
Xbox Infinity: Microsoft Employee Tweets Mysterious Image, Possible Kinect 2.0 Tease


"Eric Neustadter, "the xbox live operations gaming ninja," has posted a very intriguing image on Twitter, and the only bit of text included with the picture reads: "#ThisMeansNothing."

I'm convinced it's a Kinect 2.0 tease."

alexcosborn4086d ago

Do you think it will help me improve my Halo skills?

Mustang300C20124086d ago

I still wear my Nintendo power glove and it brings my teams to victory in Halo 4

doctorstrange4086d ago

It's an Xbot after all... :P someone had to do that pun

LOL_WUT4086d ago

It's Microsofts version of the power glove ;)

zebramocha4086d ago (Edited 4086d ago )

Let's hope kinect gets put in the next assassin creed.

Autodidactdystopia4085d ago

something tells me we've just seen our first xbox 720 game or techdemo screenshot.

That is what I think. could be wrong but images like that don't create themselves and unless a source is found I would be willing to bet that that is a direct screenshot from a techdemo or a game.

the whole image strikes me as a realtime render from an engine I don't recognize. :)

who knows guess we'll see in a few days.

morganfell4085d ago

"something tells me we've just seen our first xbox 720 game or techdemo screenshot."

Something tells me we haven't. It's obviously a take on the The Creation of Adam by Michaelangelo which is in the Cystine Chapel. In this case it is Microsoft's marketing version of a new Adam.

In the original painting god is on the left and Adam on the right. This imples the new Xbox will create a new person...a new you. It's a good marketing poster but I highly doubt it is a game.

zeee4085d ago (Edited 4085d ago )

"iBox" starring Will Smith :)

Braid4085d ago

It's Respawn's Nextbox exclusive sci-fi FPS title.

You heard it here first.

shadow27974085d ago

"In the original painting god is on the left and Adam on the right. This imples the new Xbox will create a new person...a new you. It's a good marketing poster but I highly doubt it is a game."

Except in the original painting God is on the right and Adam is on the left. Your interpretation still makes sense, though.

pixelsword4085d ago


Microsoft invented the power glove.

And Avatars.


+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4085d ago
sashimi4086d ago

does this mean xbox man is going to lose his job? :(

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4086d ago (Edited 4086d ago )

"Xbox robot confirmed!"

That is called an xbot?

see u guys next week since i maybe banned.

4Sh0w4086d ago

lol, doesn't take much to get a bunch of wild speculation. I think its just some random pic he threw out to see who bites.

AngelicIceDiamond4086d ago

If the Xbox is turning into robots then ummm consider me out lol.

GameCents4086d ago

Xbox Nokia. I called it first. Lol.

Syntax-Error4085d ago (Edited 4085d ago )

Are you people still calling it 720? A name that was coined by a game site and NOT officially by Microsoft. Even the project name was Durango and you idiots are still calling it 720. No wonder the industry thinks you guys are sheep

hennessey864085d ago

Wow....................just... ....................wow

jrbeerman114085d ago

ok so xboxinfinitydurangofuse then?

grimmweisse4085d ago

And the industry thinks you're a twat!

Cryptcuzz4085d ago

With comments like that no wonder you're an error. Chill out man, people can call it whatever they want until Microsoft officially announces what they are calling it.

Even with the PS4 when it was code named Orbis, most people still call it the PS4 before Sony announce that, that is in fact what they are calling it.

OT: I thought the image is pretty cool and artistic. Looking forward to the show tomorrow with great anticipation.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4085d ago
novcze4085d ago

xbox robot hand confirmed ... you know, like Howard had in Big Bang Theory :)

GamerToons4085d ago

Microsoft has taken Adam Orth and turned him into a robot to turn on and enslave humanity to get revenge for his Always On debacle.

I'll be back... online!

..errr.. that or it's a hint for the new Xbox reveal tomorrow.

Davuskus4085d ago

An Xbox robot who plays all the games for you! You don't have to play at all, just let your Xbox robot have all the fun!

