
In-depth Review: Sacred Citadel - Electronic Theatre

The Sacred franchise may not be the biggest name in the videogames industry, but it’s developed enough of a following to support not only a third title, but also a spin-off in another genre. Sacred Citadel is the unlikely scrolling beat-‘em-up offspring of an action role-playing game, but Electronic Theatre is most certainly pleased that Deep Silver had such faith in the brand as here they offer one of the finest of it’s ilk on recent years.

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Which of this week’s Xbox Live Deals With Gold bargains should you pick up? – 20th Sept

Neil writes "As Xbox gamers we've had a huge number of discounts thrust our way with the recent Xbox Live Deals With Gold offerings. This week though? Well, it's a little sparse to say the least. But which are the best and worst of the deals on offer between the 20th-26th Sept 2016? We delve in and take a look."

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Are the free Xbox Games With Gold titles for February 2016 any good?

Neil writes "The Xbox Games With Gold scheme very rarely fails to deliver. Since it’s inception, there have been a ton of games given away on both Xbox One and Xbox 360. With the latest Xbox 360 titles now becoming backwards compatible on the bigger more powerful console, the program has seemingly moved up another gear. But ultimately, Games With Gold will be judged on the quality of the free titles being given away. With that in mind, is February 2016 any good?"

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T1ttyMunch3r3063d ago ShowReplies(3)
Pogmathoin3063d ago

Games are free.... Free games..... Getting it? Sure they will not appeal to everyone, everytime.... Buuut, free games....

Pogmathoin3063d ago

Insult me all you want, but if your a member, its free.... Before you got nothing.....

Christopher3063d ago

Not every month can be a winner. It's not a bad offering, just not as good as the last two months. I'm fine with that.

FlexLuger3063d ago

I agree with septic, though styx is descent. But I bought it in an XBL sale for 8 bucks ages ago. Not really into the card game, so its a "meh" from me too. They could have given away shovel knight or nero or something instead. And I already got gears 2 on BC.

TheColbertinator3063d ago

If you played Gears 2 already then...we'll just wait for March

InMyOpinion3063d ago

It's kind of a weird game to offer. Anyone who owned a 360 and was remotely interested in shooters has probably already played it to death.

GordonKnight3063d ago

It 's nice to add it to my digital collection though. Now, i've got all the Gears games digitally.

donthate3063d ago

I already have Gears 2 several times over as a Gear head, but this should revive the game a little.

3063d ago
InMyOpinion3063d ago

Got Styx for free on the PS4 and hoped it would be fun. Sadly it wasn't.

Deathdeliverer3062d ago

Holy shit that game is terrible isn't it? Stayed on my ps4 for about three agonizing levels/missions. It should come with a warning and disclaimer.

rdgneoz33062d ago

Yah, I tried to get into it. Was hoping it'd get better after the first level or 2, but it was meh.

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ScorpiusX3067d ago

2 of the 4 look good the other 2 blah

PeaSFor3067d ago

played Styx when it was free on ps+, its an ok stealth game, not really my kind of games but its still decent.

ScorpiusX3067d ago

I think it was a great game very different

Pogmathoin3067d ago

Cannot expect blockbusters everytime, plus some games I do not have some of these, so happy regardless...

Bigpappy3067d ago

Hands of Fate is better than average. There is gun to be had. But as you get deeper into the levels it can get fusrating.

Sacred 2 was a good game, but I haven't played Citadel, so I can't recommend it. Gears 2 had one of the best Gears campaigns. If you haven't played it you should. The online co-op is fun as well.
That stealth game demo was too dull for me, but some may still have fun with it.

Genuine-User3067d ago (Edited 3067d ago )

I'll give hand of fate a go. It's poor month, in my opinion - unless you haven't played Gears of War 2.

AngelicIceDiamond3067d ago

I agree its not that impressive. Hand Of Fate for me.

Automatic793067d ago

Hand of fate
Gears of War 2
Sacred Citidal

Plus add Witcher 2

You guys are complaining damn. I see nothing but great solid fun games. I guess you can't make everyone happy.

elarcadia3067d ago

It's not a great month, but considering I have a ginormous backlog I am totally okay with that.

Genuine-User3067d ago

Yep. I have yet to start Ori, SOMA and Transformers Devastation.

Bobafret3067d ago

Yeah, my backlog of untouched games is about 30.

mark_parch3066d ago

same. ive still got witcher 3 dlc. tomb raider dlc, alien isolation and only stratched the surface on cod zombies and forza 6 and ive gotta do all this whilst still getting my halo 5 and killer instinct fix. just isn't enough time lol

Kribwalker3067d ago

I was hoping for rocket league to be free as its suppose to release this month, oh well, I'm still working through a backlog on my Xbox and ps4 so it's ok for both to be lacking this month

Genuine-User3067d ago (Edited 3067d ago )

That wasn't going to happen considering its success on PS4 and PC.

PS+ isn't lacking, in my opinion. Helldivers is fantastic.

phatak3067d ago

Rocket league should have been absolutely free, the whole reason that its so successful other than the fact that it's a great game is word of mouth, I have a bunch of friends that would have never even touched the game at normal price but gave it a shot because it was free on ps plus.

On top of that the playstation players get to play the game with pc players so the player base is substantially greater. This should have been offered with gold so that the xbl community for this game would be big

YinYangGaming3067d ago

Not up to the standard I've come to expect from GWG but I'll give hand of fate a go and will probably skip the others as I've already beaten Gears 2 multiple times

T1ttyMunch3r3067d ago

I already own styx, its a fun game but i couldnt beat it since the levels were huge.

magiciandude3067d ago

I'll give this and Hand of Fate a try. I already own Gears 2 for buying GoW: Ultimate Edition but it's a very good game for anyone that doesn't have it. This month could've been better.

Concertoine3067d ago (Edited 3067d ago )

They just dont make games like Styx anymore. I found it really refreshing. In another time it'd be a PS2 title selling for 5 bucks in your local game store, plastered with stickers.

Volkama3067d ago

Don't make games like Styx anymore? I can think of a recent game that is a lot like Styx. It's called Styx.


Concertoine3067d ago


Thanks, i'll check it out.

annoyedgamer3067d ago (Edited 3067d ago )

Still waiting for Black Ops BC. Would forfeit a month of GWG for it.

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