
Sony exec: "dozens more games coming to Vita"

TVL: Our favourite Vita front-man is at it again, promising dozens of new Vita titles on the way – under his watch alone.

a_bro4079d ago

Hopefully that comes with a price cut, including memory cards. If Sony wants this to be the companion device for the ps4, then it needs it.

jujubee884079d ago

It's yet to be shown that SCEA have the ability in them to make such a bold move.


I can confirm that the excellent hacker series Hacker Evolution and co from Exosyphen Studioes are coming to Vita.

It is an exclusive news from me, enjoy ;

sinncross4079d ago

If PSV digital sales are as good as Sony say they are, then a cut on the memory cards would be a pretty smart move.

cant wait to see what these games are but I just hope that it is not Indies only being referenced here (since this exec is responsible for the indie surge for Sony). Not that I dont want indie games, but I want Sony to also bring out some mainstream stuff too.

flyingmunky4079d ago

E3 will be the perfect time to announce those price cuts. The Vita has been out long enough now that the people who bought one at launch won't feel ripped off that they bought one for 250-300$.

tubers4079d ago

Not really.

It has to coincide with good amount of releases.

Maybe around Q4 where there's plenty of VITA games that are to be released (KZM, Tear Away, Ys, etc)

Else it's almost the same..

JPN sales are back to lower numbers w/ no real substantial software even with already having a price cut.

Unless ofc.. there's gonna be a huge title and bundle just after E3.

rainslacker4079d ago

A PS4/Vita bundle would be awesome too.:)

nix4079d ago

those memory cards. they literally bleed you. they really need to bring down the price of those things. i've got a 4 gb one and i have to keep deleting games to install another one.

one more thing that i hate about PSN and Vita is that they never properly mention the size each game takes. for PSP games it just shows the save file size for eg. 400Kb. i always have to search google to find out exact space the game requires.

and i still think the games are quite expensive. titles like Uncharted etc did retail at 50 dollars. that's expensive for such a small device.

himdeel4079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )

I agree about the memory cards bleeding you. Even though I had the money to buy a 32 gig when I purchased my Vita, I still waited a little more than a month before buying one. I kept thinking to myself, I can buy a 32 gig memory card for $75 (amazon) or I can buy games.

I eventually got the memory card so I can download all my games to the Vita. I was especially pleased to have done so, seeing that most new Vita games I've purchases except COD have been discounted on PSN.

So in the long term the larger memory card certainly is worth it but deciding between games or accessories is never something you should make a consumer do IMO.

badz1494079d ago

the fact that I can't spend too much time on my PS3 helps a bit too. here's hoping for more exciting NEW and exclusive Vita games this E3! ports will not do this system justice!

YoungKingDoran4079d ago

I reckon.
Vita is my saviour, and my GF's bane.
But seriously, her house is boring as hell.

ThanatosDMC4079d ago

32gb is too small for the Vita. I hope they come out with bigger cards. I dont like switching cards either since it messes up my icons and background pictures for each slide.

himdeel4079d ago

I agree even a 64 is too small for me now. I'd like to get a 128 gig if one was available.

ThanatosDMC4079d ago

^Yup, been downloading my games instead of buying those cartridges because it's such a hassle to change and store. Pretty sure I lost my UMvC3 cartridge because of my cat.

HakatoX4079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )

but then all we will hear is how that new card iz too pricey......

@ other people.... dont you see with the time and effort on complaining over price... you could put a couple bucks away a day and you know..... save for one? has the practice of patient purchasing and saving taken a back seat to crying and pouting?

The price is a bit high but nothing like psp launch or what we paid for first gen MB cards. Do we have to hear it in EVERY DAMNED TOPIC HERE?

All I am trying to say is your whiney efforts could be put to another more constructive use?

rainslacker4079d ago

Would be nice if they slash the prices of all the cards by AT LEAST half. Would be nice if they introduce a 64GB and I'd love a 128GB card.:) I know they're phasing out the 4GB cards.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4079d ago
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Arai4079d ago (Edited 4079d ago )

He's probably hinting at Vita E3 coverage, since Sony didn't do much last year for the system.
Rumor has it that Vita will get some decent showing at this year's E3, more so than PS3 at least.

sherimae24134079d ago

i think so too...
sony should put more vita love this coming e3, to instill confidence to potential buyers and vita owners alike ^_^

im expecting new game announcements for vita this e3 ^_^

Arai4079d ago

The conference will be 2-3 hours long, and I'm pretty sure they'll use Vita to demonstrate Remote Play with the PS4.

