
Meet Daniel “zh1nt0” Matros: A Beautiful Mind

MWEB GameZone writer, Han Cilliers, interviews the extraordinary Daniel “zh1nt0” Matros. He is well known for his passion for gaming and the gaming community, he is currently working as a producer for Battlefield, he manages the legendary eSports team, Epsilon and he founded Charitystream.

PandaMcBearface4150d ago

So lovely to stream games for charity. A man with fingers in many pies! A very interesting read!

HanCilliers4150d ago

What an extraordinary individual


Battlefield 4: This could be our year

With the countdown to Battlefield 4 now measured in weeks rather than months, Matt Burgess caught up with DICE producer Daniel Matros in Japan to talk sales predictions, next-gen consoles, and playing nice with newcomers.

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nitrogav4010d ago

It won`t be unless you give us our BF3 controls back !! .

dethpuck4010d ago

the new controls are fine. I like the flying controls for heli's especially. The land vehicles not so much. Overall though it helps on consoles, because the buttons for firing and aiming don't change. It weirded me out at first, but after a while its fine.

Hufandpuf4010d ago

flying the helicopter felt so weird.


Battlefield 4 Interview - Daniel Matros Talks Toppling Buildings | X360A

Over the years, Battlefield has carved itself out a robust reputation as the large-scale warfare first-person shooter with the vehicles and the massive destruction. Battlefield 4 is aiming to take that rep, and up it to a whole other level, with the game's new 'levolution' feature dramatically changing the multiplayer maps.

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hankmoody4018d ago

This to me is what puts Battlefield a head above what Call of Duty offers. I'm dying to blow a building up with enemies on top (or inside) of it.


Check Out Battlefield 4 PS4 Version's Gameplay Footage and a Producer Q&A From Tokyo Game Show

Battlefield 4 was between the games appearing at Tokyo Game Show, and this time around the version showcased was the PS4 one.

Here's a video showcasing gameplay and a Q&A with producer Daniel Matros from the show floor.

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Heisenburger4023d ago

*slowly looks up from monitor*

My God...

Eonjay4023d ago

This looks fantastic.

Peppino74022d ago

from 1:10 on... the camera man was a lil obsessed with the asian cutie pie lol. funniness.

mikeslemonade4022d ago

Lame.. I hope Battlefield and Call of Duty succumb to newer competition. I not here to play these half-generation upgraded games.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4022d ago
Eonjay4022d ago

Also, if you boys are done comparing dicks, you may notice the hot chick at the beginning of the video lol.

windblowsagain4022d ago

Actually i don't normally go for her type, but she was very good looking.


Yes, she is quite beautiful, and really reminds me of a friend from back in H.S., also really like the more natural looking colors in the game.

Grave4022d ago

Best part of the whole video was the hot little Japanese gal. I have the yellow fevah!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4022d ago
MotoDot4023d ago

Damn so beautiful with PS4 , Can't wait !

Gozer4023d ago (Edited 4023d ago )

I don't see how you get beautiful from this low quality video. The video is pixelated and everything. Ill wait for a good quality video before I pass judgment. The girl in pink is the only pretty thing about this video.

Crazyglues4023d ago (Edited 4023d ago )

Ok were to start wow, looks like dog sh*t compared to the High end PC version they have been showing us for so long...

the red and blue colors on the menu hate that...

it's suppose to blend-in with the game.. who is working on this game? come on are you trying to make the game look stupid - what was wrong with the menu colors here - http://www.youtube.com/watc...

Look how nice that PC version looks on the gun customize, menu is perfect.. blends right in...

I'll hold off until I can get a better copy of the video feed but this does not look good at all.

||.........___||............ ||

Sevir4023d ago

What's the Xbox One Version look like?

eyeDEVOUR4022d ago

They were just showing spectator mode... did you even pay attention? Lol

xKugo4022d ago

There weren't showing the customization screen... It was just spectator mode and if you want to compare color palates, I would much rather the blue and red rather than the green and yellow of the PC version spectator mode shown at Gamescom.

Can't really compare the gameplay either because this is extremely low quality, like 240p low-quality. The shit burns my eyes it's so bad. Hard to watch...

leogets4021d ago

let me guess. a but hurt PC fanboy that can't handle a console looking as good as your million dollar PC?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4021d ago
cvflyboy4023d ago (Edited 4023d ago )

Idk what to think? I know its off screen but it kind of looked ps3ish. I have this game reserved but I really want to get that next gen feel. I love me some battlefield and hope we can get an official trailer soon so I can decide between this and Kz.

wishingW3L4022d ago

the fanboy goggle make you see whatever you want to see. lol

Bolts4022d ago

Beauty how? Quality of this vid is shit.

Psycho_Mantis4022d ago

The one thing Ive seen beautiful besides the footage was of course that piece of ass! I wouldnt mind chasing that! :P

abzdine4022d ago

i think this game looks terrible and all first feedback from TGS say that it doesn't look next gen..
Killzone Shadow Fall is the beast i'm going for for sure!

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fullmetal2974023d ago (Edited 4023d ago )

Looks like battlefield 4 on the PC. I wonder what is the resolution and settings.

Gamesgbkiller4023d ago

This looks smooth

Can't wait for my PS4 to come :)

Lior4023d ago

I don't want to play games in 2013 at 720p

dcj05244022d ago

Good thing we don't have to.

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