
First Screenshots of Sky Crawlers for Wii

Here are the first screenshots of the exclusive game from the Ace Combat developers for the Wii.

Intrepid5971d ago

Uhh.. a 3rd party Wii game with good graphics??


Chubear5971d ago

just what I thought as well XD

It's kinda good to see something other than shovelware for 3rd party ninty games and it actualy looks decent.

cooke155971d ago

There are a few Wii 3rd party games with good graphics but not in a photoerealistic sense.. Zack and Wiki, No More Heroes (in some occasions) MOH2

games4fun5971d ago

@intrepid i know what you mean i laughed when it said screenshots because i was expecting a horrible looking pos

these are really good i'm impressed with this team if i owned a wii id buy that

LinuxGuru5971d ago

Ace Combat developers = Gran Turismo developers of combat flight sims.

cooke155971d ago

Looks like it could be good :)

Snipes205971d ago

If it is, the game has a good start. If it is real time then this game looks good. I'm surprised a third party developer is taking the time to make good graphics on the Wii...


The Sky Crawlers Review - Classy Gamer

Classy Gamer reviews The Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces, the latest Wii air combat game by Project Aces, creators of the Ace Combat series.

Sky Crawlers suffers from a faulty main control scheme, but proves very enjoyable with a classic or GameCube controller, bringing to the Wii an engrossing and deep story, crowned by anime cutscenes produced by one of the most acclaimed studios in Japan.

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Saeveth5213d ago

This game truly looks beautiful. I almost wish I had a Wii.


Gamertell Review: The Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces for Wii

Gamertell has posted a mostly positive review of Xseed Games' The Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces for Wii.

From the review:

"All of this comes together to make an odd little anti-war wargame that also happens to be the best air combat sim currently on the Wii. It has its troubles, none of which should deter you if you've been pining for quality dogfighting action since finishing Blazing Angels."

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Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces Review [Spawn Kill]

Snarkasaur of SK writes: Project Aces has attempted to bridge this gap over the years with a series of console-friendly flight games, and for the most part they've been well received. Sky Crawlers tries to bridge the gap even further by combining a flight engine with an already established book and anime movie. For many, particularly those who found the Sky Crawlers movie enjoyable, this gap was not difficult to traverse. It's a smart move, and for the most part it works because it not only adds a pleasing aesthetic to the game, but gets an enjoyable, while not uber-realistic, flight sim into the hands of those it might not otherwise have found.

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TheBand1t5287d ago

Where is Ace Combat 7, Project Aces?

I'm starting to lose patience.

jerethdagryphon5287d ago

ive lsot patience a psp ace combat this year with no sign of a proper one...... comeone aces get the lead out

Snarkasaur5287d ago

The above comments did make me think of something I forgot about in the review, mainly that this game got me interested in the other Project Aces games.

pcz5287d ago

Can you fly around without time restraints in this game?

Snarkasaur5287d ago

Not in the story missions, though honestly at least on a medium difficulty time was never a factor, or at least a pressing one.

There is also a free mission mode though.

pcz5287d ago

Thanks. Thats good then, i can't wait to fly around.

I sometimes play the flight simulator on google earth, quite fun just to dive lol

So im really looking forward to this game. My first flight 'sim' really

dwightmccarthy5287d ago

I might have test this out just because of the wii controls.

asdr3wsfas5287d ago (Edited 5287d ago )

For 30 dollars it's certainly worth it. The textures on the ground aren't the greatest but the wii controls are fun. Wiimote does accelerate, dpad yaws, nunchuck is like the flight stick.

I haven't played that far in but the controls are very nicely done. If you like flight sims but not enough to invest in expensive joysticks it's a good purchase.