
Xbox One and PS4 Box Art for Madden 25, FIFA 14 and NBA Live 14 Revealed

EA Sports is supporting the launch of Microsoft's Xbox One and PlayStation 4 later this year with a total of four games. At least three of those games are expected to be available at launch, and online retailer Amazon.com has just published Xbox One and PS4 box art for all three.

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Convas4076d ago (Edited 4076d ago )

I honestly didn't expect that Threats.


crxss4075d ago

Sony once again getting the smaller box artwork. not too big a deal though.

InactiveUser4075d ago

I really hope PS4 doesn't go the blue route.. greatest hits versions, ok, but I want Black Label versions. They're much more classy.

PS1 had Green greatest hits, PS2/3 had Red, so Blue for PS4 greatest hits, fine, but stick with Black for the original releases.

JokesOnYou4075d ago

lol, "my color is better than yours", I mean really whats there to like?

mikeslemonade4075d ago

Those EA moneyhats.. EA was good when they had Dead Space and then BattleField 3, but they're resorting back to their old ways. Let me get a good Madden and let there be a good NBA live so it can compete against 2ksports.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4075d ago
GameCents4076d ago

It looks like a giant Vita box. I don't like it. I'm not much found of the X1 box either but at least it has its own identity

GuruStarr784075d ago

It makes sense, though... since Sony is trying to align the Vita and the PS4 by making every PS4 game remote play on Vita.

torchic4075d ago

it's not the official PS4 box art template from Sony.

Blaze9294075d ago (Edited 4075d ago )

Lol one's green and the other is blue...must you troll in everything?

falviousuk4075d ago

They are identical except for the colour, why does it not surprise me that someone would say this, just shows the mentality of the majority of the people that troll this website now

lastofgen4075d ago

Of course YOU'RE going to like the ps4 version better... :/

OlgerO4075d ago

Is that the final boc design for PS4 ? beacuse I think its ugly as hell and I have seen a lot of mockups that looked much better. oh well i guess it isnt that important

Hello_World4075d ago

It would be nice if the most extreme fanboys were banned to the forums or something. Would leave more room for civil discussion instead of fanatical drivel 24/7

KonGreat4074d ago

bbbbuut, then it would be so much more empty on the forums! :( theres nothing like a good ol' fanboy discussion :P

Thefreeman0124075d ago

they are exactly the same with different boarder colors.. how can it be better..

omi25p4075d ago

They are exactly the same.

xbox1forlife4075d ago

xbox 1 is better are u saying are u high right now

TENTONGUN4075d ago

you know if i was high id prolly play a xbox one. definetly not at my house though :)as far a as box art IT DOESNT MATTER ! i just want to hear bout next gen football games

UNGR4075d ago

It's the same you troll, the box art hasn't changed. The only difference is the logo on the top of the box, which isn't box art.

Azrabain4075d ago


Pro Racer4075d ago

EA must be stoked about all the money they'll save by printing covers in black and white.

Bleucrunch4074d ago

Madden is still getting love?? I thought the gaming world would see right through the crap EA is doing...hopefully with time the gamers will see it and distance themselves from this once great franchise.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 4074d ago
-Mika-4076d ago (Edited 4076d ago )

Ugh, I hope that not the final ps4 boxart. It doesn't look nice at all. The xbox one looks really clean.

@ DaThreats

You seriously can't think that. The ps4 logo is just too big and the type of blue they're using is just ugly. I really hope Sony make a few changes before launch.

000014076d ago

whatd you expect, jackson pollock designing next gen box art? lol. both companies are going for a minimalist approach to make it easy for the average consumer to identify and add to their media library.

Majin-vegeta4076d ago

Sorry i rather have Blue one than a green one.God those cases are hideous that.s why i always put my 360 games in the back of my collection.

Before anyone says but you don't even have an xbox bla bla.Here's my GT. http://www.xboxgamertag.com...

SpideySpeakz4075d ago

Wow, you are like a little children, going back and forward. I love it

Count4076d ago

I think they both look fine.

Hicken4076d ago

You sure you don't think the PS4 stuff is worse simply by relation to Sony?

Dark114075d ago

meh , looks shit

if i'm going to keep my games forever without being able to trade/selling them
they could at least be creative in the box art design.

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International Superstar Soccer 98 is still my fav


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