Bullet Witch Delayed...Again

Another day, another delay for the Xbox 360's Bullet Witch. This game was supposed to be released in Japan on July 13th, which is two weeks later than the original release date. Now, the official Bullet Witch site reports another two week delay that moves the release date to July 27th.

Developer AQ Interactive expresses their regrets for this additional delay to their fans.

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TOM6623d ago

gettin it right seems more important than getting it out fast. Probally the best thing to do for developers is to not give out release dates,but to do this would risk losing the mindshare of the gaming public,soI guess will will continue to get dates that get pushed back. I like carmacks standard respoce to release dates..."when its done"

Lucidmantra6623d ago

LOL. Yeah 2 weeks isn't exactly a backbreakingly long delay.

achira6622d ago

i ask my self why everyone votes for "cool" when its a delay ??? when sony would delay then it would be "lame".

Majunior6622d ago

its prolly cuz this game looks like crap and no one cares..Bring on Gears and H3

TOM6622d ago

No.4 I voted cool ,because its cool that they delayed it a little longer to get it right. has nothing to do with the ps3/sony sucking

Majunior6622d ago

can u read. In my post i said nothin about the ps3 suckin...i just think this game looks like crap.. i can have an opinion...

Majunior6622d ago

if u think im a ps3 fanboy u r terreibly mistaken...check my gs....cmon HUXLEY!!!!

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Bullet Witch (PC) Review

Bullet Witch is an action-adventure taking place in an exceedingly bleak near-future. Civilization is on the brink of extinction after demons begin appearing on the earth, and the player wades into the fray as a witch named Alicia.

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CrimsonWing692095d ago

Y’know, I know the game isn’t good but I liked this game a lot. Shame it never got fully realized.


Bullet Witch (PC) Review - Entertainingly Bad? - GameSoulz

Is a PC port of a 11 years old game necessary? Not really, if it´s titled Bullet Witch and barely even remembered today but is there at least something behind all this?

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morganfell2250d ago (Edited 2250d ago )

So glad they did this. As soon as it popped on Steam I grabbed it. I actually didn't have an issue with it running. Yes there are a lot of game non-technical game related problems but its a property that they really should do something with since the potential is there.

2249d ago

5 video game sequels from the 2000s that need to be revived

Players have been crying out for certain sequels for years, but for some reason, they haven't been made.

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LTJ812275d ago

L.A. Noire for me since that original was a phenomenal game except for that terrible ending. Maybe a sequel will rectify that nonsense!

2275d ago
lifesanrpg2275d ago

LA Noire was a game I was SO excited for and then completely let down. That being said, I would like to see another stab at it, as I think it had great potential. And I loved the music/setting/time period.

Prince_TFK2274d ago

I thought LA Noire was a really great game, beside its bland open world.

mbecker732275d ago

Still wish we got a sequel to Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

Aceman182275d ago

Mmaaaannnnn I loved that game, would love a sequel. Also one for lost odyssey, LA Noire, and Jade Empire.

chaosblades2274d ago

Are you aware of "Shadow of the Eternals"? Supposed to be a spiritual successor or something.
It didn't pass Kickstarter, but Denis Dyack says he is still working on it.

Gronkeykong2275d ago

All games that I’ve owned and played at some point in time and never finished. Out of them, I’d most likely go with LA Noire for a sequel

DivineAssault 2275d ago

lost odyssey was a great game for its time.. I wouldnt mind seeing it revived.. Jade empire too

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