Mounce4085d ago

Rob the robot 'Sequel' confirmed.

Made by Rare, made with Kinect. It will invade your home and help hold your hand while you play your games.

crazysammy4085d ago

X.B.O.X the Robot packed in with every console!

xtremeimport4085d ago

who actually cares about Kinect?

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 4085d ago
alexcosborn4086d ago

Hey, ya never know!

The future of Kinect is sure to be interesting...

Blackdeath_6634085d ago (Edited 4085d ago )

...let me just scan my skateboard in front of the camera and ask a friend what i should wear this evening

ginsunuva4086d ago

I was thinking a hint towards Android (the OS.) But then I realized MS wants to push windows on mobile too, so nevermind.

DeadlyFire4085d ago

Think more like Windows RT(ARM edition). That is the version they are pushing towards ARM devices, phones and such. Next Xbox would have to have a lite version of Windows on it if any version at all so I am thinking Windows 8 RT(ARM version)

hkgamer4085d ago

I doubt it.

For some reason, it's probably something to do with Kinect.

What I saw when I first saw it is that Kinect will be able to detect the users finger movements, (like it was suppose to for kinect 1.0).

ginsunuva4085d ago (Edited 4085d ago )

But the xbox would have to have an ARM processor, which it won't

Cryptcuzz4085d ago

We don't know that, I know you are basing it on the year old leaked documents and rumors, but within that time frame, it could have changed. Let us not make such bold comments until tomorrow. You may in fact be right, but nothing is for certain until it is officially announce as such.


GraveLord4086d ago

OMG! I can use my hands to do simple crap that can be done much faster with a controller!

Gazondaily4086d ago

Wow.......you haven't seen what is yet and....

Ah I can't be assed

DOMination-4086d ago

Lets all ignore that the ps4 has a kinect v1.0 ripoff and that sony are bound to show a load of games that use it at e3!!!

Gimmemorebubblez4086d ago (Edited 4086d ago )

Lets all ignore that the Kinect V.1.0 was a rip off of the eye-toy...........

Shuyin4085d ago

Lol, another ignorant fool. You do realize MS ripped off Sony's Eyetoy / PSEye first, right?
Jeez...people these days..

DOMination-4085d ago

Just because it's a camera of sorts, doesn't make it a rip off. That's like saying Apple ripped off Nokia for making a phone. Yeah, it's a phone but a completely different phone.

The EyeToy was a nice little innovation at the time, but it was essentially just a webcam. The Kinect can track objects and people in a 3D space and has a motor to adjust it's viewing angles automatically. So is it an evolution of the EyeToy? Well, yes it is - nearly everything has to evolve from something else, but is it a ripoff? No.

duli144085d ago

With that logic you could say MS ripped off Sony for making a gaming console.

nukeitall4085d ago


"Lol, another ignorant fool. You do realize MS ripped off Sony's Eyetoy / PSEye first, right?"

So you are saying Sony started that abomination of motion controlls with a camera?

I guess now we know who to blame! It all started with Sony whom sowed the evil seed that sprouted into Kinect!!! :D

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dale_denton4086d ago

yay more gimmicks from microsoft and still no games

andibandit4085d ago

You dont even know what it is, #troll fail

dale_denton4085d ago

i'll bet my bottom dollar it is.

Cryptcuzz4085d ago

It is called a teaser. It is made with the intent to tease and entice conversations on what tomorrow's show would include or be about.

Of course they are not going to show off games now when the unveil is tomorrow.

If you are talking about when the console gets released and still no games, then all I got to do to that is shake my head. #Shame

SonyPS3604085d ago

OMG! let's all assume it's about kinect so I can give my own, bitchy point of view on it!

SonyPS3604085d ago


Let's all pretend that making a completely superior piece of tech (kinect) is the same as ripping off a webcam with apps (eye toy).

Nodoze4085d ago

Kinect = superior tech HAHAHAHAHA

Sony360 = TOOL

omi25p4085d ago

OMG! You know that its a new type of controller just by a picture!

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