
Gamers Wary of Battlefield 2142's 'Spyware'

Battlefield gamers beware: by opening a copy of Battlefield 2142 and participating in a game requiring Internet access, you're agreeing to have Electronic Arts and one of their in-game advertising associates, IGA Worldwide, study you. A printed disclaimer provided with the game states the game will be monitoring "advertising data" to determine what ads are serviced to individual players.

specialguest6490d ago

quoted from hgamer.blogspot.com

EA released a patch for Battlefield 2142 today, and I noticed this while looking through its ReadMe:
"Players who have the Windows security update KB917422 installed may suffer from an application error when running Battlefield 2142. This error can be solved by uninstalling the KB917422 update."

And what does the Windows security update KB917422 do?

From Microsoft:
"A security issue has been identified in the Windows Kernel that could allow an attacker to compromise your Windows-based system and gain control over it."

i hope EA get whats coming to them for all of the b/s they've done.

kikilala6490d ago (Edited 6490d ago )

this is too much.. lets all boycott the game.. let EA taste their own medicine.. they are forcing us to accept something that we dont want for what we buy... thats bad... i dont mind if the game itself is free but in this case we have to buy it!!! at least give us a choice whether to install the spyware program or not if they still want to include it in the game.. its like purposely buying a spyware program for our pc... EA is getting crappy by the day...

specialguest6490d ago (Edited 6490d ago )

i went to the official EA forum and it's full of complaints about this game, from major bugs to ridiculous in-game ads.

so you're thrusting forward with your tanks and blood-thirsty troops on to the battlefield. then out of nowhere a big old billboard with a colorful happy-go-lucky toilet paper ad appears....damn it! that just killed the whole atmosphere and thrill!


Every Battlefield game, ranked from worst to best

Sorting the good from the bad (company), these are our picks for the best Battlefield games of all time

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XxINFERNUSxX2186d ago

For me Battlefield 1942 is my fav, and best overall. Would be nice if DICE remastered this in the new engine and expansions that came with it. I know it would sell a ton.

JEECE2186d ago

I don't think it would. As much as I agree with you on it being great (it's one of my all time favorite multiplayer games), I don't know that its systems would work in today's market. For instance, the class system is totally static; there are no guns artificially locked away that you have to "earn." I prefer this, but I feel like modern players who have no frame of reference for the pre-COD4 era of FPS games would think a lack of a progression system is boring.

Possibly you meant that something like this would be added, but by remaster I took you to mean changes in the graphics/physics/engine etc. rather than game systems.

Plus I'd be wary of them touching 1942 again after the disappointing 1943.

Hungryalpaca2186d ago

I’ve never liked he concept of every army using every gun available. I find it ridiculous. Seems only “hardcore” games use proper equipment per team these days.

XxINFERNUSxX2186d ago

Well, yes, graphics/physics/engine etc. They can also bring it up to modern standards, like how BF4, and now V will be like, with unlocks, progression system etc.

Doomeduk2186d ago

Battlefield 2 for me it was first large scale mp battles
when i first fired it up and my pc could run it I went and spent over £100 on keyboard just to play the game
Flying a troop carrier to the mainland with 6 pals in the back and one in a cobra alongside I got goose bumps.... happy days

Crazyglues2186d ago

They got it right, Nothing was better then Bad Company 2 and sadly since DICE doesn't know why it was so good we will never get a Battlefield like that game ever again.... For the first time ever I don't even think I will buy this one, Battlefield V just looks like a Battlefield 1 reboot...So I guess I'm done, it was nice while it lasted...

2186d ago
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Modders bring Battlefield 2142 back from the dead, multiplayer working, featuring even custom maps

DSOGaming writes: "Back in October, we informed you about the termination of Revive; a mod that re-enabled multiplayer functionalities in a number of Battlefield games, including Battlefield 2142. Thankfully, a team of modders has figured out another way in order to restore multiplayer in Battlefield 2142."

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slate912415d ago

Super underrated!! Was such a good game

Usperg2415d ago

Titan assault - what a top class mode...

Played 2142 to death, good times :)

SSmoke2415d ago

love that version!! I even pre-ordered this from best buy back in the day to get that exclusive gun.. Titan defense was the shit!

beanplant2415d ago

There's a game you never hear about. Was always curious about this one


Good Deed from Revive Network Stopped

Revive Network kept fans happy with a few long dead Battlefield titles, but today that all stops.

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2463d ago