more time consuming and expensive to convert every PS3 game over to the new hardware. Since the PS3 was using The Cell and the PS4 is using "the other thing"*

*I don't know the correct terms. Yes this is a footnote.

Oldman1004040d ago

The PS4 should have an expansion bay that allows you to insert some sort of a backwards compatibility dongle. I'd definitely buy one for $99.

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yugovega4040d ago

guess everyone now loves nintendo again since they are the only ones with bc. /s glad i stick with nintendo consoles as well s the others. i can play my old games without having the older system.

jrbeerman114040d ago

The best wiiu games are the old wii games unfortunately

yugovega4039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

considering some wii games are the highest rated games ever thats not all that surprising. ps2 games were better then the ps3 first years titles too. and same for xb360. at least with wiiu u can still play those. ps4 and xbone you will be stuck with year one games which most will be ports same as wiiu.

FITgamer4040d ago

I have no intentions of ever selling my PS3, so bc on next-gen is a non-issue for me.

4040d ago Replies(1)
4040d ago
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