Plus another developer that works for Sony hinted that they have an 'avalanche' planned.

himdeel4079d ago

IT BETTER! I must see remote play for the PS4 at E3!

sherimae24134079d ago

im already HYPED and full-blown EXCITED! ^_^

im ready to face that "Avalanche" sony is preparing ^_^

RiPPn4079d ago

Dozens?? I like the sound of that. E3 is building up to be one of the best we have seen in years!! Can't wait!!

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Mortal Kombat 9 Is Still NetherRealm's Best Game 13 Years Later

Salman from Tech4Gamers writes "Mortal Kombat 9 revived the series from a low point after bringing it back to 2D combat. It marked a new high-point for the franchise due to its incredible roster, exciting cinematic story mode, and high-octane combat."

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Sonyslave322h ago

I like which ever one, Raiden was speed blasting muthafkers.

monkey6026h ago

I agree. 9 was awesome

Shaolin Monks next please

vTuro245h ago

Shaolin Monks is a forgotten gem. I would love to see a new one, or a remake of the old.

vTuro245h ago

That game was actually goated. It was the first time ever that I actually tried to get good at a fighting game. Unfortunately the online connection was so dogshit it made it hard to enjoy and eventually I gave up. Haven't really played much fighting games since.


Fragment’s Note+, Fragment’s Note+ AfterStory, and Fragment’s Note 2+ coming to PC on August 2

Ullucus Heaven will release romance visual novels Fragment’s Note+, Fragment’s Note+ AfterStory, and Fragment’s Note 2+ for PC via Steam on August 2, the developer announced.


PlayStation Plus Just Quietly Released the Most Overlooked Tactical RPG Of All Time

Jeanne d'Arc is a brilliant hidden gem that released on the PSP in 2007, and now the tactical RPG is finally available again through PlayStation Plus.

OtterX9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

One of my favorite PSP titles of all time. This is probably my favorite Classic title to hit the PS Catalog yet. I had already bought it on Vita though as part of the PSP store, so I got it for free here to keep. That was quite generous of them, considering the HD overhaul and trophy addition. It would have been worth buying again. Every jrpg fan should try this out on PS+ catalog.

solideagle9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

can we not buy it separately? it seems its only for premium

OtterX9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

No? It shows up on mine as owned "Free" bc I bought it years ago.

If you have a Vita, I suppose you could still buy it, if it's still on the store there?

*edit - yep it's still there! $9.99 is a steal for this remaster. (of course free on PS+ catalog is amazing too! This is one I like owning though) You should be able to buy it there on that link on your PC.


Here's a reddit post about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/JR...

shinoff21839d ago

It's 10 bucks. Go over to the ... on the game page. It should let you buy it

9d ago
FinalFantasyFanatic9d ago

You can buy it separately, I had to use the PS app to find it on the store (the web store is so dysfunctional), I thought the game had skipped the aussie store, lol.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 9d ago
BinaryMind9d ago

@OtterX - Yes you can buy this game without owning a Vita (like pretty much every other PS classic on PS4/PS5). I bought it yesterday on PS5. It also costed 10 USD.

BinaryMind9d ago

Yep, you get both the PS4 and PS5 versions if you buy it too.

jznrpg9d ago

Its a great one and I’m going to play it via the Portal. Summoner PS2 also got trophies which is cool

MeteorPanda9d ago

Nothing beats ff tactics: war of the lions in my heart.

gold_drake9d ago

nothin beats Shinging Force 2, i mean, no contest haha xD

shinoff21839d ago

Shining force 2 was the first tactic game I ever played. Loved that turtle.

Lionsguard9d ago

Shining Force 1 had the more memorable characters imo.

OtterX9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Yes! Final Fantasy Tactics is still my favorite tactical jrpg of them all!

TheColbertinator9d ago

Valkyria Chronicles is my #1 always

gold_drake9d ago

its rly good, playing right now actually ha.

Einhander19729d ago (Edited 9d ago )

I am playing this too, it's my first time. I really enjoy games like this and I'm having fun.

They also added Summoner which I do know quite a bit about it's also really good.

Great month for PS+ all round.

Edit: I hope Sony sees the popularity of this style of game because i have for years (since PS3) been wanting and saying they should make spin off games of their popular series but in different genres.

I have always wanted a tactical game from games like Uncharted, TLoU or Horizon (or any franchise really, I also think they could make a cool card battler Slay the Spire type game.

And they could make games like this quick and cheap compared to what they normally make.

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