
20 Videogame Movie Adaptations That Are Worse Than Super Mario Bros.

In late 2012, I forced myself to watch every videogame movie adaptation ever released theatrically in the US – all thirty-two of them – at a rate of one per week, just to say I had. It was an eight month period that continually challenged my resolve, and my sanity.

Upon the successful completion of my goal, one thing continued to mystify me: why does Super Mario Bros. continue to be considered the worst videogame movie adaptation of all time, when there are so many others that are so much worse?

Mind you, Super Mario Bros. is by no means a great movie, and the intro segement tacked on by executives is admittedly awful. But the film as a whole is undeserving of its bad reputation. Despite a troubled production, Super Mario Bros. features competent writing, competent directing, and better than competent performances – a trifecta that few other videogame adaptations can claim.

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of its theatrical release, here are twenty other theatrically-released videogame movie adaptations that are worse than Super Mario B...

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Snookies124078d ago

Shoot, I'll say I liked Super Mario Bros. back in the day. It was nothing like the game, but it was still a pretty fun movie to watch. I even watched it again the other day for the anniversary.

slixshot4078d ago

As a 6 year old (pretty sure that's how old I was, I loved it :P Haven't seen it since then and never will for memory's sake.

cyguration4078d ago


Recently re-watched this turd and I loved every bit of this cyber-punk adventure film.

All I read is how much everyone hated working on this film but it's a classic of stinky proportions. I love it!

SpiralTear4078d ago

Super Mario Bros. was one of those "so freakin' terrible that it's actually kind of a classic" films.

brianunfried4078d ago

They forgot about "DOA: Dead or Alive" and "Far Cry"

usin4204078d ago

I think everyone wants to forget about those two.

laxbeav4078d ago

Far Cry was terrible, but this was for movies that released in theaters. I watched Far Cry on netflix just to see what they did to it. I wish I didn't.

digitaleraser4078d ago

DOA was a delightfully insane comedy, and was incredibly enjoyable to watch. I was only disappointed that they ran out of crazy juice by the end...the island should've taken off into the sky, or turned into a giant robot, or something.

Zcarnut4078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

I see Doom made the list.I still mourn for the 12 people who wasted 10 bucks going to the theater to see that...Not that the others on the list were much better (or worse?)

Zcarnut4078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )


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Mortal Kombat Remaster Is Reportedly In The Works, Eyeballistic CEO Teases

A Mortal Kombat Remaster could be in development, as teased by the Eyeballistic CEO on Twitter through allegedly AI-generated images.

EazyC13d ago

Not a good look given that NRS has treated MK2

Soy13d ago

Just stop. Let MK breathe for a while.

Magic_Spatula13d ago

Didn't they have HD remakes of the first 3 games ready and for some reason decided not to release it? And also, wasn't a remake of the first game being developed already with all new actors portraying the original cast and they shelved that one too?

Pedantic9113d ago

It's all they know how to do now huh ? Could've atleast have a look at remaking/remastering Shaolin Monks.


We need The Boys' Mortal Kombat rip-off to be real

GameSpew: Episode 3 of The Boys season 4 parodied Mortal Kombat with Vought's Tournament of Heroes. Now we want it to be real.

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Tzuno38d ago

we need Bolo Yeung in mortal kombat

The_Hooligan38d ago

lol at the start of the match he can "you are next!"


Mondo Reveals Mortal Kombat Poster

Interesting artwork. Before you finish them, make sure to grab Mondo's latest poster drop! The vividly striking Mortal Kombat poster with artwork by Lewis LaRosa is available now for purchase. The Mortal Kombat poster (MSRP: $85) is now available for purchase until June 17th.

Profchaos38d ago

Could just be a cameo in the real MK has been done before I do t follow mk1 DLC closely but there was a leak about boys dlc