
Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection Only $49.99, Given July 9th Release Date by Amazon

Back when Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection was announced, Konami handed it a June 2013 release window and failed to give it a price. Thanks to Amazon, we now know how much it costs, and when it’s likely to release. - PSLS

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TrendyGamers4146d ago

Good to know they kept the price down.

LOGICWINS4146d ago

I was expecting it to be $39.99.

TrendyGamers4146d ago

I was thinking they might even bump it up to $59.99, so seeing $49.99 is better.

$39.99 would have been preferred though.

FamilyGuy4146d ago

6 games, a graphic novel and a 100 page art book... are you crazy?

I'm surprised it's not more expensive, not only can you catch up on the entire series it has a 100 page art book as well.

Those $40 HD collections usually have 3 games included tops. This is double that and extras.

xHeavYx4146d ago

Wow, that's a very low price for all you get. I was going to get this anyways but now it's a no-brainer for people who never played Metal Gear (like, crazy people)

Irishguy954146d ago

I'm gonna wait for the inevitable collection with the rest of the franchise in it...

minimur124146d ago

rest of the franchise you say?

well, sir, sign this petition my friend made to include Portable Ops (the one mising game) in the collection.


Wedge194146d ago

That's an incredible price for this complete collection. (Ok... ok, I know some of you will say it's not complete without Portable Ops and Ac!d, but I think it's really the necessary MGS Titles).

Minato-Namikaze4146d ago

i really wanted MGS1 to have trophies. I'll probably skip this and keep my individual titles......maybe.

Coltrane_C4146d ago

What PS1 game has trophies?

Minato-Namikaze4146d ago

I'm hoping that new sony patent goes into effect soon, lol.

wishingW3L4146d ago

if it were for PS4, or if at least the PS4 had BC then I would buy it. So I'll just wait for the obligatory "ultimate collection" on PS4.

Snookies124146d ago (Edited 4146d ago )

This will be bought. Even though I own these games in multiple ways. (Have MGS1 on disc, and on PSN. MGS2 on Disc, and on the HD collection. MGS3 on disc, and on the HD collection. Have MGS4's collector's edition.)

MGS is just one of those titles for me... I consider it one of the greatest franchises ever.

TechnicianTed4146d ago

Why would you buy this if you already own the games? I'm sure you love the games and all, but if you already have them it seems kind of pointless to buy them again.

Why not - and I know it might seem crazy - buy a game you haven't already got?

Snookies124146d ago

Because I like its collector value? I'm not big on collections, but as I said. I love the MGS series. So I don't want to miss out on this, especially if it ends up becoming rare or something.

Software_Lover4146d ago

So, what is it going to be called when it comes out next gen?

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Gaming’s Hidden Treasures: A Selection of Easter Eggs

Have an egg or two on us...

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2714d ago
2714d ago

5 Memorable Metal Gear Solid Boss Battles

Retro Remastered's Squiggy lists his five most memorable boss battles from the Metal Gear Solid series.

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2899d ago
bouzebbal2899d ago

not the most memorable but i really liked final battle in MGS4 between 2 snakes.
Otherwise my most memorable fight is against The End in MGS3. I realized how rich that game was with all the gadgets available to spot him.

shauzy2899d ago

this list is crap, where is the ladder?

sdcard4gb2898d ago

Do pay attention there are no memorable bosses listed from MGSV.
You know why ?
Because they were pathetic :3


Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection and more discounted

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain has been discounted to as low as $21.48 while Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection ($23.75) and The Art of Metal Gear Solid V ($30.39) are also on sale.

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OldGuyStillGaming2983d ago

Just got my copy from Best Buy for $20

Idiedgoodbye2983d ago (Edited 2983d ago )

I can't play the game because of a damn save glitch that keeps reverting to a previous save point.

I got up to %6 completion and it keeps reverting me back to %2 I did about 6 missions. It's frustrating as f

OldGuyStillGaming2983d ago

How far into the game did this happen to you?

raWfodog2982d ago

Sounds like its time for me to get my copy of TPP now :)

Sidewinder-2983d ago

Dat feel when 21/07/2016 - you already own the game.

Idiedgoodbye2983d ago

Sales like these are reasons why I wait for price drops. I'll be buying Gears 4, and Skyrim day one though.

NukaCola2983d ago

Im 80 hours in. Does this gamw ever end?

ElementX2983d ago (Edited 2983d ago )

I just started MGS5 on PC a couple days ago, it's great but I want to know who dropped diamonds all over the base.

TheColbertinator2983d ago

You'd think cleaning crews would be making more than the R and D boys

Gardenia2982d ago

Almost a year ago since release. It wasn't my favorite MGS but looking back at it now, I kind of miss TPP. The gameplay was fun

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